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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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  • Save steadyfish/8ff00ebf3a2e9358907b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save steadyfish/8ff00ebf3a2e9358907b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creating R packages using RStudio, Git and GitHub
This method helps creating the proper R package directory structure using RStudio and then syncs it with the corresponding GitHub Project.
Setup a GitHub account.
Download and install Rstudio.
Download and install the platform-specific version of Git (not GitHub), default options work well.
Configure Git with global commands. I have found this step necessary both times I ran through this process. Open up the bash version of Git and type the following:
git config –global “your GitHub account name”
git config –global “[email protected]
Open Rstudio and set the path to Git executable. Go to Tools > Options > Git/SVN
Create a new R package from RStudio
Create a README file in the project/package directory.
Commit at least once.
Create a new project on GitHub.
Run following commands -
git remote add origin<GitHub user name>/<Project or package name>
git push -u origin master
From now on for usual Commit/Push functions Rstudio GUI commands can be used.
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