How you’ve used agile as a process at Turing and what kind of project management tools you utilized. Address these questions:
I have been using github issues to keep track of what needs to happen as far as features for my projects. Using a DTR was also particularly helpful.
For mod2, I have started to implement using to expand my project management prowess.
I am still learning the nuances of waffle and think once I understand its expanded functionality with github, it will be an essential tool. However, keeping track of issues purely in github sometimes seems a little more straight-forward.
I'd like to start thinking about projects we do at Turing in a professional context regarding whether we are implementing a waterfall or agile workflow.
Description of the role you played in your pair/group projects this module -- what was your role as a teammate? How did you utilize your strengths and leadership skills?
I think I gravitate to the role of a leader while also trying to not get overwhelmed by all the tasks that need to happen in a project. Often I usually know what needs to happen in a macro sense, but am trying to get better in breaking it down into small, actionable items.