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Serhii Stotskyi stalniy

Working from home
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stalniy / 1.
Last active January 8, 2025 12:00
Ebusd Vaillant Eloblock

Прошивка Wemos D1 mini для ebusd адаптера

Зазначені нижче кроки будуть актуальні для linux (ubuntu) та macos, вінда на "відпочинку" не мав змоги перевірити це там. Для прошивки будемо використовувати

Вимоги: ubuntu : встановлений пайтон 3.8.10, або вище (має бути доступний за замовчанням, перевіряємо: python3 -V) macos : встановлений brew, за допомогою якого доставимо все необхідне

Установка esptool: MacOS:

stalniy / example.js
Created October 16, 2020 19:01
UCAST dot notation
const test = guard({ '': 1 });
const sifter = sift({ '': 1 });
console.log(test({ author: { id: 1 } })) // true
console.log(sifter({ author: { id: 1 } })) // true
stalniy / example.js
Created October 16, 2020 18:58
ucast and sift.js difference
import { guard } from '@ucast/mongo2js';
import sift from 'sift';
const test = guard({ author: { id: 1 } });
const sifter = sift({ author: { id: 1 } });
console.log(test({ author: { id: 1 } })) // false
console.log(sifter({ author: { id: 1 } })) // true
stalniy / example.js
Created October 16, 2020 18:56
MongoDB query parser + JS interpreter
import { MongoQueryParser, allParsingInstructions } from '@ucast/mongo';
import { createJsInterpreter, allInterpreters } from '@ucast/js';
const parser = new MongoQueryParser(allParsingInstructions);
const interpret = createJsInterpreter(allInterpreters);
const ast = parser.parse({ authorId: 1, status: 'published' });
console.log(interpret(ast, { authorId: 1, status: 'published' })); // true
console.log(interpret(ast, { authorId: 2, status: 'published' })); // false
stalniy / example.js
Created October 16, 2020 18:55
JavaScript UCAST Interpreter
import { createJsInterpreter, eq, lt, gt } from '@ucast/js';
const interpret = createJsInterpreter({ eq, lt, gt });
stalniy / example.js
Created October 16, 2020 18:54
MongoDB Query parser
import { MongoQueryParser, $eq } from '@ucast/mongo';
const parser = new MongoQueryParser({ $eq });
const ast = parser.parse({
authorId: 1
stalniy / index.js
Created August 10, 2020 12:52
CASL + Objection
const { defineAbility } = require('@casl/ability');
const { rulesToQuery } = require('@casl/ability/extra');
const Knex = require('knex');
const { Model } = require('objection');
const { interpret } = require('@ucast/objection')
const { CompoundCondition } = require('@ucast/core')
const knex = Knex({
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: ':memory:'
stalniy / sjQuery.class.php
Last active July 29, 2020 07:46
Extended Doctrine 1.2 Query class with support for multiInsert
class sjQuery extends Doctrine_Query {
$_insert_queue_size = 0,
$_insert_queue = array(),
$_last_insert_ids = array(),
$_relations_queue = array();
public function queueSize(){
return count($this->_insert_queue);
stalniy / sequelize.ts
Created July 8, 2020 09:30
UCAST sequelize
import { createInterpreter, InterpretationContext, Condition, FieldCondition, Comparable, CompoundCondition } from '@ucast/core'
import { MongoQueryParser, allParsingInstructions } from '@ucast/mongo';
import sequelize from 'sequelize';
const seq = new sequelize.Sequelize('sqlite::memory:');
class User extends sequelize.Model {}
firstName: {
stalniy / ability.js
Created April 10, 2020 12:56
CASL 4.0 subject type detection for POJO
import { defineAbility, subject as an } from '@casl/ability';
const object = {
title: 'My article',
description: '...',
ability.can('read', an('Article', object));
// or