#JavaScript Functions
- Understand what a JavaScript function is
- Be able to recognize a function syntax
- Understand how to write a constructor function
###What is a JavaScript function?
In JavaScript, a function can be both a method AND a class.
###Using JS functions as a subroutine
A JavaScript function is essentially a block of code to do a particular task. Sometimes you will hear them being referred to as methods or subroutines. In the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm, think of it like behaviors.
- To use JavaScript as a method, you will have to 1) define the method and 2) invoke it.
// Define our function with a parameter name
function sayHi(name){
// write a message saying hi
console.log('Hi, I am ' + name);
// Invoke our function with the argument 'Stanley'
Write a function that does a square root of any integer argument and test it on the numbers 4, 6, and 22
#####Part II
Write a check in the function that ensures only a number can be inserted. Return false if the parameter is not an integer
function squareRoot(num){
if(typeof num==='number' && (num%1)===0){
return num * num;
return false;
console.log(square('hello world'));
#####Part III
Partner up with the person next to you and create a JS function that convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
function toCelsius(fahrenheit){
return (fahrenheit - 32)/(1.8);
###What the heck is a class?
A class is a simply template to create objects!
For instance, let's create a human class
// Define the class
function Human(name){
this.name = name;
this.sayHi = function(){
console.log('Hi, my name is ' + this.name);
// Initialize the object utilizing the 'new' keyword
var Stanley = new Human('Stanley');
###What the heck is this
The this
keyword in javascript, in a constructor function context, refers to the the Object once its been initialized with the new
However, keep in mind, in a global context, this
refers to the window object
Now, make your person be able to calculate the square root of numbers
Make your person be able to convert fahrenheit to celsius!
- What are the two main purposes of using functions in JavaScript?
- What is this keyword refer to in the global context?
- What is the syntax for writing a basic subroutine?