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Last active April 3, 2021 09:23
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Remove default Mac Catalyst application text field focus rings
// UITextField+CTX.h
// EFClass
// Created by Stefan Ceriu on 27/11/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 EF Education First. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface UITextField (CTX)
// UITextField+CTX.m
// EFClass
// Created by Stefan Ceriu on 27/11/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 EF Education First. All rights reserved.
#import "UITextField+CTX.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@implementation UITextField (CTX)
+ (void)load
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
CTXSwizzleInstanceMethod([self class], NSSelectorFromString(@"_focusRingType"), @selector(ctx_focusRingType));
- (NSUInteger)ctx_focusRingType
return 1; // NSFocusRingTypeNone
static void CTXSwizzleInstanceMethod(Class class, SEL originalSelector, SEL swizzledSelector) {
Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(class, originalSelector);
Method swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(class, swizzledSelector);
if (class_addMethod(class, originalSelector, method_getImplementation(swizzledMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(swizzledMethod))) {
class_replaceMethod(class, swizzledSelector, method_getImplementation(originalMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(originalMethod));
} else {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod);
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