# Generates a breadcrumbs structure based on model classes and records |
# Example: model_breadcrumbs(Property, my_property) |
# => "Properties » My Property Name" |
# Element types can be: |
# - Model Classes which will be localized and pluralized |
# - Records: If the record has a "name" attribute, it will be used. |
# Otherwise, the Record class and ID are used |
# - Arrays: Are converted to a collection of their parsed contents, e.g. |
# for dropdown menus. |
# - Hash: has to contain the keys :caption and :url and will be converted |
# to a link_to. Can use the key :options for additional html options |
# - everything else will just be used for output. |
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
def model_breadcrumbs(*elements) |
namespace = params[:controller].split('/').size > 1 ? params[:controller].split('/').first : nil |
options = {:record_links => true, :model_links => true, :namespace => namespace } |
if elements.last.is_a?(Hash) |
options.merge!(elements.pop) |
end |
render :partial => 'breadcrumbs', :object => (elements.map {|e| breadcrumb_item(e, elements, options)}) |
end |
private |
def breadcrumb_item(element, elements, options) |
klass = element.class |
klass = ActiveRecord::Base if klass < ActiveRecord::Base |
item = {} |
item[:active] = element == elements.last |
item[:classes] = item[:active] ? ['active'] : [] |
#We have to compare strings here, it seems to be a "feature" of case |
#that "when Class" is true for all elements which are classes... |
case klass.to_s |
when 'Array' |
item[:collection] = element.map {|e| breadcrumb_item(e, elements, options)} |
item[:caption] = item[:collection].first[:caption] |
item[:classes] << 'dropdown' |
when 'ActiveRecord::Base' |
item[:caption] = element.respond_to?('breadcrumb_caption') ? element.breadcrumb_caption : |
element.class.human_name << ' #' << element.id |
if options[:record_links] && element != elements.last |
item[:url] = [options[:namespace], element].compact |
end |
when 'Class' |
item[:caption] = element.respond_to?('breadcrumb_caption') ? element.breadcrumb_caption : |
element.human_name(:count => 2) |
if options[:model_links] |
item[:url] = [options[:namespace], element.to_s.downcase.pluralize].compact |
end |
when 'Hash' |
element.each do |k,v| |
item[k] = v |
end |
else |
item[:caption] = element |
item[:divider] = true if element.nil? |
end |
item |
end |