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Created March 17, 2022 23:46
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public class SevenDaysOfCodeJavaDay7 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Chamando API");
String apiKey = "____";
List<? extends Content> content = new ImdbApiClient(apiKey).extract();
// String apiKey = "___";
// String privateKey = "____";
// List<? extends Content> content = new MarvelApiClient(apiKey, privateKey).extract();
Collections.sort(content, Collections.reverseOrder());
System.out.println("Gerando HTML");
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("ranking.html");
new HtmlGenerator(writer).generate(content);
interface Content extends Comparable<Content> {
String title();
String urlImage();
String rating();
String year();
record Movie(String title, String urlImage, String rating, String year) implements Content{
public int compareTo(Content content) {
Integer selfYear = Integer.valueOf(this.year());
Integer otherYear = Integer.valueOf(content.year());
return selfYear.compareTo(otherYear);
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