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Last active August 29, 2015 02:18
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Convert Excel xlsx spreadsheet to JSON list of objects, allowing dotted strings as keys to imply nested objects.
Create a list of json objects; 1 object per excel sheet row
Assume: Excel spreadsheet is a square of data, where the first row is
object keys and remaining rows are object values and the desired json
is a list of objects.
Dotted notation: Key row (0) containing firstName, lastName, address.street,, address.state, would produce, per row, a doc with
first and last names and an embedded doc named address, with the address.
npm install
fs = require "fs"
excel = require 'excel'
# Assign values to dotted property names - set values on sub-objects
assign = (obj, key, value) ->
# On first call, a key is a string. Recursed calls, a key is an array
key = key.split '.' unless typeof key is 'object'
if key.length > 1
e = key.shift()
obj[e] ?= {}
assign obj[e], key, value
obj[key[0]] = value
# Convert 2D array to nested objects.
convert = (data) ->
keys = data[0]
rows = data[1..]
result = []
for row in rows
item = {}
assign(item, keys[index], value) for value, index in row
result.push item
return result
# Write object hierarchy as JSON to file
write = (data, dst) ->
fs.writeFile dst, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2), (err) ->
if err then console.error("Error writing file #{dst}", err)
else console.log "Updated #{dst}"
# The excel module reads sheet 0 from specified xlsx file
process = (src, dst) ->
excel src, (err, data) ->
if err then console.error "Error reading #{src}", err
else write convert(data), dst
process './data/input.xlsx', './build/output.json'
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