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Last active October 12, 2020 19:22
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using System;
using Unity.Entities;
public struct FluidLike : IComponentData {
public float density;
public float lagrangeMultiplier;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.NetCode;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.AI;
using static Unity.Mathematics.math;
public struct SpatialMember {
public float3 position;
public Entity entity;
public class FluidLikeSystem : SystemBase {
static float3 TravelAlongPath(in DynamicBuffer<NavigationPathPoint> path, in float maxDistance) {
float remainingTravelableDistance = maxDistance;
float3 position = path[0].Value;
for (int i = 1; i < path.Length; i++) {
float3 segmentStart = path[i-1].Value;
float3 segmentEnd = path[i].Value;
float3 delta = segmentEnd - segmentStart;
float segmentDistance = length(delta);
if (segmentDistance < remainingTravelableDistance) {
position = segmentEnd;
remainingTravelableDistance -= segmentDistance;
} else {
position += remainingTravelableDistance / segmentDistance * delta;
return position;
static int2 BucketIndex(in float3 position) {
return int2((int)position.x, (int)position.z);
static NativeList<SpatialMember> Neighbors(in Entity entity, in float3 position, in NativeMultiHashMap<int2, SpatialMember> spatialIndex, in Allocator allocator) {
const int MAX_NEIGHBOR_COUNT = 64;
int2 bucketIndex = BucketIndex(position);
NativeList<SpatialMember> neighbors = new NativeList<SpatialMember>(MAX_NEIGHBOR_COUNT, allocator);
for (int i = bucketIndex.x - 1; i <= bucketIndex.x + 1; i++) {
for (int j = bucketIndex.y - 1; j <= bucketIndex.y + 1; j++) {
int2 bi = int2(i,j);
if (spatialIndex.TryGetFirstValue(bi, out SpatialMember n, out NativeMultiHashMapIterator<int2> iterator)) {
do {
if (entity != n.entity) {
} while (spatialIndex.TryGetNextValue(out n, ref iterator));
return neighbors;
// This is a function W that describes the weighted falloff relationship between a particle and another particle
// Taken from
static float W(in float3 v, in float maxDistanceSquared) {
float rl = lengthsq(v);
float q = rl / maxDistanceSquared;
// These are two functions that have the same value at q=.5 and smoothly blend to one-another
if (q <= .5) {
float q2 = q * q;
float q3 = q2 * q;
return 6*q3 - 6*q2 + 1;
} else if (q <= 1) {
return 2*pow(1-q, 3);
} else {
return 0;
// This is a function gradW that is the gradient of the function W above
// Taken from
static float3 GradW(in float3 v, in float maxDistanceSquared) {
const float EPSILON = 1e-6f;
float rl = lengthsq(v);
float q = rl / maxDistanceSquared;
if (rl <= EPSILON)
return float3(0,0,0);
float3 gradq = v / (rl * maxDistanceSquared);
// These are two functions that have the same value at q=.5 and smoothly blend to one-another
if (q <= .5) {
return q * (3*q - 2) * gradq;
} else if (q <= 1) {
float factor = 1-q;
return -factor*factor*gradq;
} else {
return float3(0,0,0);
// p_i in equations of position-based-fluid constraints
static float Density(in NativeList<SpatialMember> neighbors, in float3 position) {
const float MAX_DISTANCE_SQUARED = .5f * .5f;
float density = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Length; i++) {
density += W(position - neighbors[i].position, MAX_DISTANCE_SQUARED);
return density;
// lambda in equations of position-based-fluid constraints
static float LagrangeMultiplier(in NativeList<SpatialMember> neighbors, in float3 position, in float density) {
const float MAX_DISTANCE_SQUARED = .5f * .5f;
const float EPSILON = 1e-6f;
float constraint = max(0, density - 1);
if (constraint == 0)
return 0;
float sumGradC2 = 0;
float3 gradCi = float3(0,0,0);
for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Length; i++) {
float3 gradCj = -GradW(position - neighbors[i].position, MAX_DISTANCE_SQUARED);
sumGradC2 += dot(gradCj, gradCj);
gradCi -= gradCj;
sumGradC2 += dot(gradCi, gradCi);
return -constraint / (sumGradC2 + EPSILON);
static float3 ProjectDensityConstraint(in NativeList<SpatialMember> neighbors, in ComponentDataFromEntity<FluidLike> fluidLikes, in Entity entity, in float3 position) {
const float MAX_DISTANCE_SQUARED = .5f * .5f;
float3 delta = float3(0,0,0);
for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Length; i++) {
SpatialMember neighbor = neighbors[i];
float3 gradC = -GradW(position - neighbor.position, MAX_DISTANCE_SQUARED);
float lagrangeMultiplier1 = fluidLikes[entity].lagrangeMultiplier;
float lagrangeMultiplier2 = fluidLikes[neighbor.entity].lagrangeMultiplier;
delta -= (lagrangeMultiplier1 + lagrangeMultiplier2) * gradC;
return delta;
protected override void OnUpdate() {
const int MAX_QUERYABLE_MINIONS = 1024;
const int SUBSTEP_COUNT = 48;
NavMeshWorld navMeshWorld = NavMeshWorld.GetDefaultWorld();
float dt = Time.DeltaTime;
float stepDt = dt / (float)SUBSTEP_COUNT;
for (int i = 0; i < SUBSTEP_COUNT; i++) {
.ForEach((Entity e, ref Translation translation, in FluidLike fluidLike, in Traveler traveler) => {
float maxPathDistance = traveler.speed * stepDt;
translation.Value += normalize(traveler.targetPosition - translation.Value) * maxPathDistance;
NativeMultiHashMap<int2, SpatialMember> spatialIndex = new NativeMultiHashMap<int2, SpatialMember>(MAX_QUERYABLE_MINIONS, Allocator.TempJob);
// Create spatial index to store nearest neighbors
.WithAll<Traveler, FluidLike>()
.ForEach((Entity entity, in Translation translation) => {
float3 position = translation.Value;
int2 bucketIndex = BucketIndex(position);
spatialIndex.Add(bucketIndex, new SpatialMember { entity = entity, position = position });
// Compute each particle's density and lagrange multiplier via neighbors
.ForEach((Entity e, ref FluidLike fluidLike, in Translation translation) => {
NativeList<SpatialMember> neighbors = Neighbors(e, translation.Value, spatialIndex, Allocator.Temp);
float density = Density(neighbors, translation.Value);
float lagrangeMultiplier = LagrangeMultiplier(neighbors, translation.Value, density);
fluidLike.density = density;
fluidLike.lagrangeMultiplier = lagrangeMultiplier;
ComponentDataFromEntity<FluidLike> fluidLikes = GetComponentDataFromEntity<FluidLike>(false);
// Project density constraints
.WithAll<Traveler, FluidLike>()
.ForEach((Entity entity, ref Translation translation) => {
NativeList<SpatialMember> neighbors = Neighbors(entity, translation.Value, spatialIndex, Allocator.Temp);
float3 delta = ProjectDensityConstraint(neighbors, fluidLikes, entity, translation.Value);
translation.Value += delta;
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