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Last active October 5, 2016 18:50
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Hi [represenative name],
As one of your supporting constituents of [town name in district] who is a
worker in the tech community I am very much so hoping that you vote against
Assembly Bill A8093. As a software engineer I can assure you that any effort to
undermine the encryption on devices will have unintended consequences that will
negatively affect our ability to maintain personal privacy and security against
malicious actors (inside and outside of the government/law enforcement).
The proposed bill would require manufacturers to create a backdoor in a
device’s ability to encrypt a user’s private data. While this can make law
enforcement’s job easier, it also opens up the possibility for anybody else to
exploit this backdoor and gain access to a user’s sensitive data (credit cards,
passwords, photos, etc.). It is not possible to create a method of decryption
that can only be used by a manufacturer!
In addition, archaic bills such as these sends a clear message to tech
companies that New York is not the place to conduct business – exactly the
opposite of what we are attempting to demonstrate to companies with the
START-UP NY program.
I hope this letter steers you towards a vote of nay on this bill,
- [your name]
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