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Created December 24, 2024 03:39
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#include <Siv3D.hpp>
void DrawStripe(const Rect& rect, double angle, double barWidth, const Array<ColorF>& pattern = { Palette::Yellow, Palette::Black })
// 傾けたときの描画範囲を計算
const auto renderRect =
RectF{ 0, 0, rect.size }.asQuad()
.rotatedAt(0, 0, -angle)
// 切り抜き
ScopedViewport2D view(rect);
// angle分だけ傾ける
Transformer2D t(Mat3x2::Rotate(angle));
// 縞模様を描画
for (int32 i = 0;
i * barWidth < renderRect.w;
const auto color = pattern[i % pattern.size()];
RectF{ renderRect.x + i * barWidth, renderRect.y, barWidth, renderRect.h }
void Main()
double angle = 45_deg;
double barWidth = 20;
while (System::Update())
Rect rect = Scene::Rect().stretched(-100);
DrawStripe(rect, angle, barWidth);
rect.drawFrame(2, 0, Palette::Red);
SimpleGUI::Slider(U"Angle", angle, 0_deg, 360_deg, { 0, 0 }, 100);
SimpleGUI::Slider(U"BarWidth", barWidth, 10.0, 100.0, { 0, 36 }, 100);
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