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Created June 11, 2015 23:45
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ES6 Gulpfile Example
* Steps
* 1. Rename your gulpfile.js to gulpfile.babel.js
* 2. Add babel to your package.json (npm install -D babel)
* 3. Start writing ES6 in your gulpfile!
import gulp from 'gulp'; // ES6 imports!
import sass from 'gulp-sass';
const sassOpts = { outputStyle: 'compressed', errLogToConsole: true }; // "let" and "const"!!
gulp.task('sass', () = > { // Arrow functions!!
gulp.task('default', ['sass'], () => { // Arrow functions!!'./src/sass/**/*.scss', ['sass'])
.on('change', (e) => { // Arrow functions!!
console.log(`File ${e.path} was ${e.type}, running Sass task...`); // Template strings and interpolation!!
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The file naming issue is mentioned in Gulp's README:

Node already supports a lot of ES2015+ features, but to avoid compatibility problems we suggest to install Babel and rename your gulpfile.js to gulpfile.babel.js.

The rename worked for me.

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