Yes, I am moving to a different platform. The current plan to is use Elastic Beanstalk on AWS. It likely will be more expensive than Now from Zeit, but it has become increasingly apparent that Zeit does not align with my application needs anymore.
When I first created an account with Zeit a couple years ago, it was like Web Hosting nirvana. With a simple configuration file, I could have free static hosting or 1 instance for a long-lived server. This was fantastic and allowed me to prototype very quickly.
Zeit was using Slack for their support and it made me feel like I was apart of a special community where the developers of the platform really cared. A year ago, Zeit moved to Spectrum to handle support cases which caused a massive feeling of disconnect. There was such an energy barrier to reaching out for support or simply talking with other users of the platform. Slack encouraged the community to work together to solve problems and fostered community discussion. The way that Spectrum has been handled was