#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
%%! -smp enable -sname jsonbench -pa deps/jiffy/ebin
main([Iter]) ->
BinaryJson = read_data(),
DecodedJson = jiffy_decode(BinaryJson),
bench(list_to_integer(Iter), BinaryJson, DecodedJson).
bench(0, _, _) ->
bench(Iter, BinaryJson, DecodedJson) ->
io:format("~p ~p~n", [
timeit(BinaryJson, fun jiffy_decode/1),
timeit(DecodedJson, fun jiffy_encode/1)
bench(Iter - 1, BinaryJson, DecodedJson).
diff(End, Start) ->
tuple_to_micro(End) - tuple_to_micro(Start).
tuple_to_micro({MegaSec, Sec, MicroSec}) ->
(MegaSec * 1000000) + (Sec * 1000) + (MicroSec div 1000).
read_data() ->
{ok, Data} = file:read_file("big.json"),
timeit(Data, TestFun) ->
Start = erlang:now(),
_Res = TestFun(Data),
End = erlang:now(),
diff(End, Start).
jiffy_encode(Data) ->
jiffy_decode(Data) ->
Two jiffy versions were used. The “new” jiffy is from https://github.com/joedevivo/jiffy at revision 2f405e2b9ae3c2a9cf59ab10179c3262cf4aff03. The “old” version was taken from the rebar.config.lock of the erchef (OSS Chef Server 11) repository: revision 3b6a1327d418f7594ecb23aa8d7874c3986f433e from github.com/davisp/jiffy
The test data is a 4.7MB JSON file representing the cookbook manifest returned by the cookbook_versions endpoint. This file was created by uploading 20 cookbooks, each with 600 files and then calling the cookbook_versions endpoing:
for i in {1..20}; do knife cookbook create cookbook${i}; done for ckbk in /var/chef/cookbooks/cookbook*; do for i in {1..600};do echo $RANDOM-$RANDOM-$RANDOM-$RANDOM > ${ckbk}/recipes/${i}.rb; done; done knife exec -E 'puts api.post("environments/_default/cookbook_versions", :run_list => ["cookbook1", "cookbook2", "cookbook3", "cookbook4", "cookbook5", "cookbook6", "cookbook7", "cookbook8", "cookbook9", "cookbook10", "cookbook11", "cookbook12", "cookbook13", "cookbook14", "cookbook15", "cookbook16", "cookbook17", "cookbook18", "cookbook19", "cookbook20"]).to_json'
- Edit rebar.lock to point at the desired version of jiffy
- Get and compile jiffy:
rm rf deps/ && rebar get-deps && rebar comile
- Run 1000 encodes and decodes:
./jsonbench 1000 > output.txt
So far I’ve only looked at simple summary statistics, but the picture seems to be clear, new jiffy isn’t slow and is probably faster.
Old Decode | Old Encode | New Decode | New Encode |
Min. :41.00 | Min. : 80.00 | Min. :18.00 | Min. : 57.00 |
1st Qu.:52.00 | 1st Qu.: 87.00 | 1st Qu.:21.00 | 1st Qu.: 62.00 |
Median :55.00 | Median : 90.00 | Median :23.00 | Median : 64.00 |
Mean :56.14 | Mean : 90.26 | Mean :24.32 | Mean : 64.64 |
3rd Qu.:62.00 | 3rd Qu.: 93.00 | 3rd Qu.:25.00 | 3rd Qu.: 66.00 |
Max. :76.00 | Max. :123.00 | Max. :69.00 | Max. :180.00 |
This table is the partial output of:
paste oldjiffy.txt newjiffy.txt | summarize
is an R script that can be found here: