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Forked from DrPaulBrewer/HamGridSquare.js
Last active September 28, 2019 07:58
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find Maidenhead grid square from latitude and longitude
// HamGridSquare.js
// Copyright 2014 Paul Brewer KI6CQ
// License: MIT License
// Javascript routines to convert from lat-lon to Maidenhead Grid Squares
// typically used in Ham Radio Satellite operations and VHF Contests
// Inspired in part by K6WRU Walter Underwood's python answer
// to this stack overflow question:
// How Can One Convert From Lat/Long to Grid Square
// 2018 Fork Stephen Houser N1SH
// This code supports 4 and 6 character Maidenhead (grid square) Locators.
// It does not support the 8-character extended locator strings.
// Maidenhead Locator System:
/* Get the Maidenhead Locator (grid square) for a given latitude and longitude.
* The two parameters are:
* `latitude` - floating point latitude value
* `longitude` - floating point longitude value
* Returns a 6-character maidenhead locator string (e.g. `FN43rq`)
function gridForLatLon(latitude, longitude) {
var LOWERCASE = UPPERCASE.toLowerCase();
var adjLat, adjLon,
fieldLat, fieldLon,
squareLat, squareLon,
subLat, subLon,
rLat, rLon;
// Parameter Validataion
var lat = parseFloat(latitude);
if (isNaN(lat)) {
throw "latitude is NaN";
if (Math.abs(lat) === 90.0) {
throw "grid squares invalid at N/S poles";
if (Math.abs(lat) > 90) {
throw "invalid latitude: " + lat;
var lon = parseFloat(longitude);
if (isNaN(lon)) {
throw "longitude is NaN";
if (Math.abs(lon) > 180) {
throw "invalid longitude: " + lon;
// Latitude
var adjLat = lat + 90;
fieldLat = UPPERCASE[Math.trunc(adjLat / 10)];
squareLat = '' + Math.trunc(adjLat % 10);
rLat = (adjLat - Math.trunc(adjLat)) * 60;
subLat = LOWERCASE[Math.trunc(rLat / 2.5)];
// Logitude
var adjLon = lon + 180;
fieldLon = UPPERCASE[Math.trunc(adjLon / 20)];
squareLon = ''+Math.trunc((adjLon / 2) % 10);
rLon = (adjLon - 2*Math.trunc(adjLon / 2)) * 60;
subLon = LOWERCASE[Math.trunc(rLon / 5)];
return fieldLon + fieldLat + squareLon + squareLat + subLon + subLat;
/* Get the Maidenhead Locator (grid square) for latitude and longitude objects.
* This function can accept a variety of parameters, including:
* * two parameters, `latitude` and `longitude`
* * a single array of `[latitude, longitude]`
* * a single object with `lat` and `lon` keys (members)
* * a single object with `latitude` and `longitude` keys (members)
* * a single object with `lat()` and `lon()` functions
* * a single object with `latitude()` and `longitude()` functions
* All these varations must resolve to floating point numbers for both
* latitude and longitude.
* This function is a wrapper that decodes the parameters and calls
* `gridForLatLon()` to perform the conversion/calculation.
function latLonToGridSquare(param1, param2) {
var lat = 0.0;
var lon = 0.0;
// Utility function to convert and validate floating point numbers.
function toNum(x) {
if (typeof (x) === 'number') {
return x;
if (typeof (x) === 'string') {
return parseFloat(x);
// If the parameter was a function...
// dont call a function property here because of binding issue
throw "HamGridSquare -- toNum -- can not convert input: " + x;
// support Chris Veness 2002-2012 LatLon library and
// other objects with lat/lon properties
// properties could be numbers, or strings
if (typeof (param1) === 'object') {
if (param1.length === 2) {
// first parameter is an array `[lat, lon]`
lat = toNum(param1[0]);
lon = toNum(param1[1]);
return gridForLatLon(lat, lon);
if (('lat' in param1) && ('lon' in param1)) {
lat = (typeof ( === 'function') ? toNum( : toNum(;
lon = (typeof (param1.lon) === 'function') ? toNum(param1.lon()) : toNum(param1.lon);
return gridForLatLon(lat, lon);
if (('latitude' in param1) && ('longitude' in param1)) {
lat = (typeof (param1.latitude) === 'function') ? toNum(param1.latitude()) : toNum(param1.latitude);
lon = (typeof (param1.longitude) === 'function') ? toNum(param1.longitude()) : toNum(param1.longitude);
return gridForLatLon(lat, lon);
throw "HamGridSquare -- can not convert object -- " + param1;
lat = toNum(param1);
lon = toNum(param2);
return gridForLatLon(lat, lon);
/* Get the latitude and longitude for a Maidenhead (grid square) Locator.
* This function takes a single string parameter that is a Maidenhead (grid
* square) Locator. It must be 4 or 6 characters in length and of the format.
* * 4-character: `^[A-X][A-X][0-9][0-9]$`
* * 6-character: `^[A-X][A-X][0-9][0-9][a-x][a-x]$`
* * 8-character: `^[A-X][A-X][0-9][0-9][a-x][a-x][0-9][0-9]$` (not supported).
* Returns an array of floating point numbers `[latitude, longitude]`.
function latLonForGrid(grid) {
var lat = 0.0;
var lon = 0.0;
function lat4(g){
return 10 * (g.charCodeAt(1) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0)) + parseInt(g.charAt(3)) - 90;
function lon4(g){
return 20 * (g.charCodeAt(0) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0)) + 2 * parseInt(g.charAt(2)) - 180;
if ((grid.length != 4) && (grid.length != 6)) {
throw "grid square: grid must be 4 or 6 chars: " + grid;
if (/^[A-X][A-X][0-9][0-9]$/.test(grid)) {
// Decode 4-character grid square
lat = lat4(grid) + 0.5;
lon = lon4(grid) + 1;
} else if (/^[A-X][A-X][0-9][0-9][a-x][a-x]$/.test(grid)) {
// Decode 6-character grid square
lat = lat4(grid) + (1.0 / 60.0) * 2.5 * (grid.charCodeAt(5) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 0.5);
lon = lon4(grid) + (1.0 / 60.0) * 5 * (grid.charCodeAt(4) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 0.5);
} else {
throw "gridSquareToLatLon: invalid grid: " + grid;
return [lat, lon];
/* Get the latitude and longitude for a Maidenhead (grid square) Locator.
* This function takes a single string parameter that is a Maidenhead (grid
* square) Locator. It must be 4 or 6 characters in length and of the format.
* * 4-character: `^[A-X][A-X][0-9][0-9]$`
* * 6-character: `^[A-X][A-X][0-9][0-9][a-x][a-x]$`
* * 8-character: `^[A-X][A-X][0-9][0-9][a-x][a-x][0-9][0-9]$` (not supported).
* Returns an object based of the same type as the second parameter
* * array of floating point numbers `[latitude, longitude]` (default return format)
* * an object with `lat` and `lon` values if the second parameter is of type `object`
* * a `LatLon` object if...
function gridSquareToLatLon(grid, obj) {
var returnLatLonConstructor = (typeof (LatLon) === 'function');
var returnObj = (typeof (obj) === 'object');
var [lat, lon] = latLonForGrid(grid);
if (returnLatLonConstructor) {
return new LatLon(lat, lon);
if (returnObj) { = lat;
obj.lon = lon;
return obj;
return [lat, lon];
/* Test the grid square latitude and longitude conversion functions. */
function testGridSquare() {
// First four test examples are from "Conversion Between Geodetic and Grid Locator Systems",
// by Edmund T. Tyson N5JTY QST January 1989
// original test data in Python / citations by Walter Underwood K6WRU
// last test and coding into Javascript from Python by Paul Brewer KI6CQ
var testData = [
['Munich', [48.14666,11.60833], 'JN58td'],
['Montevideo', [[-34.91,-56.21166]], 'GF15vc'],
['Washington, DC', [{lat:38.92,lon:-77.065}], 'FM18lw'],
['Wellington', [{latitude:-41.28333,longitude:174.745}], 'RE78ir'],
['Newington, CT (W1AW)', [41.714775,-72.727260], 'FN31pr'],
['Palo Alto (K6WRU)', [[37.413708,-122.1073236]], 'CM87wj'],
['Chattanooga (KI6CQ/4)', [{lat:function(){ return "35.0542"; }, lon: function(){ return "-85.1142"}}], "EM75kb"],
['Buxton (N1SH)', [43.686292, -70.549876], 'FN43rq']
var i=0,l=testData.length,result='',result2,result3,thisPassed=0,totalPassed=0;
result = latLonToGridSquare.apply({}, testData[i][1]);
result2 = gridSquareToLatLon(result);
result3 = latLonToGridSquare(result2);
thisPassed = (result===testData[i][2]) && (result3===testData[i][2]);
console.log("test "+i+": "+testData[i][0]+" "+JSON.stringify(testData[i][1])+
" result = "+result+" result2 = "+result2+" result3 = "+result3+" expected= "+testData[i][2]+
" passed = "+thisPassed);
totalPassed += thisPassed;
console.log(totalPassed+" of "+l+" test passed");
return totalPassed===l;
HamGridSquare = {
latLonForGrid: latLonForGrid,
gridForLatLon: gridForLatLon,
toLatLon: gridSquareToLatLon,
fromLatLon: latLonToGridSquare,
test: testGridSquare
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