Font styles (and classes)
emulates caligraphy
some contrast in the strokes
good for journalism or historical
minimal contrast in the strokes
good for education or finance or government
sharper serif and more contrasting strokes than Humanist
good for academia or legal
upright or uniform characters
strong strokes
good for tech or transport
very thin horizontal serif
high contrast between strokes
good for arts or culture
Egyptian (Slab):
heavy boxy serifs
almost no contrast in the stroke
good for marketing or promotional
geometric shapes form the backbones of the letters
good for science or architecture
Design suggestions when mixing fonts:
Avoid choosing 2 fonts from the same style. E.g., Epic (humanist serif) and Garamond (humanist serif)
this is a lot like clashing colors.
Avoid choosing 2 fonts from the same class. E.g., Epic (humanist serif ) and Agora (slab serif ).
When mixing classes, find a a similar trait. E.g., Epic and Myriad are both humanist style fonts.
Strive for contrast over harmony :
either keep it the same or change it a lot.
Style guide (formulation and suggestions):
Your style guide prototypes the copy of your site. It should demonstrate what the following elements look like:
Headline Text (~ 260-300% size of Body copy)
B-Head (or Sub-Head) Text (~ 150% size of Body copy)
Nav items (100% size of Body copy)
Body copy (suggest at 16px but isn't set in stone)
Leading -- the distance between lines -- should be demonstrated in here.
Good leading is ~ 120-150% size of body copy
Line width is measured in C haracters P er L ine (CPL) and 50-70 CPL is ideal.
Byline (e.g. a footer) text (~ 75% size of Body copy -- maybe 2-4px smaller)
Save the widows and orphans:
Widows are single words in a line
Orphans are single lines in a column or page
Tweak font size, leading, and line width to avoid widows and orphans as much as possible.
At the very least, endeavor to make headings widow free.
Leading is controlled with line-height
and the value is relative to font-size
. Hence,
line-height: 1.5;
will yield acceptable leading.
CPL can be controlled with max-width
. E.g., with a font-size: 26px;
and a window of 1000px
setting max-width: 630px;
will keep the CPL to 55-65.