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Created September 4, 2019 16:39
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LaTeX class for homework
% Class for homework which allows answers to be embedded and removed
% Used for creating environment which can show/hide content
% Margin setup
\definecolor{answercolor}{RGB}{10, 50, 80}
\definecolor{tacolor}{RGB}{10, 80, 20}
% If the 'answer' argument is specified, set the 'answer' flag true
% Build the answer environment. If the 'answer' flag is true, then include
% the content in the environment. If not, then just include a vertical space.
\color{answercolor} % Automatically closes
% Page breaks which only apply for answerspace
% tainfo environment which encapsulates information for TAs that's
% not an answer. Rubrics, common gotchas, etc.
\color{tacolor} % Automatically closes
% Setup for problem headings
\textbf{\large{Problem \theProblemCounter: #1}}
% Title setup
% Not sure why we don't get a proper space here
\begin{center}\LARGE{\@title \, solutions}\end{center}%
Name: \rule{2in}{0.5pt}
%Lab section/TA: \rule{2in}{0.5pt}
\begin{center}\LARGE{\@title} \\ \large{Due \@duedate}\end{center}%
\newcommand{\hint}[1]{\textit{Hint: #1}}
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