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Last active January 26, 2025 21:37
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Save stelar7/5f025898a91b4ddb2bc94f2b826c7ea0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Requires a running instance of WebDriver on port 4444 (and ImageMagick)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
import base64
import httplib2
import json
import os
import subprocess
TestInstance = namedtuple('TestInstance', ['input', 'expected'])
github_bearer_token = "bearer ASDF1234FDSA4321"
class WebDriver:
baseUrl = ""
sessionId = None
def makeGetRequest(self, url):
_, content = httplib2.Http().request(self.baseUrl + url)
return content.decode("utf-8")
def makePostRequest(self, url, data):
_, content = httplib2.Http().request(self.baseUrl + url, "POST", body=json.dumps(data), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
return content.decode("utf-8")
def createSession(self):
session = self.makePostRequest("/session", {
"capabilities": {
"alwaysMatch": {
"serenity:ladybird": {
"headless": True,
self.sessionId = json.loads(session)["value"]["sessionId"]
def setWindowSize(self, width, height):
self.makePostRequest("/session/" + self.sessionId + "/window/rect", {
"width": width,
"height": height
def navigateTo(self, url):
self.makePostRequest("/session/" + self.sessionId + "/url", {
"url": url
def takeScreenshot(self):
screenshot = self.makeGetRequest("/session/" + self.sessionId + "/screenshot")
screenshotBase64 = json.loads(screenshot)["value"]
return base64.b64decode(screenshotBase64)
def loadTests(root):
tests = []
def handleDirectory(data):
for entry in data:
if entry["type"] == "file":
if entry["name"].endswith(".svg"):
svgPath = entry["download_url"]
pngPath = svgPath.replace(".svg", ".png")
tests.append(TestInstance(svgPath, pngPath))
elif entry["type"] == "dir":
print("Loading tests in " + entry["path"])
_, content = httplib2.Http(cache="github-cache").request(entry["url"], "GET", headers={"Authorization": github_bearer_token})
_, content = httplib2.Http(cache="github-cache").request(root, "GET", headers={"Authorization": github_bearer_token})
return tests
def screenshotUrl(url, saveTo):
screenshotBytes = driver.takeScreenshot()
with open(saveTo, "wb") as f:
def generateComparison(inputFile, outputFile, diffType):
diffFile = str(outputFile).replace(".png", "." + diffType + ".png")
result =["compare", "-metric", diffType, inputFile, outputFile, diffFile], capture_output=True, text=True)
return result.stderr
def runTest(test, only_analyze=False):
# Ensure output folder exists and setup variables
baseUrl = "/main/tests/"
testPath = test.input[test.input.index(baseUrl) + len(baseUrl):]
basePath = "Tests/resvg/" + testPath
filename = test.input.split("/")[-1]
saveTo = '/'.join(basePath.split("/")[0:-1])
saveTo = saveTo.replace(baseUrl, "")
svgFile = Path(saveTo + "/" + filename).absolute()
inputFile = Path(saveTo + "/" + filename.replace(".svg", ".ladybird.png")).absolute()
outputFile = Path(saveTo + "/" + filename.replace(".svg", ".png")).absolute()
os.makedirs(saveTo, exist_ok=True)
print("Running test for " + test.input)
# Download SVG file if it doesnt exist
if not os.path.exists(svgFile):
_, content = httplib2.Http().request(test.input)
with open(svgFile, "wb") as f:
# Screenshot rendered SVG file if it doesnt exist
if not os.path.exists(inputFile) or not only_analyze:
screenshotUrl(test.input, inputFile)
# Screenshot expected PNG file if it doesnt exist
# NOTE: We need to screenshot the PNG to ensure the transparency is the same
# FIXME: Allow transparent windows?
if not os.path.exists(outputFile):
screenshotUrl(test.expected, outputFile)
# Get difference metrics
maxScore = 500 * 500
SSIMScore = float(generateComparison(inputFile, outputFile, "SSIM")) * maxScore
AEScore = maxScore - int(generateComparison(inputFile, outputFile, "AE"))
bestScore = int(max(SSIMScore, AEScore))
print("Similarity score for " + testPath + ": " + str(bestScore))
return {
"file": testPath,
"bestScore": bestScore,
if __name__ == "__main__":
driver = WebDriver()
# Start a new session with the correct screen size
driver.setWindowSize(500, 500)
tests = loadTests("")
# Reset results file
if os.path.exists("Tests/resvg/results.json"):
crashingTests = [
results = []
for test in tests:
if test.input in crashingTests:
print("Skipping test " + test.input + " as it is marked as crashing")
result = runTest(test, only_analyze=True)
json.dump(results, open("Tests/resvg/results.json", "w"), indent=4)
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