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Created December 4, 2012 17:58
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  • Save staxmanade/4206883 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save staxmanade/4206883 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create a zip package of the changes between two hashes within a git dir
$beginSha = $(throw '-beginSha is required'),
$endSha = $(throw '-endSha is required'),
$projectName = $( (get-item .).name )
# Get a list of all the files that have been added/modified/deleted
$filesWithMods = git diff --name-status $beginSha $endSha | Select @{Name="ChangeType";Expression={$_.Substring(0,1)}}, @{Name="File"; Expression={$_.Substring(2)}}
# There has to be a cleaner way? (to get the sha1 of the 'end commit')
$endShaShortName = (git log --format=%H $endSha | select -First 1).Substring(0, 10)
$beginShaShortName = (git log --format=%H $beginSha | select -First 1).Substring(0, 10)
$deployFileBasename = "..\$($projectName)_$endShaShortName"
#var to hold the 'readme' file we're dumping information to
$rm = "$deployFileBaseName.txt"
"Changes from $beginShaShortName to $endShaShortName" > $rm
"" >> $rm
"Files Removed:" >> $rm
$filesWithMods | where{$_.ChangeType -eq 'D' } | %{ "`t" + $_.File } >> $rm
"" >> $rm
$filesAddedOrModified = $filesWithMods | where{$_.ChangeType -ne 'D' }
"Files Added or Modified:" >> $rm
$filesWithMods | where{$_.ChangeType -ne 'D' } | %{ "`t" + $_.File } >> $rm
"" >> $rm
"" >> $rm
"" >> $rm
"Complete git diff between the changes:" >> $rm
git diff $beginSha $endSha >> $rm
# Dump the modified/added files to the zip (excluding the deleted files)
$filesAddedOrModified | %{ $_.File} | AddTo-7Zip "$" | out-null
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