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Created August 19, 2020 11:54
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Python 2 script using arcpy - Buffer all the layers in the mapdoc!
# Title of Script:
# Description: Takes a map document, workspace, and buffer distance.
# Creates a buffered layer for each layer in the map document. Names buffered layers as: <original name>_buffer.
# If output name already exists, the naming convention
# Inserts buffered layer below original layer in TOC.
# Map documents with multiple dataframes are allowed, will be processed iteratively.
# Author: Stafford Smith
# Creation date: 26/10/2019 (SS)
# Last update: 30/10/2019 (SS)
import arcpy
import time
import sys
def getLayers(mapdoc, df):
# lists the layers of dataframe df in mapdoc. Returns lyrlist.
lyrList = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mapdoc, "", df)
# must filter lyrList to remove layers that cannot be buffered, such as WMS
for lyr in lyrList:
# Find out if the layer represents a feature class
desc = arcpy.Describe(lyr)
print + " is a valid layer."
print + "Not a regular feature class, excluded from layer list."
return lyrList
def bufferLyrs(df, lyrList, buffer_dist):
# creates output paths, checks if each layer is bufferable, if so the layer is buffered
# and added to the map document dataframe.
for lyr in lyrList:
# newLyrname = + str(buffer_dist) # this line provides an alternate layer naming strategy.
# This needs further development, as name length limits are likely to be encountered.
newLyrName = + "_buffer"
outputPath = newLyrName + ".shp"
if arcpy.Exists(outputPath): # Must check if output path is already used, or buffer operation will fail:
print "Output path <" + outputPath + "> is already used."
outputPath = newLyrName + "_" + str(int(time.time())) + ".shp"
print "Output path <" + outputPath + "> will be used instead."
# the previous step may need to be called recursively, if there is a likelihood of the name
# <layer name>_buffer_new.shp being already in use. The layer would then be called
# <layer name>_buffer_new.shp
buffer_distance_or_field=buffer_dist, line_side="FULL", line_end_type="ROUND",
dissolve_option="NONE", dissolve_field="", method="PLANAR")
# create layer in TOC and reference it in a variable for possible other actions
newLyrName = arcpy.mapping.Layer(outputPath)
# Adds layer to mxd
# arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, newLyrName, "BOTTOM")
arcpy.mapping.InsertLayer(df, lyr, newLyrName, "AFTER")
print + " cannot be buffered. Moving on to next layer..."
print "Buffering completed"
# get from the user buffer distance, map doc location, workspace
print "This script will ask the user for a map document location, a data workspace, and a buffer distance.\n" \
"It will then perform a buffer operation on each layer in the specified map document, using the specified\n"\
"buffer distance. It will save these layers in the specified workspace, and add them to the map document."
mxd = raw_input("Please enter the full path to your .mxd file:")
mapdoc = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxd)
except SyntaxError as error_details:
print('SyntaxError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except IOError as error_details:
print('IOError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except ValueError as error_details:
print('ValueError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except TypeError as error_details:
print('TypeError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
buffer_dist = int(input("Please enter the buffer distance in m:"))
except SyntaxError as error_details:
print('SyntaxError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except IOError as error_details:
print('IOError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except ValueError as error_details:
print('ValueError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except TypeError as error_details:
print('TypeError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
arcpy.env.workspace = raw_input("Please enter the full path to your workspace folder:")
except SyntaxError as error_details:
print('SyntaxError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except IOError as error_details:
print('IOError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except ValueError as error_details:
print('ValueError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
except TypeError as error_details:
print('TypeError, Goodbye!\n', error_details)
def main():
if sys.version_info[0] > 2.7:
raise Exception("Python 2.7 is required.") # guards against running the script with Python 3.x
global mapdoc # ensures that <mapdoc> is set to be a global variable
dfList = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mapdoc) # gets list of dataframes fro, the specified map document
for df in dfList: # this allows for map documents with multiple dataframes.
lyrList = getLayers(mapdoc, df)
bufferLyrs(df, lyrList, buffer_dist)
del lyrList # deletes the lyrList object to clean up memory # saves the mapdocument so that added layers will be visible when the map document is opened.
del mapdoc # deletes the mapdoc object to clean up memory
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