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Stéphane Gerber stephane303

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function Global:ai-commit {
# Function to generate commit message using Ollama
function Generate-CommitMessage {
$diff = git diff --cached
Write-Host "Git diff being sent:"
Write-Host $diff
#$prompt = "Below is a diff of all staged changes, coming from the command:`ngit diff --cached`nPlease generate a concise, one-line commit message for these changes.`n$diff"
$prompt = "Git diff:
<div :id="id" style="float:left;margin:20px;">
import Phaser from 'phaser'
export default {
1. Installing Informix Client SDK for Linux x86_64
1.1 Download Informix Client SDK 3.70 for Linux x86_64 from IBM website,
1.2 Extract the file, `cd /opt/informix; tar -xvf clientsdk.3.70.FC8DE.LINUX.tar`
1.3 Start installation, `./installclientsdk`, install all
2. Installing PDO Informix