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Created July 22, 2023 15:57
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use v5.38;
use experimental 'class', 'builtin', 'try';
use builtin 'blessed';
use Time::HiRes qw[ sleep ];
use Carp qw[ confess ];
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Actors for Perl/Corinna
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## This is a proof of concept of a simple Actor system for Perl using the
## new `class` feature (aka - Corinna).
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Event
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# An Event can thought of as a deffered method call. The `$symbol` being the
# name of the method, and the $payload being the an ARRAY ref of arguments to
# the method.
# An Event is the primary payload of the Message object.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Event {
field $symbol :param;
field $payload :param = [];
defined $symbol || ::confess 'The `symbol` param must be a defined value';
ref $payload eq 'ARRAY' || ::confess 'The `payload` param must be an ARRAY ref';
method symbol { $symbol }
method payload { $payload }
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Message
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A Message is a container for an Event, which has a sender (`$from`) and a
# recipient (`$to`), both of which are ActorRef instances.
# The Message is the primary means of communication between actors, with
# messages being passed via the ActorSystem.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Message {
field $to :param;
field $from :param;
field $event :param;
$to isa ActorRef || ::confess 'The `to` param must be an ActorRef';
$from isa ActorRef || ::confess 'The `from` param must be an ActorRef';
$event isa Event || ::confess 'The `event` param must be an Event';
method to { $to }
method from { $from }
method event { $event }
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Actor
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The simplest Actor, it will attempt to apply a Message by looking up
# the Message event's symbol. In this case, the Actor will look for a
# method of the same name within it's dispatch table.
# Actor is meant to be subclassed and methods added to enable behaviors
# that can be called via an Event.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Actor {
method apply ($ctx, $message) {
$ctx isa ActorRef || ::confess 'The `$ctx` arg must be an ActorRef';
$message isa Message || ::confess 'The `$message` arg must be a Message';
my $symbol = $message->event->symbol;
my $method = $self->can($symbol);
defined $method || ::confess "Unable to find message for ($symbol)";
$self->$method( $ctx, $message );
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ActorRef
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The ActorRef is a wrapper around the Actor and the ActorSystem that provides
# a number of convenience methods. It is most often used as a "context"
# variable that is passed to all dispatched methods.
# ActorRef can also be seen as an "activation record" of the Actor within the
# ActorSystem, as it is the keeper of the PID value
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ActorRef {
field $pid :param;
field $system :param;
field $actor :param;
defined $pid || ::confess 'The `$pid` param must defined value';
$system isa ActorSystem || ::confess 'The `$system` param must be an ActorSystem';
$actor isa Actor || ::confess 'The `$actor` param must be an Actor';
method pid { $pid }
method system { $system }
method actor { $actor }
method spawn ($actor) {
$actor isa Actor || ::confess 'The `$actor` arg must be an Actor';
$system->spawn( $actor );
method send ($to, $event) {
$to isa ActorRef || ::confess 'The `$to` arg must be an ActorRef';
$event isa Event || ::confess 'The `$event` arg must be an Event';
Message->new( to => $to, from => $self, event => $event )
method exit { $system->despawn( $self ) }
method kill ($actor_ref) {
$actor_ref isa ActorRef || ::confess 'The `$actor_ref` arg must be an ActorRef';
$system->despawn( $actor_ref );
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ActorSystem
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The ActorSystem does a number of things:
# - it manages ActorRef instances of spawned Actors
# - it handles the Message delivery queue
# - it manages the loop within which the Actors live
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ActorSystem {
my $PIDS = 0;
field %actor_refs;
field @deferred;
field @msg_queue;
field @dead_letter_queue;
field $init :param;
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{DEBUG} // 0;
my sub LINE ($label) { warn join ' ' => '--', $label, ('-' x (80 - length $label)), "\n" }
my sub LOG (@msg) { warn @msg, "\n" }
method spawn ($actor) {
$actor isa Actor || ::confess 'The `$actor` arg must be an Actor';
my $a = ActorRef->new( pid => ++$PIDS, system => $self, actor => $actor );
$actor_refs{ $a->pid } = $a;
method despawn ($actor_ref) {
$actor_ref isa ActorRef || ::confess 'The `$actor_ref` arg must be an ActorRef';
push @deferred => sub {
LOG "Despawning ".$actor_ref->pid if DEBUG;
delete $actor_refs{ $actor_ref->pid };
method enqueue_message ($message) {
$message isa Message || ::confess 'The `$message` arg must be a Message';
push @msg_queue => $message;
method drain_messages {
my @msgs = @msg_queue;
@msg_queue = ();
return @msgs;
method add_to_dead_letter ($reason, $message) {
push @dead_letter_queue => [ $reason, $message ];
method run_deferred ($phase) {
return unless @deferred;
LOG ">>> deferred[ $phase ]" if DEBUG;
(shift @deferred)->() while @deferred;
method exit_loop {
if (DEBUG) {
@dead_letter_queue and say "Dead Letter Queue:\n".join "\n" => map { join ', ' => @$_ } @dead_letter_queue;
%actor_refs and say "Zombies:\n".join ", " => sort { $a <=> $b } keys %actor_refs;
method run_init {
my $init_ctx = $self->spawn( Actor->new );
$init->( $init_ctx );
method tick {
my @msgs = $self->drain_messages;
while (@msgs) {
my $msg = shift @msgs;
if ( my $actor_ref = $actor_refs{ $msg->to->pid } ) {
try {
$actor_ref->actor->apply( $actor_ref, $msg );
} catch ($e) {
$self->add_to_dead_letter( $e => $msg );
else {
$self->add_to_dead_letter( ACTOR_NOT_FOUND => $msg );
method loop ($delay=undef) {
LINE "init" if DEBUG;
LINE "start" if DEBUG;
while (1) {
LINE "tick" if DEBUG;
last unless @msg_queue;
::sleep($delay) if defined $delay;
LINE "exiting" if DEBUG;
LINE "exited" if DEBUG;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PingPong Actor
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an example of a subclasses Actor. It ping/pongs back and forth
# until it reaches it's max, then stops and kills the other.
# I am using GLOBs for the Event symbol, which works out nicely as it will
# warn if we create one that doesn't already exist. They are also already
# namespaced and essentially singletons, so we do not need to manage them.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class PingPong :isa(Actor) {
field $name :param; # so I can identify myself in the logs
field $max :param; # the max number of ping/pong(s) to allow
# counters for ping/pong(s)
field $pings = 0;
field $pongs = 0;
my sub _exit_both ($ctx, $a) { $ctx->exit; $ctx->kill( $a ) }
method Ping ($ctx, $message) {
if ($pings < $max) {
say "got Ping($name)[$pings] <= $max";
$ctx->send( $message->from, Event->new( symbol => *Pong ) );
else {
say "!!! ending Ping at($name)[$pings] <= $max";
_exit_both( $ctx, $message->from );
method Pong ($ctx, $message) {
if ($pongs < $max) {
say "got Pong($name)[$pongs] <= $max";
$ctx->send( $message->from, Event->new( symbol => *Ping ) );
else {
say "!!! ending Pong at($name)[$pongs] <= $max";
_exit_both( $ctx, $message->from );
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# `init` function
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This function is called before the ActorSystem loop starts and it used to
# get the ActorSystem started. The function gets an ActorRef instance as
# context, which can be used to spawn Actors and send Messages.
# This ActorRef actually wraps a plain Actor instance with no methods beyond
# `apply`, so sending messages to it is not useful. This ActorRef will also
# be immediately despawned after the `init` function finishes, so it will not
# be alive long enough to get messages either.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub init ($ctx) {
foreach ( 1 .. 10 ) {
my $max = int(rand(10));
my $Ping = $ctx->spawn( PingPong->new( name => "Ping($_)", max => $max ) );
my $Pong = $ctx->spawn( PingPong->new( name => "Pong($_)", max => $max ) );
$Ping->send( $Pong, Event->new( symbol => *PingPong::Pong ) );
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lets-ago!
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ActorSystem->new( init => \&init )->loop( 0.5 );
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