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Created May 13, 2015 12:18
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Chef Server 12.0.8 Double Transaction Rate

Supposed Cause

Chef Server 12.0.8+ contains a new version of our underlying postgresql client library and a new version of the sqerl library which provideds an abstraction over that. These updates included the following change:

which results in the following query being sent before each query that we send to sqerl:

set statement_timeout=5000

If this query is also counted as a transaction, that would account for the doubling in the transaction rate seen when upgrading to 12.0.8.

Proposed Fix

Since the statement_timeout is (by default) a per-session configurable, we can set it once at initialze. Thus, we can move the timeout statement into the initialization of the sqerl worker. The following PR does that:


Testing the Fix

To test the fix, I generated simple load against a standalone Chef Server built off of master. I then measured transactions on a 1 second interval for 5 minutes using a query very similar to what munin uses. On master, without the proposed fix, we observe the following transaction rate data:

 Min.   :  0.0
 1st Qu.:480.0
 Median :512.0
 Mean   :511.1
 3rd Qu.:549.0
 Max.   :771.0

I then stopped the load generator and erchef. I rebuilt oc_erchef with a new version of sqerl with the above fix, restarted the load generator, and restarted the monitoring application. With the change, we observe the following transaction rate data:

 Min.   :  0.0
 1st Qu.:230.0
 Median :252.0
 Mean   :249.1
 3rd Qu.:271.5
 Max.   :395.0

Load generation script

puts "Starting up"

threads = []
1.upto(4) do |i|
  threads << do
    loop do
      puts "Request from thread #{i}"
threads.each {|t| t.join}

started as: knife exec -u usera -k usera.pem test.rb -s 'https://localhost/organizations/orga' after creating the appropriate user and organization.

Monitoring Script

QUERY="SELECT sum(pg_stat_get_db_xact_commit(oid)) FROM pg_database WHERE datname='opscode_chef'"

# all of our calls are queries only, so rollbacks are very unlikely.  Munin, however does measure them
# by adding something like the following:
#SELECT 'rollback',sum(pg_stat_get_db_xact_rollback(oid)) FROM pg_database;

get_commit_count() {
 su opscode-pgsql -c "/opt/opscode/embedded/bin/psql opscode_chef -t -c \"$QUERY\"" | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'

while true; do
   echo $(echo "$NEW_COUNT - $OLD_COUNT" | bc)
   sleep 1

started with: bash 2>/dev/null >tx.log. manually stopped with an interrupt after 5 minutes.

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