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Last active March 29, 2021 16:38
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go client api examples
// ------------------------ Reading Data ------------------------
// -- Find Records --
// Find all posts
posts, err := client.Post.FindMany().Exec(ctx)
// Find a user by ID
user, err := client.User.FindUnique(db.User.ID.Equals(2)).Exec(ctx)
// Find a user by email
user, err := client.User.FindUnique(
db.User.Email.Equals("[email protected]"),
// Find the first user that contains Ada
user, err := client.User.FindUnique(
db.User.Name.HasPrefix("[email protected]"),
// Select specific fields
// select is not possible right now
// -- Traverse Relations --
// traversing is not possible right now
// Return all users and include their posts and profile
users, err := client.User.FindMany().With(
// Select all users and all their post titles
// select is not possible right now
// -- Order By, Limits & Cursors --
// Sort posts alphabetically
alphabeticalPosts, err := client.Post.FindMany().OrderBy(
// Order by most prolific authors
// not possible right now
// Find the second page of posts
secondPagePosts, err := client.Post.FindMany().Take(5).Skip(5).Exec(ctx)
// Find the last 5 posts
lastPosts, err := client.Post.FindMany().Take(-5).Exec(ctx)
// Find the next 5 posts before post id 2
paginatedPosts3, err := client.Post.FindMany().Take(5).Cursor(
// Find the last 5 posts before post id 2
paginatedPosts3, err := client.Post.FindMany().Take(-5).Cursor(
// -- Aggregations & Group By
// not possible right now
// ------------------------ Writing Data ------------------------
// -- Create Records --
// Create a user
user, err := client.User.CreateOne(
db.User.Email.Set("[email protected]"),
db.User.Name.Set("Elsa Prima"),
// Create a customer and connect to a user
profile, err := client.Profile.CreateOne(
db.Profile.Bio.Set("Flying Trapeze Artist. Prisma developer."),
// INTERNAL NOTE: remaining ones are not useful to show in Go IMO
// -- Update Records --
// Update an existing user
alice, err := client.User.FindUnique(
db.User.Email.Equals("[email protected]"),
// Change the author of a post in a single transaction
updatedPost, err := client.Post.FindUnique(
db.User.Email.Equals("[email protected]"),
// Connect a post to a user, creating the post if it isn't found
// not possible right now (connectOrCreate)
// Update all users with the country Deutschland
result, err := client.User.FindMany(
// -- Delete Records --
// Delete an existing user
deletedUser, err := client.User.FindUnique(
db.User.Email.Equals("[email protected]"),
// Delete all admins at once
result, err := client.User.FindMany(
// -- Upsert Records --
// Create Alice or update her role to admin
result, err := client.User.UpsertOne(
db.User.Email.Equals("[email protected]"),
db.User.Email.Set("[email protected]"),
db.User.Name.Set("Elsa Prima"),
// ------------------------ Advanced Patterns ------------------------
// -- Middlewares --
// not possible right now
// -- Raw Queries --
// Select users by email
email := '[email protected]'
var posts []db.PostModel
err := client.Prisma.QueryRaw(`SELECT * FROM User WHERE email = ?`, email).Exec(ctx, &posts)
// Select 5 posts randomly
var posts []db.PostModel
err := client.Prisma.QueryRaw(`SELECT * FROM "Post" order by random() limit 5`).Exec(ctx, &posts)
// Clear the users table
result, err := client.Prisma.ExecuteRaw(`TRUNCATE TABLE User`).Exec(ctx)
// Drop the users table
result, err := client.Prisma.ExecuteRaw(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS User CASCADE`).Exec(ctx)
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