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Last active February 15, 2020 17:46
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Save standage/5526823 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Calculate summary statistics for a genome/transcriptome assembly.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
$/ = ">";
<STDIN>; # Discard "junk", if any, at beginning of the file.
my @sequencelengths;
my $gccontent = 0;
my $atcontent = 0;
my $combinedlength = 0;
while(my $record = <STDIN>)
my ($defline, @seqlines) = split(/\n/, $record);
my $sequence = join("", @seqlines);
my $gc = $sequence =~ tr/GCSgcs//;
my $at = $sequence =~ tr/ATWatw//;
$gccontent += $gc;
$atcontent += $at;
$combinedlength += length($sequence);
push(@sequencelengths, length($sequence));
my $n50 = 0;
my $n90 = 0;
my $templength = $combinedlength;
my $combinedlength50perc = $combinedlength * 0.5;
my $combinedlength10perc = $combinedlength * 0.1;
@sequencelengths = sort {$b<=>$a} @sequencelengths;
foreach my $len(@sequencelengths)
if($n50 == 0 and $templength - $len < $combinedlength50perc)
$n50 = $len;
if($templength - $len < $combinedlength10perc)
$n90 = $len;
$templength -= $len;
report("%-25s %d bp\n", "Combined length:", $combinedlength);
report("%-25s %.2lf%%\n", "Percent GC content:", $gccontent / ($gccontent+$atcontent) * 100);
report("%-25s %d\n", "Number of sequences:", scalar(@sequencelengths));
report("%-25s %.2lf bp\n", "Mean sequence length:", $combinedlength / scalar(@sequencelengths));
report("%-25s %d bp\n", "Sequence n50:", $n50);
report("%-25s %d bp\n", "Sequence n90:", $n90);
report("%-25s %d bp\n", "Longest sequence:", $sequencelengths[0]);
sub report
my($format, @args) = @_;
my $string = sprintf($format, @args);
$string =~ s{(\: +)}{ my $per = "." x length($1); qq{ $per }}e;
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