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Created July 16, 2024 15:37
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R - Databricks - Write table to catalog
#This program downloads some data from Statistics Canada and saves it in a databricks catalog
#F. Khurshed
#installl and load relevant packages
#download data from Statistics Canada
interest_rates <- get_cansim("10-10-0139-01")
#connect via spark to catalog
sc <- spark_connect(method = "databricks")
# Set the catalog where the table is located
tbl_change_db <- "statcan"
#convert to spark data frame
daily_interest_rates <- sdf_copy_to(sc, interest_rates, name = "daily_interest_rates", overwrite = TRUE)
# Use spark_write_table() function to write the table
daily_interest_rates %>% spark_write_table(name="daily_interest_rates", mode="overwrite", schema="main")
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