#WDI Installfest (Mac)
Please check your OS X version before beginning. (Click the Apple menu and choose About this Mac.) This set of steps should work for Mavericks or Yosemite; if you're on another version, let an instructor know.
Open up your App store and install XCode
Find an instructor for support if you have any errors!
###Install Homebrew
In Terminal:
- If you already have Homebrew (check by using
brew doctor
), you do not need to do this step.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
###Brew Doctor
brew doctor
- See what the Doctor says. You may need to edit your ~/.bash_profile or make other adjustments. If you're not sure how to handle the output, flag down an instructor!
Rule of thumb: Don't type any commands starting with 'sudo' unless an instructor okays it :)
##rbenv & Ruby
###Install RBENV
In Terminal:
brew update
then, we'll use brew to install rbenv:
brew install rbenv rbenv-gem-rehash ruby-build
then, we'll enable shims and autocompletion:
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
then, we'll make sure your $PATH has access to the rbenv command-line utility:
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
then, reload your bash profile:
source ~/.bash_profile
###Install Ruby 2.2.1
Curious whether you've got Ruby installed already? Type ruby -v
in Terminal to find out.
In Terminal:
rbenv install 2.2.1
This will take a while. Don't panic if it's more than 5 minutes and it looks like nothing has happened.
###Set Ruby 2.2.1 as the Default
In Terminal:
rbenv global 2.2.1
###Rehash to install shims
In Terminal:
rbenv rehash
###Install Rails 4.2.0 & rehash
In Terminal:
gem install rails --version=4.2.0 --no-ri --no-rdoc
###Update paths
In Terminal:
sudo nano /etc/paths
Enter your password. Now, we will add the path where Homebrew installs software. It is important that files here are executed before the default software installed with your Mac. So, add a line to the top of the file:
Press Control-X to exit. Press Y when prompted with saving.
###Double-check your Ruby & Rails versions
In Terminal:
ruby -v
rails -v
You should have Ruby 2.2.1 and Rails 4.2.0.
If you don't, please find an instructor!
##Install Git, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and ImageMagick
In Terminal, install the distributed version control system Git:
brew install git
Install the databases MongoDB and PostgreSQL:
brew install mongodb postgresql
Install the image processing library ImageMagick (used with Paperclip later on):
brew install imagemagick
##Update git config information
In Terminal:
�git config --global user.name "Your Name"
then, using the same email you used to sign up with Github,
git config --global user.email [email protected]
git config --global credential.helper cache
Download the Macintosh Installer. Run the installer using the defaults.
##Heroku Toolbelt
Download and install Heroku Toolbelt
brew install heroku-toolbelt
Sign up for a heroku account
Click here to sign up: Heroku Signup
Enter your credit card information on heroku
NOTE: This way you can deploy unlimited applications on heroku free of charge!
##Sublime Text 3
Download and install Sublime Text 3. After running the downloaded file, a Finder window will open. Inside this window, drag the Sublime Text icon into the Applications folder.
Add Sublime Text to your dock. Press Command-Space to open Spotlight. Type Sublime, then drag the Sublime Text icon to the dock at the bottom of your screen. This allows you to easily open Sublime Text.
Set up the subl command line tool. In Terminal:
ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" /usr/local/bin/subl
To ensure it works, in Terminal:
subl --help