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Created October 25, 2016 18:10
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Color palette for cljs
(ns project.ui.color)
(def orange
{:50 "#ffcc80"
:100 "#ffc16d"
:200 "#ffb75c"
:300 "#ffad4a"
:400 "#fea139"
:500 "#ff9800"
:600 "#f98d1d"
:700 "#f6820f"
:800 "#f37703"
:900 "#ef6c00"
:light (get-in orange [:50])
:base (get-in orange [:500])
:dark (get-in orange [:900])})
(def blue
{:50 "#90caf9"
:100 "#81c0f8"
:200 "#70b4f7"
:300 "#5daaf6"
:400 "#47a0f4"
:500 "#2196f3"
:600 "#1e82de"
:700 "#1a6dc9"
:800 "#155ab5"
:900 "#0d47a1"
:light (get-in blue [:50])
:base (get-in blue [:500])
:dark (get-in blue [:900])})
(def yellow
{:50 "#fff59d"
:100 "#fff390"
:200 "#fff27f"
:300 "#ffef6d"
:400 "#ffed58"
:500 "#ffeb3b"
:600 "#fee037"
:700 "#fdd534"
:800 "#fcca30"
:900 "#fbc02d"
:light (get-in yellow [:50])
:base (get-in yellow [:500])
:dark (get-in yellow [:900])})
(def red
{:50 "#ef9a9a"
:100 "#f28b86"
:200 "#f47c72"
:300 "#f56b5d"
:400 "#f5584a"
:500 "#f44336"
:600 "#e53a2f"
:700 "#d53029"
:800 "#c62622"
:900 "#b71c1c"
:light (get-in red [:50])
:base (get-in red [:500])
:dark (get-in red [:900])})
(def green
{:50 "#c5e1a5"
:100 "#badb93"
:200 "#afd581"
:300 "#a3cf70"
:400 "#97c95e"
:500 "#8bc34a"
:600 "#74ac3e"
:700 "#5e9433"
:800 "#487e28"
:900 "#33691e"
:light (get-in green [:50])
:base (get-in green [:500])
:dark (get-in green [:900])})
(def purple
{:50 "#ce9ed8"
:100 "#c57fd0"
:200 "#bb6bc8"
:300 "#b158c0"
:400 "#a741b8"
:500 "#9c27b0"
:600 "#9024aa"
:700 "#8321a5"
:800 "#771e9f"
:900 "#6a1b9a"
:light (get-in purple [:50])
:base (get-in purple [:500])
:dark (get-in purple [:900])})
(def grey
{:50 "#f5f5f0"
:100 "#eeeee7"
:200 "#ddddd4"
:300 "#ccccc2"
:400 "#b3b2a8"
:500 "#9a998f"
:600 "#818076"
:700 "#6a695f"
:800 "#535348"
:900 "#3d3d33"
:light (get-in grey [:50])
:base (get-in grey [:500])
:dark (get-in grey [:900])})
(def black "#000")
(def white "#fff")
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