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Scott Zhu Reeves star-szr

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star-szr /
Last active September 5, 2019 15:30 — forked from dlo/
Python version of that pulls all bookmarks on the first sync, and does incremental updates afterwards. Updated to use Pinboard API token instead of password authentication.
#!/usr/bin/env python
This script is designed to generate a simple html file with _all_ of your bookmarks The HTML file can be added to Launchbar's index as a
custom bookmark file and you can search your entire collection
instantly from Launchbar (by title only). It includes any applied tags as part
of the title to aid in searching.
You should edit the `token`, `bookmark_filename`, and `local_timezone`
star-szr / Custom.css
Created September 27, 2011 17:45
IR_Black Theme (with sidebar and view-source colors) for Chrome Developer Tools
/* IR_Black Skin by Ben Truyman - 2011
/* Based on Todd Werth's IR_Black:
/* Inspired by Darcy Clarke's blog post: