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Last active April 17, 2016 15:58
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LinuxBBQ Academy

Lesson 3 - Package Management I: Fill it up

You probably want to do more than looking at the prompt of your shell.

Only a few tools are added to the Academy distro, one of them is ceni, a very helpful little program that sets up the wired or wireless connection for you.

ceni needs to be run as root. {: .callout .warning}

So open a terminal and Enter:

sudo ceni

Use the arrow keys up and down to select your device, the Tab key to jump through the fields, and the Enter key to go to the next screen.

Try to get only one of the devices to work, preferably the wired one (eth0), because some wireless devices refuse to work without further hacking.

When you think your network is set up, you can try to ping some place on the internet.

For example Google's DNS server:

ping -c 3

And our website:

ping -c 3

On a side note, ping is the command, -c is an option which tells the ping command to stop after 3 times, and the last part of the command is the IP address or domain name to ping.

If you wonder what ping actually is, enter in your terminal:

man ping

You can read through the manual, use the arrow keys to scroll line by line, or hit Space to scroll page by page, h to get some help and q to quit the manual page.

What you always want to do before you add software, and generally every week once, is to update and upgrade your system.

We at the grill use the Debian package manager called APT, which can also only be started as root:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

You can also try the newer frontend of APT itself:

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

Or if you are lazy, use a shorter command called:


which is only found in LinuxBBQ releases and which does the update (the fetching of a file that contains all the changes) and upgrade (the download of the packages that are newer on the server than on your system) in one.

The command needs a few moments or even minutes to complete.

In the meantime, you can open another terminal and browse through the repositories, let's see if we find some Space Invaders game:

search space invaders

And indeed, there is ninvaders that looks pretty much like what we want to have: a game using ncurses.

Ncurses is nothing bad, it's actually something related to the text user interface. But before we can install this program, we should double-check if APT, our package manager, has finally finished its job of updating and upgrading the system --

It's not possible to interrupt an ongoing APT process, and it's not possible to start another APT process as long as the previous one hasn't finished. {: .callout .danger}

As soon as both terminals greet you patiently with your username, you can finally grab yourself the Space Invaders clone:

ins ninvaders

Or if you love to type long commands:

sudo apt-get install ninvaders

It should be installed quite quickly, if we consider its download size of 20.6 kBytes. Let's start it:



And if you finally decide to get rid of ninvaders again (because 'It sucks!' or 'It is bloat!') try this command:

sudo apt-get autoremove --purge ninvaders

Or if you are lazy like us:

purge ninvaders

Pro tip: The shorter commands are called aliases and will be covered in Lesson 10. {: .callout .info}

Now that you know how to download and install programs, you can actually set up your own system.

I do recommend you to wait until you reach Level Lesson 7 ;)

Or at least, keep your system as clean as possible until then.

And yes, you can now already surf the internet and even listen to the radio.

Play some radio streams:


Set the volume:


Open a wikipedia article of your choice:

wikien Some_search_term_you_like

And your gate to the world:


Further readings in our wiki




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