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Created July 4, 2014 17:26
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import Base.Terminals: TextTerminal, writepos, cmove, getX, getY, reseteof, cmove_up, cmove_down, cmove_left, cmove_right, cmove_line_up, cmove_line_down, cmove_col, hascolor, clear, clear_line, raw!, beep, enable_bracketed_paste, disable_bracketed_paste
import Base: size, flush, write, read, readuntil, start_reading, stop_reading
# wrapper around a TextTerminal that also logs all output to log
type LoggingTerminal <: TextTerminal
size(t::LoggingTerminal) = size(t.t)
writepos(t::LoggingTerminal, x, y, s::Array{Uint8,1}) = writepos(t.t, x,y,s)
cmove(t::LoggingTerminal, x, y) = cmove(t.t, x, y)
getX(t::LoggingTerminal) = getX(t.t)
getY(t::LoggingTerminal) = getY(t.t)
reseteof(t::LoggingTerminal) = reseteof(t.t)
cmove_up(t::LoggingTerminal, n) = cmove_up(t.t, n)
cmove_down(t::LoggingTerminal, n) = cmove_down(t.t, n)
cmove_left(t::LoggingTerminal, n) = cmove_left(t.t, n)
cmove_right(t::LoggingTerminal, n) = cmove_right(t.t, n)
cmove_line_up(t::LoggingTerminal, n) = cmove_line_up(t.t, n)
cmove_line_down(t::LoggingTerminal, n) = cmove_line_down(t.t, n)
cmove_col(t::LoggingTerminal, c) = cmove_col(t.t, c)
hascolor(t::LoggingTerminal) = hascolor(t.t)
function flush(t::LoggingTerminal)
clear(t::LoggingTerminal) = clear(t.t)
clear_line(t::LoggingTerminal, row) = clear_line(t.t, row)
clear_line(t::LoggingTerminal) = clear_line(t.t)
raw!(t::LoggingTerminal, raw::Bool) = raw!(t.t, raw)
beep(t::LoggingTerminal) = beep(t.t)
enable_bracketed_paste(t::LoggingTerminal) = enable_bracketed_paste(t.t)
disable_bracketed_paste(t::LoggingTerminal) = disable_bracketed_paste(t.t)
write{T,N}(t::LoggingTerminal, x::Array{T,N}) = begin write(t.log, x); write(t.t, x); end
write(t::LoggingTerminal, p::Ptr{Uint8}, x::Integer) = begin write(t.log, p, x); write(t.t, p, x); end
write(t::LoggingTerminal, p::Ptr{Uint8}) = begin write(t.log, p); write(t.t, p); end
write(t::LoggingTerminal, x::Uint8) = begin write(t.log, x); write(t.t, x); end
read{T,N}(t::LoggingTerminal, x::Array{T,N}) = read(t.t, x)
read(t::LoggingTerminal, x::Type{Uint8}) = read(t.t, x)
readuntil(t::LoggingTerminal, x::String) = readuntil(t.t, x)
readuntil(t::LoggingTerminal, x::Char) = readuntil(t.t, x)
readuntil(t::LoggingTerminal, x) = readuntil(t.t, x)
start_reading(t::LoggingTerminal) = start_reading(t.t)
stop_reading(t::LoggingTerminal) = stop_reading(t.t)
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