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Created April 30, 2020 16:18
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Save stevendesu/2d52f7b5e1f1184af3b667c0b5e054b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple, open-source, HMAC-SHA256 implementation in pure JavaScript. Designed for efficient minification.
// To ensure cross-browser support even without a proper SubtleCrypto
// impelmentation (or without access to the impelmentation, as is the case with
// Chrome loaded over HTTP instead of HTTPS), this library can create SHA-256
// HMAC signatures using nothing but raw JavaScript
/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers, id-length, no-param-reassign, new-cap */
// By giving internal functions names that we can mangle, future calls to
// them are reduced to a single byte (minor space savings in minified file)
var uint8Array = Uint8Array;
var uint32Array = Uint32Array;
var pow = Math.pow;
// Will be initialized below
// Using a Uint32Array instead of a simple array makes the minified code
// a bit bigger (we lose our `unshift()` hack), but comes with huge
// performance gains
var DEFAULT_STATE = new uint32Array(8);
// Reusable object for expanded message
// Using a Uint32Array instead of a simple array makes the minified code
// 7 bytes larger, but comes with huge performance gains
var M = new uint32Array(64);
// After minification the code to compute the default state and round
// constants is smaller than the output. More importantly, this serves as a
// good educational aide for anyone wondering where the magic numbers come
// from. No magic numbers FTW!
function getFractionalBits(n)
return ((n - (n | 0)) * pow(2, 32)) | 0;
var n = 2, nPrime = 0;
while (nPrime < 64)
// isPrime() was in-lined from its original function form to save
// a few bytes
var isPrime = true;
// Math.sqrt() was replaced with pow(n, 1/2) to save a few bytes
// var sqrtN = pow(n, 1 / 2);
// So technically to determine if a number is prime you only need to
// check numbers up to the square root. However this function only runs
// once and we're only computing the first 64 primes (up to 311), so on
// any modern CPU this whole function runs in a couple milliseconds.
// By going to n / 2 instead of sqrt(n) we net 8 byte savings and no
// scaling performance cost
for (var factor = 2; factor <= n / 2; factor++)
if (n % factor === 0)
isPrime = false;
if (isPrime)
if (nPrime < 8)
DEFAULT_STATE[nPrime] = getFractionalBits(pow(n, 1 / 2));
ROUND_CONSTANTS[nPrime] = getFractionalBits(pow(n, 1 / 3));
// For cross-platform support we need to ensure that all 32-bit words are
// in the same endianness. A UTF-8 TextEncoder will return BigEndian data,
// so upon reading or writing to our ArrayBuffer we'll only swap the bytes
// if our system is LittleEndian (which is about 99% of CPUs)
var LittleEndian = !!new uint8Array(new uint32Array([1]).buffer)[0];
function convertEndian(word)
if (LittleEndian)
return (
// byte 1 -> byte 4
(word >>> 24) |
// byte 2 -> byte 3
(((word >>> 16) & 0xff) << 8) |
// byte 3 -> byte 2
((word & 0xff00) << 8) |
// byte 4 -> byte 1
(word << 24)
return word;
function rightRotate(word, bits)
return (word >>> bits) | (word << (32 - bits));
function sha256(data)
// Copy default state
var STATE = DEFAULT_STATE.slice();
// Caching this reduces occurrences of ".length" in minified JavaScript
// 3 more byte savings! :D
var legth = data.length;
// Pad data
var bitLength = legth * 8;
var newBitLength = (512 - ((bitLength + 64) % 512) - 1) + bitLength + 65;
// "bytes" and "words" are stored BigEndian
var bytes = new uint8Array(newBitLength / 8);
var words = new uint32Array(bytes.buffer);
bytes.set(data, 0);
// Append a 1
bytes[legth] = 0b10000000;
// Store length in BigEndian
words[words.length - 1] = convertEndian(bitLength);
// Loop iterator (avoid two instances of "var") -- saves 2 bytes
var round;
// Process blocks (512 bits / 64 bytes / 16 words at a time)
for (var block = 0; block < newBitLength / 32; block += 16)
var workingState = STATE.slice();
// Rounds
for (round = 0; round < 64; round++)
var MRound;
// Expand message
if (round < 16)
// Convert to platform Endianness for later math
MRound = convertEndian(words[block + round]);
var gamma0x = M[round - 15];
var gamma1x = M[round - 2];
MRound =
M[round - 7] + M[round - 16] + (
rightRotate(gamma0x, 7) ^
rightRotate(gamma0x, 18) ^
(gamma0x >>> 3)
) + (
rightRotate(gamma1x, 17) ^
rightRotate(gamma1x, 19) ^
(gamma1x >>> 10)
// M array matches platform endianness
M[round] = MRound |= 0;
// Computation
var t1 =
rightRotate(workingState[4], 6) ^
rightRotate(workingState[4], 11) ^
rightRotate(workingState[4], 25)
) +
(workingState[4] & workingState[5]) ^
(~workingState[4] & workingState[6])
) + workingState[7] + MRound + ROUND_CONSTANTS[round]
var t2 =
rightRotate(workingState[0], 2) ^
rightRotate(workingState[0], 13) ^
rightRotate(workingState[0], 22)
) +
(workingState[0] & workingState[1]) ^
(workingState[2] & (workingState[0] ^
for (var i = 7; i > 0; i--)
workingState[i] = workingState[i - 1];
workingState[0] = (t1 + t2) | 0;
workingState[4] = (workingState[4] + t1) | 0;
// Update state
for (round = 0; round < 8; round++)
STATE[round] = (STATE[round] + workingState[round]) | 0;
// Finally the state needs to be converted to BigEndian for output
// And we want to return a Uint8Array, not a Uint32Array
return new uint8Array(new uint32Array( { return convertEndian(val); })
function hmac(key, data)
if (key.length > 64)
key = sha256(key);
if (key.length < 64)
const tmp = new Uint8Array(64);
tmp.set(key, 0);
key = tmp;
// Generate inner and outer keys
var innerKey = new Uint8Array(64);
var outerKey = new Uint8Array(64);
for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++)
innerKey[i] = 0x36 ^ key[i];
outerKey[i] = 0x5c ^ key[i];
// Append the innerKey
var msg = new Uint8Array(data.length + 64);
msg.set(innerKey, 0);
msg.set(data, 64);
// Has the previous message and append the outerKey
var result = new Uint8Array(64 + 32);
result.set(outerKey, 0);
result.set(sha256(msg), 64);
// Hash the previous message
return sha256(result);
// Convert a string to a Uint8Array, SHA-256 it, and convert back to string
const encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
function sign(inputKey, inputData)
const key = typeof inputKey === "string" ? encoder.encode(inputKey) : inputKey;
const data = typeof inputData === "string" ? encoder.encode(inputData) : inputData;
return hmac(key, data);
function hash(str)
return hex(sha256(encoder.encode(str)));
function hex(bin)
return bin.reduce((acc, val) =>
acc + ("00" + val.toString(16)).substr(-2)
, "");
module.exports = {
sign: sign,
hash: hash,
hex: hex
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Thank you very much!
I have a ts version of your code if you're interested, again thank you very much.

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djp9192 commented Jul 8, 2022

hi! i'm having trouble to replicate an expected output hmac sha256 signature by running this code ... could you please help to confirm to me the code to invoke the functions above? thanks!

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I needed to generate a security token in an environment that didn't allow me to use npm packages, so this code was a life-saver!

For @djp9192 and any others who may be experiencing issues, I invoked it with the following code:

var strToken = hex(sign(SUPER_SECRET_API_KEY, CUSTOMER_ID));

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Hi @stevendesu — thanks for publishing this implementation. I am keen to use it in an open-source project, would that be okay? If so, would you mind adding a comment describing the licence under which you are releasing it?

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Hi @stevendesu — thanks for publishing this implementation. I am keen to use it in an open-source project, would that be okay? If so, would you mind adding a comment describing the licence under which you are releasing it?

Feel free to use it however you'd like 😄 As the gist title indicates, this is "a simple open source implementation". Feel free to choose whatever license you find most permissible, but I offer no warranty for the code. It's 100% free to do with as you please.

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Thanks for your quick reply @stevendesu, appreciate it!

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Thanks for this gist! It was very useful to not need to add a dependency for a very simple case.

Ported it to TypeScript here:

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