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Created July 3, 2016 11:43
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  • Save steffengy/ab3660ec9d6eecb0fc38e7d536d9e7ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save steffengy/ab3660ec9d6eecb0fc38e7d536d9e7ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rust Nightly Regression (6/23 to 07/01)
#instructions to reproduce on a fresh ubuntu (with git, curl, and file)
curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup toolchain install nightly-2016-06-24-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
git clone
cd pesty-php
git reset --hard 1c29512104dd16b1f0a60d36ee01a23b51046bf2
rustc --version
#rustc 1.11.0-nightly (01411937f 2016-07-01) as of writing
cargo rustc -- -Z time-passes > dbg_2016-07-01_01411937f.txt
rustup run nightly-2016-06-24-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu rustc --version
#rustc 1.11.0-nightly (ad7fe6521 2016-06-23)
rustup run nightly-2016-06-24-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu cargo rustc -- -Z time-passes > dbg_2016-06-23_ad7fe6521.txt
diff -u dbg_2016-06-23_ad7fe6521.txt dbg_2016-07-01_01411937f.txt > dbg.diff
--- dbg_2016-06-23_ad7fe6521.txt 2016-07-03 11:40:37.880710300 +0000
+++ dbg_2016-07-01_01411937f.txt 2016-07-03 11:36:19.450710300 +0000
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-time: 0.011; rss: 58MB parsing
-time: 0.001; rss: 58MB configuration
-time: 0.000; rss: 58MB recursion limit
-time: 0.000; rss: 58MB crate injection
-time: 0.000; rss: 58MB plugin loading
-time: 0.000; rss: 58MB plugin registration
-time: 7.904; rss: 120MB expansion
-time: 0.000; rss: 120MB maybe building test harness
-time: 0.000; rss: 120MB checking for inline asm in case the target doesn't support it
-time: 0.007; rss: 120MB complete gated feature checking
-time: 0.021; rss: 120MB assigning node ids
-time: 0.011; rss: 123MB collecting defs
-time: 0.005; rss: 123MB external crate/lib resolution
-time: 0.018; rss: 123MB early lint checks
-time: 0.003; rss: 123MB AST validation
-time: 0.053; rss: 127MB name resolution
-time: 0.030; rss: 138MB lowering ast -> hir
-time: 0.005; rss: 141MB indexing hir
-time: 0.004; rss: 141MB attribute checking
-time: 0.003; rss: 125MB language item collection
-time: 0.004; rss: 125MB lifetime resolution
-time: 0.000; rss: 125MB looking for entry point
-time: 0.000; rss: 125MB looking for plugin registrar
-time: 0.020; rss: 130MB region resolution
-time: 0.002; rss: 130MB loop checking
-time: 0.002; rss: 130MB static item recursion checking
-time: 0.000; rss: 130MB load_dep_graph
-time: 0.015; rss: 132MB type collecting
-time: 0.000; rss: 132MB variance inference
-time: 0.047; rss: 139MB coherence checking
-time: 0.055; rss: 139MB wf checking
-time: 0.031; rss: 139MB item-types checking
-time: 5.465; rss: 160MB item-bodies checking
-time: 0.000; rss: 160MB drop-impl checking
-time: 0.150; rss: 160MB const checking
-time: 0.026; rss: 160MB privacy checking
-time: 0.003; rss: 160MB stability index
-time: 0.013; rss: 160MB intrinsic checking
-time: 0.007; rss: 160MB effect checking
-time: 0.045; rss: 160MB match checking
-time: 0.025; rss: 159MB liveness checking
-time: 0.105; rss: 159MB rvalue checking
-time: 0.277; rss: 194MB MIR dump
-time: 0.160; rss: 196MB MIR passes
-time: 0.285; rss: 198MB borrow checking
-time: 0.011; rss: 198MB reachability checking
-time: 0.017; rss: 198MB death checking
-time: 0.028; rss: 198MB stability checking
-time: 0.000; rss: 198MB unused lib feature checking
-time: 0.272; rss: 198MB lint checking
-time: 0.000; rss: 198MB resolving dependency formats
-time: 0.200; rss: 206MB Prepare MIR codegen passes
- time: 0.631; rss: 218MB write metadata
- time: 0.406; rss: 222MB translation item collection
- time: 0.009; rss: 223MB codegen unit partitioning
-time: 3.842; rss: 273MB translation
-time: 0.000; rss: 273MB assert dep graph
-time: 0.000; rss: 273MB serialize dep graph
- time: 0.264; rss: 191MB llvm function passes [0]
- time: 0.078; rss: 192MB llvm module passes [0]
- time: 3.425; rss: 197MB codegen passes [0]
- time: 0.002; rss: 140MB codegen passes [0]
-time: 4.120; rss: 135MB LLVM passes
-time: 0.172; rss: 135MB linking
+time: 0.013; rss: 62MB parsing
+time: 0.002; rss: 62MB configuration
+time: 0.000; rss: 62MB recursion limit
+time: 0.000; rss: 62MB crate injection
+time: 0.000; rss: 62MB plugin loading
+time: 0.000; rss: 62MB plugin registration
+time: 84.063; rss: 121MB expansion
+time: 0.000; rss: 121MB maybe building test harness
+time: 0.000; rss: 121MB checking for inline asm in case the target doesn't support it
+time: 0.006; rss: 121MB complete gated feature checking
+time: 0.024; rss: 121MB assigning node ids
+time: 0.010; rss: 126MB collecting defs
+time: 0.008; rss: 126MB external crate/lib resolution
+time: 0.021; rss: 126MB early lint checks
+time: 0.004; rss: 126MB AST validation
+time: 0.056; rss: 130MB name resolution
+time: 0.031; rss: 141MB lowering ast -> hir
+time: 0.005; rss: 144MB indexing hir
+time: 0.004; rss: 144MB attribute checking
+time: 0.002; rss: 128MB language item collection
+time: 0.004; rss: 128MB lifetime resolution
+time: 0.000; rss: 128MB looking for entry point
+time: 0.000; rss: 128MB looking for plugin registrar
+time: 0.021; rss: 134MB region resolution
+time: 0.004; rss: 134MB loop checking
+time: 0.002; rss: 134MB static item recursion checking
+time: 0.000; rss: 134MB load_dep_graph
+time: 0.015; rss: 135MB type collecting
+time: 0.000; rss: 135MB variance inference
+time: 0.044; rss: 141MB coherence checking
+time: 0.061; rss: 142MB wf checking
+time: 0.034; rss: 142MB item-types checking
+time: 5.754; rss: 162MB item-bodies checking
+time: 0.000; rss: 162MB drop-impl checking
+time: 0.150; rss: 162MB const checking
+time: 0.016; rss: 162MB privacy checking
+time: 0.002; rss: 162MB stability index
+time: 0.011; rss: 162MB intrinsic checking
+time: 0.008; rss: 162MB effect checking
+time: 0.063; rss: 162MB match checking
+time: 0.029; rss: 161MB liveness checking
+time: 0.119; rss: 161MB rvalue checking
+time: 0.320; rss: 197MB MIR dump
+time: 0.157; rss: 198MB MIR passes
+time: 0.283; rss: 201MB borrow checking
+time: 0.010; rss: 201MB reachability checking
+time: 0.017; rss: 201MB death checking
+time: 0.030; rss: 201MB stability checking
+time: 0.000; rss: 201MB unused lib feature checking
+time: 0.268; rss: 201MB lint checking
+time: 0.000; rss: 201MB resolving dependency formats
+time: 0.199; rss: 208MB Prepare MIR codegen passes
+ time: 0.677; rss: 220MB write metadata
+ time: 0.550; rss: 225MB translation item collection
+ time: 0.011; rss: 225MB codegen unit partitioning
+time: 4.329; rss: 278MB translation
+time: 0.000; rss: 278MB assert dep graph
+time: 0.000; rss: 278MB serialize dep graph
+ time: 0.277; rss: 184MB llvm function passes [0]
+ time: 0.088; rss: 190MB llvm module passes [0]
+ time: 3.631; rss: 200MB codegen passes [0]
+ time: 0.002; rss: 143MB codegen passes [0]
+time: 4.394; rss: 139MB LLVM passes
+time: 0.184; rss: 137MB linking
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