/*Jquery time*/ |
$(document).ready(function(){ |
var item, img, title, large_img; |
var doc = $(document); |
$("#lightbox li").click(function(){ |
if(lb_loading) return false; |
lb_loading= true; |
item = $(this); |
img = item.find("img"); |
title = item.find(".title").html(); |
//Remove active class from previously clicked LI |
$("#lightbox li.active").removeClass("active"); |
//Mark the clicked LI as active for later use |
item.addClass("active"); |
//The large image |
large_img = new Image(); |
//Use data-large or the src itself if large image url is not available |
large_img.src = img.attr("data-large") ? img.attr("data-large") : img.attr("src"); |
//Adding additional HTML - only if it hasn't been added before |
if($(".lb_backdrop").length < 1) |
{ |
var lb_backdrop = '<div class="lb_backdrop"></div>'; |
var lb_canvas = '<div class="lb_canvas"></div>'; |
var lb_previous = '<span class="lb_previous"><</span>'; |
var lb_title = '<span class="lb_title"></span>'; |
var lb_next = '<span class="lb_next">></span>'; |
var lb_controls = '<div class="lb_controls">'+lb_previous+lb_title+lb_next+'</div>'; |
var total_html = lb_backdrop+lb_canvas+lb_controls; |
$(total_html).appendTo("body"); |
} |
//Fade in lightbox elements if they are hidden due to a previous exit |
if($(".lb_backdrop:visible").length == 0) |
{ |
$(".lb_backdrop, .lb_canvas, .lb_controls").fadeIn("slow"); |
} |
//Display preloader till the large image loads and make the previous image translucent so that the loader in the BG is visible |
if(!large_img.complete) |
$(".lb_canvas").addClass("loading").children().css("opacity", "0.5") |
//Disabling left/right controls on first/last items |
if(item.prev().length == 0) |
$(".lb_previous").addClass("inactive"); |
else |
$(".lb_previous").removeClass("inactive"); |
var CW, CH, CL, CT, hpadding, vpadding, imgtag; |
//Flag for preventing multiple image displays |
var lb_loading = false; |
if(item.next().length == 0) |
$(".lb_next").addClass("inactive"); |
else |
$(".lb_next").removeClass("inactive"); |
//Centering .lb_canvas |
CW = $(".lb_canvas").outerWidth(); |
CH = $(".lb_canvas").outerHeight(); |
//top and left coordinates |
CL = ($(window).width() - CW)/2; |
CT = ($(window).height() - CH)/2; |
$(".lb_canvas").css({top: CT, left: CL}); |
//Inserting the large image into .lb_canvas once it's loaded |
$(large_img).load(function(){ |
//Recentering .lb_canvas with new dimensions |
CW = large_img.width; |
CH = large_img.height; |
//.lb_canvas padding to be added to image width/height to get the total dimensions |
hpadding = parseInt($(".lb_canvas").css("paddingLeft")) + parseInt($(".lb_canvas").css("paddingRight")); |
vpadding = parseInt($(".lb_canvas").css("paddingTop")) + parseInt($(".lb_canvas").css("paddingBottom")); |
CL = ($(window).width() - CW - hpadding)/2; |
CT = ($(window).height() - CH - vpadding)/2; |
//Animating .lb_canvas to new dimentions and position |
$(".lb_canvas").html("").animate({width: CW, height: CH, top: CT, left: CL}, 500, function(){ |
//Inserting the image but keeping it hidden |
imgtag = '<img src="'+large_img.src+'" style="opacity: 0;" />'; |
$(".lb_canvas").html(imgtag); |
$(".lb_canvas img").fadeTo("slow", 1); |
//Displaying the image title |
$(".lb_title").html(title); |
lb_loading= false; |
$(".lb_canvas").removeClass("loading"); |
}) |
}) |
}) |
//Click based navigation |
doc.on("click", ".lb_previous", function(){ navigate(-1) }); |
doc.on("click", ".lb_next", function(){ navigate(1) }); |
doc.on("click", ".lb_backdrop", function(){ navigate(0) }); |
//Keyboard based navigation |
doc.keyup(function(e){ |
//Keyboard navigation should work only if lightbox is active which means backdrop is visible. |
if($(".lb_backdrop:visible").length == 1) |
{ |
//Left |
if(e.keyCode == "37") navigate(-1); |
//Right |
else if(e.keyCode == "39") navigate(1); |
//Esc |
else if(e.keyCode == "27") navigate(0); |
} |
}); |
//Navigation function |
function navigate(direction) |
{ |
if(direction == -1) // left |
$("#lightbox li.active").prev().trigger("click"); |
else if(direction == 1) //right |
$("#lightbox li.active").next().trigger("click"); |
else if(direction == 0) //exit |
{ |
$("#lightbox li.active").removeClass("active"); |
$(".lb_canvas").removeClass("loading"); |
//Fade out the lightbox elements |
$(".lb_backdrop, .lb_canvas, .lb_controls").fadeOut("slow", function(){ |
//empty canvas and title |
$(".lb_canvas, .lb_title").html(""); |
}) |
lb_loading= false; |
} |
} |
}) |
//original author: https://twitter.com/thecodeplayer |
//http://thecodeplayer.com/walkthrough/jquery-css3-lightbox-tutorial |
Preview it, Demo and live editor here: http://codepen.io/Stanssongs/pen/wcBHx/