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Forked from sindresorhus/
Last active February 4, 2025 10:08
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Publish node module
# npm publish with goodies
# prerequisites:
# `npm install -g trash conventional-recommended-bump conventional-changelog conventional-github-releaser conventional-commits-detector json`
# `np` with optional argument `patch`/`minor`/`major`/`<version>`
# defaults to conventional-recommended-bump
# and optional argument preset `angular`/ `jquery` ...
# defaults to conventional-commits-detector
np() {
travis status --no-interactive &&
trash node_modules &>/dev/null;
git pull --rebase &&
npm install &&
npm test &&
cp package.json _package.json &&
preset=`conventional-commits-detector` &&
echo $preset &&
bump=`conventional-recommended-bump -p angular` &&
echo ${1:-$bump} &&
npm --no-git-tag-version version ${1:-$bump} &>/dev/null &&
conventional-changelog -i -s -p ${2:-$preset} &&
git add &&
version=`cat package.json | json version` &&
git commit -m"docs(CHANGELOG): $version" &&
mv -f _package.json package.json &&
npm version ${1:-$bump} -m "chore(release): %s" &&
git push --follow-tags &&
conventional-github-releaser -p ${2:-$preset} &&
npm publish
# apm publish with goodies
ap() {
travis status --no-interactive &&
trash node_modules &>/dev/null;
git pull --rebase &&
npm install &&
apm install &&
npm test && # checking coding styles or non atom related tests maybe
apm test &&
cp package.json _package.json &&
preset=`conventional-commits-detector` &&
echo $preset &&
bump=`conventional-recommended-bump -p angular` &&
echo ${1:-$bump} &&
npm --no-git-tag-version version ${1:-$bump} &>/dev/null &&
conventional-changelog -i -s -p ${2:-$preset} &&
git add &&
version=`cat package.json | json version` &&
git commit -m":memo: CHANGELOG for $version" &&
mv -f _package.json package.json &&
apm publish ${1:-$bump} &&
git push --follow-tags &&
conventional-github-releaser -p ${2:-$preset}
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version line could be tweaked to: version=$(json -f package.json version). cat is unnecessary and backticks are deprecated bash syntax.

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I would need a bit of guidance about how to use this snippet. How can i execute it like npm run my-script?


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clakech commented Mar 31, 2020


in march 2020 use this command:
npm install -g conventional-changelog-cli

and use sudo on circleci

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