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Created October 7, 2020 20:43
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split mp4 into individual files for each chapter
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
#set -x
fail () {
local error_message="$1"
local exit_code=$2
echo "$error_message" >&2
exit "$exit_code"
check_dependency () {
local cmd="$1"
command -v "$cmd" > /dev/null || fail "Could not find required tools: please install $cmd" 2
check_dependencies () {
check_dependency 'ffprobe' \
&& check_dependency 'jq'
check_file () {
local f=$1
if [[ ! -r $f ]]; then
fail "Could not access $f"
list_chapters () {
local cmd="-show_chapters"
local target=$1
ffprobe -print_format json -loglevel error ${cmd} -i "$target"
list_chapter_tuples () {
local target=$1
list_chapters "$target" | jq -r ".chapters|.[]|.start_time,.end_time,.id,.tags.title" | tr -d '\r' |paste - - - -
extract_chapter () {
local target=$1
local output_dir="split_${target%.*}"
local suffix="${target##*.}"
local IFS=$'\t'
read -r start end count title <<< "$2"
mkdir -p "$output_dir"
ffmpeg -i "${target}" -loglevel error -ss "$start" -to "$end" -c copy -map 0 "${output_dir}/${count}_${title}.${suffix}"
split_chapters () {
local target=$1
local IFS=$'\n'
for tuple in $(list_chapter_tuples "$target"); do
extract_chapter "$target" "${tuple}"
main () {
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
fail "usage: $0 <video file> list|split" 3
check_file "$target"
if [[ $cmd == "list" ]]; then
list_chapters "$target"
elif [[ $cmd == "split" ]]; then
split_chapters "$target"
fail "unrecognized command $cmd, valid options are list and split"
main "$@"
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