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Last active July 6, 2017 05:12
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Command Line Setup Steps for macOS

Launch Terminal in macOS, located at /Applications/Utilities/

If your current account doesn't have admin privileges, switch users by entering the following command (substituting the username of the admin account). Press return and enter your password at the prompt.

su your_admin_name

If you don't remember your admin username, the following command will list the users on your system.

ls /Users/

To install a bundle of command-line tools provided by Apple, paste the following line into the terminal window and press return. When prompted, click "Install," then "Agree."

xcode-select --install

Run the following command to install the Homebrew package manager. Enter your password at the prompt to proceed.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Next, enter this command to update Homebrew.

brew update

If Homebrew returns an error, enter the following command to give it the permissions it expects.

sudo chown $(whoami):admin /usr/local && sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local

Now you can install command-line programs in a single line, like so:

brew install wget

brew install youtube-dl

Python is installed by default in macOS, but we’ll want to install a fresh copy through Homebrew. This version includes the pip package manager and a few other tools Apple left out.

brew install python

brew link --overwrite python

Before we go further, we should update pip. The -U option tells pip to update a package's dependencies to their most recent versions.

pip install -U pip

Enter the following command to install several useful Python packages.

pip install -U jupyter numpy scipy matplotlib pandas
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