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Forked from mcliment/mapiconmaker.js
Last active May 16, 2016 05:29
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MapIconMaker for Google Maps API v3
* @name MapIconMaker
* @version 2.0b
* @author Pamela Fox, Marc Climent
* @copyright (c) 2008 Pamela Fox, 2010 Marc Climent
* @fileoverview This gives you static functions for creating dynamically
* sized and colored marker icons using the Charts API marker output.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @name MarkerIconOptions
* @class This class represents optional arguments to {@link createMarkerIcon},
* {@link createFlatIcon}, or {@link createLabeledMarkerIcon}. Each of the
* functions use a subset of these arguments. See the function descriptions
* for the list of supported options.
* @property {Number} [width=32] Specifies, in pixels, the width of the icon.
* The width may include some blank space on the side, depending on the
* height of the icon, as the icon will scale its shape proportionately.
* @property {Number} [height=32] Specifies, in pixels, the height of the icon.
* @property {String} [primaryColor="#ff0000"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the majority of the icon body.
* @property {String} [cornerColor="#ffffff"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the top corner of the icon. If you'd like the
* icon to have a consistent color, make the this the same as the
* {@link primaryColor}.
* @property {String} [strokeColor="#000000"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the outside line (stroke) of the icon.
* @property {String} [shadowColor="#000000"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the shadow of the icon.
* @property {String} [label=""] Specifies a character or string to display
* inside the body of the icon. Generally, one or two characters looks best.
* @property {String} [labelColor="#000000"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the label text.
* @property {Number} [labelSize=0] Specifies, in pixels, the size of the label
* text. If set to 0, the text auto-sizes to fit the icon body.
* @property {String} [shape="circle"] Specifies shape of the icon. Current
* options are "circle" for a circle or "roundrect" for a rounded rectangle.
* @property {Boolean} [addStar = false] Specifies whether to add a star to the
* edge of the icon.
* @property {String} [starPrimaryColor="#FFFF00"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the star body.
* @property {String} [starStrokeColor="#0000FF"] Specifies, as a hexadecimal
* string, the color used for the outside line (stroke) of the star.
* This namespace contains functions that you can use to easily create
* dynamically sized, colored, and labeled icons.
* @namespace
var MapIconMaker = {};
* Creates an icon based on the specified options in the
* {@link MarkerIconOptions} argument.
* Supported options are: width, height, primaryColor,
* strokeColor, and cornerColor.
* @param {MarkerIconOptions} [opts]
* @return {GIcon}
MapIconMaker.createMarkerIcon = function (opts) {
var width = opts.width || 32;
var height = opts.height || 32;
var primaryColor = opts.primaryColor || "#ff0000";
var strokeColor = opts.strokeColor || "#000000";
var cornerColor = opts.cornerColor || "#ffffff";
var baseUrl = "";
var iconUrl = baseUrl + "&chs=" + width + "x" + height +
"&chco=" + cornerColor.replace("#", "") + "," +
primaryColor.replace("#", "") + "," +
strokeColor.replace("#", "") + "&ext=.png";
var icon = {};
var shadow = {};
icon.url = iconUrl;
icon.anchor = new google.maps.Point(width / 2, height);
icon.size = new google.maps.Size(width, height);
shadow.url = '';
shadow.anchor = new google.maps.Point(width / 2, height);
shadow.size = new google.maps.Size(Math.floor(width * 1.6), height);
shadow.scaledSize = new google.maps.Size(Math.floor(width * 1.6), height);
var coords = [
width / 2, height,
(7 / 16) * width, (5 / 8) * height,
(5 / 16) * width, (7 / 16) * height,
(7 / 32) * width, (5 / 16) * height,
(5 / 16) * width, (1 / 8) * height,
(1 / 2) * width, 0,
(11 / 16) * width, (1 / 8) * height,
(25 / 32) * width, (5 / 16) * height,
(11 / 16) * width, (7 / 16) * height,
(9 / 16) * width, (5 / 8) * height
for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
coords[i] = parseInt(coords[i]);
var iconShape = { type: "poly", coords: coords };
// return icon;
return {
icon: icon,
shadow: shadow,
shape: iconShape
* Creates a flat icon based on the specified options in the
* {@link MarkerIconOptions} argument.
* Supported options are: width, height, primaryColor,
* shadowColor, label, labelColor, labelSize, and shape..
* @param {MarkerIconOptions} [opts]
* @return {GIcon}
MapIconMaker.createFlatIcon = function (opts) {
var width = opts.width || 32;
var height = opts.height || 32;
var primaryColor = opts.primaryColor || "#ff0000";
var shadowColor = opts.shadowColor || "#000000";
var label = MapIconMaker.escapeUserText_(opts.label) || "";
var labelColor = opts.labelColor || "#000000";
var labelSize = opts.labelSize || 0;
var shape = opts.shape || "circle";
var shapeCode = (shape === "circle") ? "it" : "itr";
var baseUrl = "" + shapeCode;
var iconUrl = baseUrl + "&chs=" + width + "x" + height +
"&chco=" + primaryColor.replace("#", "") + "," +
shadowColor.replace("#", "") + "ff,ffffff01" +
"&chl=" + label + "&chx=" + labelColor.replace("#", "") +
"," + labelSize;
var icon = {};
icon.url = iconUrl + "&chf=bg,s,00000000" + "&ext=.png";
icon.size = new google.maps.Size(width, height);
icon.anchor = new google.maps.Point(width / 2, height / 2);
var iconShape;
if (shapeCode === "itr") {
iconShape = { type: "poly", coords: [0, 0, width, 0, width, height, 0, height] };
} else {
var polyNumSides = 8;
var polySideLength = 360 / polyNumSides;
var polyRadius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
var coords = [];
for (var a = 0; a < (polyNumSides + 1) ; a++) {
var aRad = polySideLength * a * (Math.PI / 180);
var pixelX = polyRadius + polyRadius * Math.cos(aRad);
var pixelY = polyRadius + polyRadius * Math.sin(aRad);
coords.push(parseInt(pixelX), parseInt(pixelY));
iconShape = { type: "poly", coords: coords };
// return icon;
return {
icon: icon,
shape: iconShape
* Creates a labeled marker icon based on the specified options in the
* {@link MarkerIconOptions} argument.
* Supported options are: primaryColor, strokeColor,
* starPrimaryColor, starStrokeColor, label, labelColor, and addStar.
* @param {MarkerIconOptions} [opts]
* @return {GIcon}
MapIconMaker.createLabeledMarkerIcon = function (opts) {
var primaryColor = opts.primaryColor || "#DA7187";
var strokeColor = opts.strokeColor || "#000000";
var starPrimaryColor = opts.starPrimaryColor || "#FFFF00";
var starStrokeColor = opts.starStrokeColor || "#0000FF";
var label = MapIconMaker.escapeUserText_(opts.label) || "";
var labelColor = opts.labelColor || "#000000";
var addStar = opts.addStar || false;
var pinProgram = (addStar) ? "pin_star" : "pin";
var baseUrl = "";
var iconUrl = baseUrl + pinProgram + "'i\\" + "'[" + label +
"'-2'f\\" + "hv'a\\]" + "h\\]o\\" +
primaryColor.replace("#", "") + "'fC\\" +
labelColor.replace("#", "") + "'tC\\" +
strokeColor.replace("#", "") + "'eC\\";
if (addStar) {
iconUrl += starPrimaryColor.replace("#", "") + "'1C\\" +
starStrokeColor.replace("#", "") + "'0C\\";
iconUrl += "Lauto'f\\";
var icon = {};
var shadow = {};
var width = (addStar) ? 23 : 21;
var height = (addStar) ? 39 : 34;
icon.url = iconUrl + "&ext=.png";
icon.size = new google.maps.Size(width, height);
shadow.url = '';
shadow.anchor = new google.maps.Point(width / 2, height);
shadow.size = new google.maps.Size(Math.floor(width * 1.6), height);
shadow.scaledSize = new google.maps.Size(Math.floor(width * 1.6), height);
return {
icon: icon,
shadow: shadow
* Utility function for doing special chart API escaping first,
* and then typical URL escaping. Must be applied to user-supplied text.
* @private
MapIconMaker.escapeUserText_ = function (text) {
if (text === undefined) {
return null;
text = text.replace(/@/, "@@");
text = text.replace(/\\/, "@\\");
text = text.replace(/'/, "@'");
text = text.replace(/\[/, "@[");
text = text.replace(/\]/, "@]");
return encodeURIComponent(text);
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