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Steve Tjoa stevetjoa

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stevetjoa /
Last active February 11, 2016 18:21
Violin practice tips.

Violin Practice Tips

  1. Play slowly.
  2. Play in reverse.
  3. Play syncopated/ in rhythms.
  4. Play with strong fingers.
  5. Play with light and fast bow at the fingerboard.
  6. Play with slower bow at the bridge.
  7. No vibrato.
  8. Fast, continuous vibrato on every note (e.g. Heifetz).
stevetjoa /
Created April 27, 2015 17:39
Generate WAV files of pure tones.
import librosa
import scipy
fs = 8000.0 # sample rate
T = 5.0 # signal duration
N = fs*T # total number of samples
t = scipy.arange(N)/fs # time vector
for f0 in range(415, 467):
x = 0.1*scipy.sin(2*scipy.pi*f0*t)
stevetjoa /
Last active August 28, 2016 05:49
Setup: Amazon AWS EC2 with NVIDIA CUDA GPU and Theano

Setup: Amazon AWS EC2 with NVIDIA CUDA GPU and Theano

2015 Sep 22: nvidia-352 seems to have disappeared from the repos.

  1. Spot request Ubuntu Server 14.04; add storage; login with ssh
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get upgrade
  4. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  5. sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ gfortran build-essential python-dev python-pip python-matplotlib python-scipy libhdf5-dev linux-image-extra-virtual
  6. sudo pip install --upgrade pip