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Created February 11, 2025 11:33
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let table = Array.init 10_000 (fun _ -> Bytes.make 1_000 'a')
let writes = bool_of_string (Sys.getenv_opt "WRITES")
|> Option.value ~default:false
let[@inline never] f () =
List.init (Array.length table) (fun i ->
let buf = table.(i) in
if writes then table.(i) <- buf;
Bytes.get buf 42)
let () =
for i = 1 to 10_000 do
ignore (Sys.opaque_identity (f ()))
let stat = Gc.quick_stat () in
Printf.printf "%15s: %b\n%15s: %.0f\n%15s: %.0f\n%15s: %d\n%15s: %d\n"
"writes" writes
"minor_words" stat.minor_words
"major_words" stat.major_words
"cycles" stat.major_collections
"heap_words" stat.top_heap_words
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