NZS 4202, Standard of Method of Measurement of Building Works (Standards of New Zealand, 2006).
Rawlinson's New Zealand Construction Handbook, 21st Edition (Rawlhouse Publishing).
Ferry, D.J., et al, Cost Planning of Buildings, 7th Edition (Oxford: Blackwell Science, 2007). TH435F399C 8ed.
Ivory H. Seeley, Building Quantities Explained 5th Edition. TH435 S452 B9.
Charleson, Andrew. Seismic design for architects: outwitting the quake.
Biochemistry, 6th Edition, editted by Garrett & Grisham
Janeway’s Immunobiology 10th edition
Atkins and de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 10th ed., Oxford.
Clayden, Greeves, & Warren. Organic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2012.
New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook, Book 1, 2nd edition (Beijing, 2010)
New Practical Chinese Reader: Workbook, Book 1, 2nd edition (Beijing, 2010)
New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook, Book 1, 2nd edition (Beijing, 2010)
New Practical Chinese Reader: Workbook, Book 1, 2nd edition (Beijing, 2010)
Liu Xun, ed. New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook, Book 2, 2nd edition (Beijing)
Liu Xun, ed. New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook, Book 2, 2nd edition (Beijing)
Liu Xun, ed. New Practical Chinese Reader Textbook, vol.3 2nd edn, Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2012
Liu Xun, New Practical Chinese Reader Workbook, vol. 3 2nd edn. Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2012.
New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook, Book 3, 2nd edition (Beijing)
New Practical Chinese Reader: Workbook, Book 3, 2nd edition (Beijing)
A required reading list will be on Talis Aspire.
C. Freeman. Egypt, Greece and Rome: Civilisations of the Ancient Mediterranean (Oxford)
Morford and Lenardon, Classical Mythology (11th Edition), Oxford
Ovid Metamorphoses. translation A.D. Melville. Oxford World's Classics
Aristophanes Clouds, Wasps, Birds. translated by Peter Meineck. Focus Classical Library.
T. Parkin, A. Pomeroy, Roman Social History: A Sourcebook (Routledge p/b)
Gender and Sexuality in Juvenal’s Rome: Satire 2 and Satire 6, Sulprizio and Blake (University of Oklahoma)
Sexuality in Greek and Roman Society and Literature: A Sourcebook, Marguerite Johnson (second edition)
Ovid Metamorphoses. translation A.D. Melville. Oxford World's Classics
Aristophanes Clouds, Wasps, Birds. translated by Peter Meineck. Focus Classical Library.
T. Parkin, A. Pomeroy, Roman Social History: A Sourcebook (Routledge p/b)
Zenobia: Shooting Star of Palmyra, Andrade, Nathanael (Oxford)
Aristophanes, V, Fragments (Loeb Classical Library No. 502), tr. J. Henderson (Harvard University Press)
Rives, Religion in the Roman Empire (2007)
Warrior, Roman Religion: A Sourcebook (2002)
NZSM Guide to Music Notation
NZSM Guide to Music Notation
NZSM Guide to Notation
NZSM Guide to Music Notation
An up-to-date instrumentation/orchestration textbook, such as Adler, S. (2016). The Study of Orchestration (4th edition). New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Acoustic and MIDI Orchestration for the Contemporary Composer: A Practical Guide to Writing and Sequencing for the Studio Orchestra. The ebook version is available at The hardcopy is available at
To be confirmed.
J Barrett and R Feehily, Understanding Company Law (2019, 4th ed, Lexis Nexis) - an electronic version of this book is available in the Library
To be confirmed.
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
Paul Sumpter Intellectual property Law: Principles in Practice (3rd Edn) (2017, Wolters Kluwer)
An anthology of poems in a book - Student Course Reader. This will be available for collection from the IIML during June. Students will be advised when this is available for collection.
There is one text for this course: a student notes book. This will be available for collection from the IIML in February (free of charge). Students will be advised when these are available.
A book of readings available from the IIML Administration office (Room 402, 16 Waiteata Road), prior to commencement of the course.
The course reader is the set text. It will be available for collection from the IIML, 16 Waiteata Road, prior to commencement of the course.. Students will be advised when they are ready for collection.
Set readings will be available online on Nuku.
One student notes book available from the IIML.
There will be one set text, a Course Reader, which will be available from the Administration Office of the IIML prior to commencement of the course.
Bradley, T. and Walters, R., (2019) Introduction to Criminological Thought (3rd Ed) Auckland: Edify Publishing.
Stanley, E., Bradley, T., & Monod de Froideville, S. (Eds.) (2021). Aotearoa Handbook of Criminology. Auckland University Press.
Stanley, E., Bradley, T., & Monod de Froideville, S. (Eds.). (2021). The Aotearoa Handbook of Criminology. Auckland University Press.
The set text for this course is Theories of Delinquency (7th ed.) by D. Shoemaker. This text is available on-line to all students, and there will be a copy held on Closed Reserve in the Kelburn Library. Supplementary readings will be placed on Talis.
Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software (1st edition) by Michael Sikorski and Andrew Honig - available at no charge via the University O'Reilly online subscription.
Kelleher, John D. Data Science (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) . The MIT Press.
Karl Case, Ray Fair, and Sharon Oster, Principles of Economics (Pearson), 13th edition, 2020
Karl Case, Ray Fair, and Sharon Oster, Principles of Economics (Pearson), 13th edition, 2020
Perloff, J. Microeconomics: Theroy and Applications with Calculus, 4th Global Edition. Pearson Education Limited.
Wooldridge, J. M., Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 6th edition, Cengage Learning, 2016.
Fleer, M. (2018). Child development in educational settings. Cambridge University Press
Arnett, J.J., Chapin, L., & Brownlow, C. (2019). Human development: A cultural approach. (Australian and NZ Edition). Melbourne, Australia: Pearson Australia. ISBN 9781488619465
Hallahan, D. P., Kauffman, J. M., & Pullen, P. C (2019). Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education (14th ed.) (Pearson New International Edition). Essex: Pearson
Taylor, S., & and Workman, L. (2018). The psychology of human social development: From infancy to adolescence. New York, NY: Routledge.
The required text is:Lang, R., & Sturmey, P. (Eds.) (2021). Adaptive Behavior Strategies for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Evidence-Based Practices Across the Life Span. Springer. (e-book version available).
Wicks-Nelson, R. & Israel, A.C. (2015). Abnormal child and adolescent psychology [with DSM-V updates]. (8th ed.) (Pearson new International Edition), Taylor & Francis (e-book in library).
Witte, R.H. & Mosley-Howard, G.S. (eds.). (2015). Mental Health Practice in Today’s Schools: Issues and Interventions. Springer Publishing Company. (e-book in library).
Annan, J. (2005). Situational Analysis: A framework for evidence-based practice. School Psychology, 26(2), 131-146. doi: 10.1177/0143034305052909 (see Tallis readings)
Mash, E.J., & Wolfe, D.A. (2018). Abnormal child psychology. (7th ed.). Cengage. (ebook in library)
Sperry, L., Carlson, J., Sauerheber, J. D. & Sperry, J. (Eds.) (2015). Psychopathology and psychotherapy - DSM-5 diagnosis, case conceptualization, and treatment (3rd ed.).Routledge. (ebook in library)
Jane Austen, Persuasion (Penguin Classics);
Patricia Grace, Chappy (Penguin)
Alan Hollinghurst, The Line of Beauty (Picador).
H Porter Abbott, The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative (3rd edition Cambridge University Press);
Flann O'Brien, The Third PolicemanVirginia Woolf, To the LighthouseAldous Huxley, Brave New World.Rebecca West, The Return of the SoldierChristopher Isherwood, Goodbye to BerlinStudent Notes (in Blackboard, Readings and Resources)Students will also have to watch two Charlie Chaplin films and read selected passages from one of VUW’s data bases.You can order textbooks and student notes online at or can email an order or enquiry to [email protected].
Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, ed Ann Thompson (New Cambridge Shakespeare)
John Fletcher, The Tamer Tamed, ed. Gary Taylor and Celia Daileader (Revels Student Editions)
Shakespeare, As You Like It, ed. Alan Brissenden (Oxford World’s Classics)
Shakespeare, Macbeth, ed. Nicholas Brooke (Oxford World’s Classics
Elizabeth Cary, The Tragedy of Mariam, ed. Ramona Wray (Arden Early Modern Drama)
Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, ed. Michael Neill (Oxford World’s Classics)
Geoffrey Miles (ed.), Classical Mythology in English Literature: A Critical Anthology (Routledge, 1999)
ENGL 225 course reader: Lyric and Imitation
ENGL 225 course reader: Satire
The Auckland University Press Anthology of New Zealand Literature, eds. Jane Stafford and Mark Williams, Auckland University Press, 2012. Hard copy, as an eBook, or electronically accessed through the VUW Library catalogue.
Janet Frame, Faces in the Water. The Virago edition is available at VicBooks, but any edition will do.
Geoffrey Chaucer. Troilus and Criseyde. Edited by Stephen Barney. Norton Critical Edition. 2006. (Later editions are acceptable.)Note that this edition includes a facing-page translation of Il Filostrato and also includes an edition of Robert Henryson's Testament of Cresseid.
William Shakespeare. Troilus and Cressida. Edited by Kenneth Muir. Oxford World's Classics. 1998. (Later editions are acceptable.)Note: alternative editions of the play are acceptable, but you should ensure that you have an edition with proper scholarly apparatus. The Arden Shakespeare edition of the play, edited by David Bevington, is an excellent alternative, and is the version prescribed for ENGL 208.
Charles Dickens. David Copperfield. Oxford World Classics.
Edmund Gosse. Father and Son. Penguin
Rudyard Kipling. Plain Tales from the Hills. Oxford World Classics.
Suji Kwock Kim, Notes from the Divided Country (2003)
Don Mee Choi, DMZ Colony (2020)
Jihyun Yun, Some Are Always Hungry (2020)
Joanna Cho, People Person (2022)
Lydia Millet, A Children's Bible
Jenny Offill, Weather
Pitchaya Sunbanthad, Bangkok Wakes to Rain
Richard Powers, The Overstory
Daisy Hildyard, Emergency
Amitav Ghosh, The Great Derangement
Anton Chekhov, The Essential Tales of Chekhov (Granta);
James Joyce, Dubliners (Oxford World’s Classics);
D.H. Lawrence, The Prussian Officer and Other Stories (Penguin);
Katherine Mansfield, Selected Stories (Oxford World's Classics);
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oxford World's Classics);
Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway (Oxford World's Classics).
The Penguin Freud Reader (ed. Adam Phillips)
Alice Munro, Lives of Girls and Women
Nella Larsen, Passing
Henry James, The Aspern Papers
LABORATORY MANUAL - this will be made available to you at the start of the course at no cost.
S Boggs, 2011: Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Course Notes (a collation of supplementary information and most of the lab exercises) can be purchased through VicBooks.
“Democracy in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Survival Guide” by Geoffrey Palmer & Gwen Palmer Steeds. Published: Jun 2022; Te Herenga Waka University Press; ISBN: 9781776920167
Ang (2021), Research Projects for Business & Management Students (2nd ed.), London, UK: Sage Publications. The book is available in its digital, paperback, and hardcover versions.
J. Munday. Introduciing Translation Studies. Theories and Applications. New York and London: Routledge, 2010.
D. Robinson. Becoming a Translator. An Introduction to the Theory and Pracrice of Translation. New York and London: Routledge, 2007.
M. Baker. In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation. New Work and London: Routledge, 2018.
Introducing Intercultural Communication-Global Cultures and Contexts (Shuang-Zala 2015)
Exploring Intercultural Communication - Language in Actiom (Hua 2014)
Nichols, Bill. Introduction to Documentary: 2nd edition. Indiana University Press, 2010
The course textbook is Danthine, Jean-Pierre and Donaldson, John B. Intermediate Financial Theory, 3rd Edition, Eksevier 2015.
"Contemporary Financial Intermediation" by Greenbaum, Thakor and Boot (3rd Edition)
J. Hull, "Options, Futures and Other Derivatives", Prentice Hall, 9th edition (or 8th edition). [H]
Deux Mondes : A Communicative Approach With Connect Plus
Deux Mondes : A Communicative Approach With Connect Plus, 7th Edition. Terrell, Rogers, Kerr, Spielmann (McGraw-Hill Education)
Le Nouvel Edito: Livre de l’eleve, B1 with CD and DVD (French Edition), Didier
Le Nouvel Edito: Cahier d’exercices, B1 (French Edition), Didier
Le nouvel edito B1 - livre + CD + DVD. Heu et al. (DIDIER)
Le nouvel edito B1 - cahier d'exercices. Heu (DIDIER)
Edito - niveau B2 - 3e edition; 2015 - livre + cd + dvd (French Edition)
Edito Niveau B2 - Cahier d’activites
Edito - niveau B2 - 3e edition ; 2015 - livre + cd + dvd (French Edition). Mabilat, Heu, Perrard (DIDIER)
Edito Niveau B2 - Cahier d’activites. Heu, Mabila (DIDIER)
HUGO, Victor, Hernani – et « la bataille d’Hernani », (Paris: Folioplus Classiques)
PROUST, Marcel, J.-Y Tadié (ed.), Un Amour de Swann, (Folio Classique)
BAUDELAIRE, Charles, Les Fleurs du mal, (Paris: Gallimard)
Paul Cloke, Philip Crang and Mark Goodwin. (2014) Introducing Human Geographies. 3rd Edition. Routledge.
Potter, R.B., Binns, T., Elliott, J. A., and D. Smith. (2018). Geographies of Development, 4th Edition. London: Pearson.
Overton, J., Murray, W.E. (2020) Aid and Development, Routledge
Sturman and Tapper, 2006. The Weather and Climate of Australia and New Zealand
Davie, 2008. Fundamentals of Hydrology
Murray, W. E., & Overton, J. (2015) Geographies of Globalization, 2nd Edition, Routledge / Taylor and Francis: London and New York
Geomorphology: The Mechanics and Chemistry of Landscapes by R.S. Anderson and S.P. Anderson (2010).
O’Leary Z 2017 Doing your Research Project (3rd Edition), Sage, London
Coursebook: Willkommen! 1 (Third Edition) German Beginner's Course (Teach Yourself, 2019)
Willkommen! 1 (Third Edition) German Beginner's Course: Coursebook. Schenke & Coggle (John Murray Press)
Die Blaumacherin, Leonhard Thoma (Hueber)
Motive, Kompaktkurs DaF. Kursbuch, Lektion 19-30. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. B1 (Hueber)
Motive, Kompaktkurs DaF. Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 19-30. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. B1 (Hueber)
Die Blaumacherin. Thoma (HUEBER)
Motive, Kompaktkurs DaF. Kursbuch, Lektion 19-30. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. B1. Krenn, Puchta (HUEBER)
Motive. Kompaktkurs DaF. Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 19-30. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. B1. Krenn, Puchta (HUEBER)
Weitblick - Das große Panorama - B2: Band 1: Kurs- und Übungsbuch. N Bajerski, C Boschel, J Herzberger, H Meister, M Schafer, U Wurz. (Cornelsen Verleg GmbH & Co)
Weitblick - Das große Panorama - B2: Band 1: Kurs- und Übungsbuch. N Bajerski, C Boschel, J Herzberger, H Meister, M Schafer, U Wurz. (Cornelsen Verleg GmbH & Co)
Downey A. 2015. Think Python: How to think like a Computer Scientist 2nd edn. Green Tea Press, Needham, MA.
Set text: C.M.R. Fowler: The Solid Earth: an introduction to global geophysics, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2005 (QC806 F785 S 2ed)
M. Balme, G. Lawall and J. Morwood Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book 1, 3rd edition (Oxford)
Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book 1. Balme, Lawall and Morwood (Oxford) (Third edition)
Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book 2. Balme, Lawall and Morwood (Oxford) (Third edition)
M. Balme, G. Lawall and J. Morwood, Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book 2, 3rd edition (Oxford).
Greek Elegy and Iambus: A Selection, ed. W. Allan (Cambridge)
Plato, Protagoras, ed. Denyer (Cambridge)
Homer, Odyssey Books 6-8, edited by A. F. Garvie (Cambridge)
Greek Elegy and Iambus: A Selection, ed. W. Allan (Cambridge)
Plato, Protagoras, ed. Denyer (Cambridge)
Marc Matera and Susan Kingsley Kent (eds), The Global 1930s: The International Decade (Abingdon: Routledge, 2017). See:
All HIST 201 readings are located online and can be accessed on Talis Aspire (through the course's Nuku page).
HIST222 Book of Readings available at VicBooks
HIST 232 Book of Readings, available at Vic Books.
Book of Readings, available from Vic Books
HIST 310 Book of Readings, available at Vic Books.
HIST 312 Book of Readings
Tom Griffiths, The Art of Time Travel: Historians and their Craft, (Carlton, Victoria: Black Inc, 2016)
Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2013). Successful qualitative research: A practical guide for beginners. Sage.
The text book for this course is Experience Research Social Change: Critical Methods, Third Edition, By Colleen Reid, Lorraine Greaves, and Sandra Kirby. It is available for purchase at Vic Books. An electronic version of the text book can also be accessed via the VUW library website. Let me know if you have any difficulties.
Nankervis A., Baird, M., Coffey, J. and Shields, J. (2020). Human Resource Management: Strategy and Practice (10th Asia-Pacific Edition). Auckland: Cengage.
Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (3rd Edition), 2011 Penguin GroupISBN: 9780395317570
Chris Voss, Tahl Raz Never Split the Difference, 2016 Random HouseISBN: 9781847941497
Edwards, T & Rees, C (2016). International Human Resource Management: Globalization, National Systems and Multinational Companies, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education (e-copy available on library website).
Global Business Today12th Edition1266103147 · 9781266103148By Charles W. L. Hill© 2022 | Published: February 1, 2021 eBook Printed book Buy from the publisher: (PROMO CODE 2022ST for 15% discount direct from McGraw Hill) Buy from Vicbooks:
Peng (2022), Global Strategy (5th ed). Cengage: US.
J. Munday. Introduciing Translation Studies. Theories and Applications. New York and London: Routledge, 2010.
D. Robinson. Becoming a Translator. An Introduction to the Theory and Pracrice of Translation. New York and London: Routledge, 2007.
Schneider, C, Fuller, M., Valacich, J. & George, J. (2020) Information Systems Project Management: A Process Approach , 2nd ed., Prospect Press, USA.
Dumas, M., La Rosa, M., Mendling, J., & Reijers, H. A. (2018). Fundamentals of Business Process Management. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2nd edition.
New book being published in July 2023 -- details to follow.
You will be provided with a coursepack containing the cases and readings.
Andreas Drechsler: Enterprise Architecture Modelling with TOGAF and ArchiMate – A Student Guide, Victoria University of Wellington.
O'Brien and Williams Global Political Economy 6th Edition, Palgrave 2020 (5th or 4th edition is also fine if you find it second hand)
Xiaoming Huang, 2019. International Relations of East Asia: Structures, Institutions and International Order, MacMillan/Bloomsbury.
Emilie Hafner-Burton, 2013. Making Human Rights a Reality. Princeton University Press. Available online through Te Waharoa.
A series of chapters and articles are listed for each week, to be accessed through Nuku/Talis.
T. Marin, L. Ruggieri, S. Magnelli, The New Italian Project 1A: An Italian Language and Culture Course for English Speakers (Edilingua)
The New Italian Project 1B: An Italian Language and Culture Course for English Speakers (Edilingua)
Genki 1: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese (Third Edition)
Genki 1: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Workbook (Third Edition)
Genki 1 Third Edition: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese 1. Banno Eri (JAPANT)
Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese 1 Workbook (third Edition). Banno Eri (JAPANT)
Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II (3rd Edition)
Genki: An Integrated course in Elementary Japanese II workbook (3rd Edition)
Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II (3rd Edition). Banno Eri (JAPANT)
Genki: An Integrated course in Elementary Japanese II workbook (3rd Edition). Banno Eri (JAPANT)
An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese, Revised Edition (Japan Times).
An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese Workbook, Revised Edition (Japan Times).
An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese (Revised Edition). Miura (JAPANT)
An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese Workbook. Miura (JAPANT)
Lightbown, P. and Spada, N. (2013). How languages are learned. 4th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Michael Minkov. Cultural Differences in a Globalizing World (Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011).
Erin Meyer. The Culture Map. Breaking Through The Invisible Boundaries of Global Business (New York: Public Affairs, 2014)
Judith N. Martin and Thomas N. Nakayama. Intercultural Communication in Contexts (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010).
Maurice Balme and James Morwood, Oxford Latin Course: College Edition: Readings and Vocabulary (Oxford University Press)
Maurice Balme and James Morwood, Oxford Latin Course: College Edition: Grammar, Exercises, Context (Bilingual Edition) (Oxford University Press)
Oxford Latin Course, College Edition: Readings and Vocabulary. Balme, Morwood (Oxford)
Oxford Latin Course, College Edition: Grammar, Exercises, Context (Bilingual Edition). Balme, Morwood (Oxford)
Maurice Balme and James Morwood, Oxford Latin Course: College Edition: Readings and Vocabulary (Oxford)
Maurice Balme and James Morwood, Oxford Latin Course: College Edition: Grammar, Exercises, Context (Oxford)
Maurice Balme and James Morwood, Oxford Latin Reader (Oxford Latin Course)
Horace: Satires Book I. E. Gowers (Cambridge University Press)
Horace: Satires Book I. E. Gowers (Cambridge University Press)
Course materials.
Course materials
Geoff McLay, Christopher Murray and Jonathan Orpin New Zealand Law Style Guide (3rd ed, Thomson Reuters, Wellington, 2018) – note this is available online, but it is strongly recommended you have a physical copy; and
A one-volume set of student notes.
Course materials.
Printed course materials will be available for purchase and also available via Nuku/Talis.
Course materials.
Alberto Costi (ed) Public International Law: A New Zealand Perspective (LexisNexis, Wellington, 2020).
LAWS350 Course Materials and legislation handbook
Course materials
Anderson, G & Duncan, D. Employment Law in Aotearoa New Zealand Wellington: LexisNexis . (3 ed).
Course Readings on Talis.
Grant Morris and Annabel Shaw Mediation in New Zealand (Thomson Reuters, Wellington, 2018).
Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton Getting to Yes (3rd ed, Random House, London, 2012).
LAWS380 Course Materials
Elisabeth McDonald, Principles of Evidence in Criminal Cases (Thomson Reuters, Wellington, 2012)
Charles Dickens, Hard Times
Truman Capote, In Cold Blood
Claudia Rankine, Citizen
Burridge, Kate & Stebbins, Tonya N. 2019, 2nd edition. For the love of language: An introduction to linguistics. Cambridge University Press.
Holmes, J & N. Wilson. (2022). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 6ed. Routledge. E-version available.
Mike Davenport & S.J. Hannahs 2020. Introducing Phonetics and Phonology (fourth edition). Routledge. (Earlier editions are OK).
Te Kawa a Māui. Te Tū Marae / Marae Practice Student Notes. Wellington: Victoria University. Visit to check price and availability.
Te Kawa a Māui. Te Tū Marae / Marae Practice Student Notes. Wellington: Victoria University. Visit to check price and availability.
Te Kawa a Māui. MAOR 101 and MAOR 102 Student Notes. Wellington: Victoria University. Visit to check price and availability.
Te Kawa a Māui. MAOR 101 and MAOR 102 Student Notes. Wellington: Victoria University. Visit to check price and availability.
Coelho, Paulo, 2020. Te Ruānuku (nā Hēmi Kelly i whakamāori) Auckland: Auckland University Press
Mulholland, M. and Tawhai, V. (eds) (2010) Weeping Waters: The Treaty of Waitangi and Constitutional Change, Wellington: Huia. Visit to check price and availability.
Te Kawa a Māui. MAOR 408 Student Notes. Wellington: Victoria University. Visit to check price and availability.
Mulholland, Malcolm and Tawhai, Veronica (eds), 2010. Weeping Waters: the Treaty of Waitangi and Constitutional Change. Wellington, Huia.An e-book version is available for free through the Library website, using your student login to access.
Hayward, Janine and Wheen, Nicola (eds), 2012. Treaty of Waitangi Settlements. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books.An e-book version is available for free through the Library website, using your student login to access.
Elliott, Rundle-Theile, Walker, Bentrott, Hatton Jones & Jeans, Marketing (fifth edition)
Michael R. Solomon, Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Josephine Previte. Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having Being 4th edition (2019) Pearson Higher Education Australia.
Babin, B. J., D'Alessandro, S., Winzar, H., Lowe, B., & Zikmund, W. (2020). Marketing Research, 5th Edition. South Melbourne, Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia.
Tench, R. & Waddington, S. (2021). Exploring PR and Management Communication. UK: Pearson Education Ltd., ISBN: 978-1-292-32175-2
Belch G.E., Belch M.A., Kerr G., Powell I., Waller D. (2020). Advertising: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective. 4th edition. McGraw-Hill Education.
Cateora, P.R., Money, R.B., Gilly, M.C., & Graham, J.L. (2020). International Marketing, 18th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-1-260-54787-0
Title: Strategic Marketing: Decision-Making & PlanningAuthor: Peter Reed and Michael BairdPublishers: Cengage Learning: Australia 2019
Hastings, G., & Domegan, C. (2017). Social marketing: Rebels with a cause. Routledge.
Keller, K. L. & Swaminathan, V. (2020). Strategic brand management: Building, measuring, and managing brand equity. 5th ed. Global ed. Pearson, UK.
Elliott, Rundle-Theile, Walker, Bentrott, Hatton Jones & Jeans, Marketing (fifth edition)
Michael R. Solomon, Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Josephine Previte. Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having Being 4th edition (2019) Pearson Higher Education Australia.
Babin, B. J., D'Alessandro, S., Winzar, H., Lowe, B., & Zikmund, W. (2020). Marketing Research, 5th Edition. South Melbourne, Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia.
Tench, R. & Waddington, S. (2021). Exploring PR and Management Communication. UK: Pearson Education Ltd., ISBN: 978-1-292-32175-2
Belch G.E., Belch M.A., Kerr G., Powell I., Waller D. (2020). Advertising: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective. 4th edition. McGraw-Hill Education.
Cateora, P.R., Money, R.B., Gilly, M.C., & Graham, J.L. (2020). International Marketing, 18th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-1-260-54787-0
Title: Strategic Marketing: Decision-Making & PlanningAuthor: Peter Reed and Michael BairdPublishers: Cengage Learning: Australia 2019
Hastings, G., & Domegan, C. (2017). Social marketing: Rebels with a cause. Routledge.
Keller, K. L. & Swaminathan, V. (2020). Strategic brand management: Building, measuring, and managing brand equity. 5th ed. Global ed. Pearson, UK.
Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D. & Regner, P. (2017) Exploring Strategy. 11th Edition, Harlow, UK: Pearson. Available via the library.
Aulet, B. (2017). Disciplined entrepreneurship workbook. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN978-1-119-36579-2
Slack, and Lewis, Operations Strategy, 6th edn., 2020, Prentice Hall/Pearson.
There is a required textbook for this course (see below), and some additional readings will be assigned throughout the course. The prescribed reading list for each week will be posted on Nuku Morgan, G. (2006). Images of Organization (Updated Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Available in Vicbook store and Vic library Your texts can be bought from Vic Books, or you can seek out alternate options or e-books from any publisher or supplier available to you:
Midwifery: preparation for practice, 4th Edition. 2018. Editors; Sally Pairman, Sally Tracey, Hannah Dahlen, Lesley Dixon. Published by Elsevier. Book ISBN: 9780729542678
Midwifery: Preparation for practice, 4th Edition. 2018. Editors; Sally Pairman, Sally Tracey, Hannah Dahlen, Lesley Dixon. Published by Elsevier. Book ISBN: 9780729542678
Smith, S. D., Maude, R., & Ba, S. (2019). Skills for Midwifery Practice Australia & New Zealand edition. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Essential materials will be provided on Nuku
Steven Laitz, The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach to Theory, Analysis, and Listening
Laitz, Steven G. The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach to Theory, Analysis and Listening. 4th Edition. Oxford University Press.
Steven Laitz, The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach to Theory, Analysis, and Listening
You will use an online platform “GoReact” for recording and submitting assessment task. N.B. Please buy a login during Week 1, at the GoReact website (
Reading related to lectures is accessed through the online learning environment, Nuku, Course Resources.
Check Nuku (Course Resources) each week for extra supporting materials - including vocabulary sheets, lecture powerpoints and handouts.
Learn NZSL website (
NZSL 102 Readings (Posted on Nuku - Course Resources)
We will use GoReact ( for assessment tasks. Please buy a login via GoReact website.
The homework site NZSL 202 Online Practice is linked in the online learning environment, Nuku. Course Resources, and see above, “Independent Language Practice”.
S. Mallon, K Māhina-Tuai, D. Salesa. Tangata o le Moana: New Zealand and the People of the Pacific (Te Papa Press)
Teaiwa, Teresia Kieuea (2021). Sweat and Salt Water: Selected Works, compiled and edited by Katerina Teaiwa, April K. Henderson, and Terence Wesley-Smith. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, and Wellington: Victoria University Press.
Rod Girle, Introduction to Logic.
What is this Thing Called Global Justice? by Kok-Chor Tan (Routledge, 2022). Some paperback copies are available at Vicbooks. Otherwise, Ebook options are available here:
J. Sytsma and J. Livengood (2015), The Theory and Practice of Experimental Philosophy, Broadview.
We will use a few parts of:Karl Case, Ray Fair, and Sharon Oster, Principles of Economics (Pearson), 13th edition, 2020. ISBN: 1-292-29471-X; 1-292-29469-8 This text is available online through the University Library: We will use a few pages fromHubbard, Garnett, Lewis, O’Brien. Essentials of Economics (Pearson), 5th edition, 2022. The required pages will be provided to you.
Hague, R., M. Harrop and J. McCormick, Comparative Government and Politics (11th ed.), 2019.
Xiaoming Huang, 2022. Political Order in Modern East Asian States, Routledge.
Dalton, Russell. 2013. Citizen Politics. Public Opinion and Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Washington DC: CQPress. See for details of textbook purchases.
Matthew Graham, Contemporary Africa (2019)
Burton, L., Westen, D. & Kowalski, R. (2019). Psychology (5th Australian and New Zealand edition). Milton, QLD: John Wiley and Sons
The required text book for PSYC121 will be added here before the beginning of the trimester.
Pierce, W. D. & Cheney C.D. (2017) Behavior Analysis and Learning. A Biobehavioral Approach (6th Ed)
Fletcher, G. J. O., Simpson, J. A., Campbell, L., & Overall, N. C. (2019). The science of intimate relationships (2nd Ed.). Cambridge: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9781119430049. This text is available from the VUW Library (including online copies), or can be purchased from VicBooks or as an e-book from
Public Policy Analysis : New Developments, edited by Wil A. H. Thissen, and Warren E. Walker, Springer, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Pre Course reading: “Economic Reform in New Zealand 1984-95: The Pursuit of Efficiency”, Lew Evans, Arthur Grimes and Bryce Wilkinson, Journal of Economic Literature, 1996, vol. 34, issue 4, pages 1856-1902; JStor How the Profound Changes in Economics Make Left ... - Evonomics Weblink: 27, 2016 Jean Tirole (2017). Economics for the Common Good. Introduction and Chapter One.
G. A. Hunkin (2009). Gagana Sāmoa: A Samoan Language Coursebook. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press.(Revised Edition).
Samoan Dictionaries by Milner, G., 1966 and 1991.
Gagana Samoa - A Samoan Language Coursebook by Hunkin, G.A. 2009.
Lāuga: Understanding Samoan Oratory. Sadat Muaiava (Te Papa Press). Copies of the book are available and can be purchased from VicBooks.
Tall: the Design and Construction of High-Rise Architecture (2019). Editor: Marriage, G. London: Routledge.
McManus, Ruth, Steve Matthewman, Chris Brickell, Gregor McLennan, and Paul Spoonley. 2019. Exploring Society: Sociology for New Zealand Students (4th edition). Auckland University Press
Aula Internacional Plus 1: A Spanish Course for English Speakers. Difusión.
Aula Internacional - Nueva Edicion: Libro Del Alumno + Ejercicios + Cd 2 (a2)ISBN 9788415640103
New Zealand Taxation: Principles, Cases and Questions (2023).
Coleman et al, New Zealand Taxation 2023: Principles, Cases and Questions. Thomson Reuters, Wellington 2022.
Coleman, et al; New Zealand Taxation 2023: Principles, Cases & Questions, Thomson Reuters, Auckland 2023. The 2022 edition will also be adequate for the course.
NZ Tax Legislation for Students 2023 (2 volumes) Wolters Kluwer, Auckland. A used copy of the Thomson Reuters abridged student edition of the Income Tax Act 2007 will be adequate for this course, but buying the 2022 edition new is not recommended.
To be confirmed
Morrison, S. (2015). Māori made easy. Raupo.
Clark, B., Grey, A., & Terreni, L. (Eds.). (2013). Kia tipu te wairua toi – Fostering the creative spirit: Arts in early childhood education. Pearson.
Hogg, L., Stockbridge, K., Achieng-Evensen, C., & SooHoo, S. (2021). Pedagogies of with-ness: Students, teachers, voice and agency. Myers Education Press.
McDowell, Miriama, Mokaraka, Rob, & Te Kare, Jason Cellfish (unpublished playscript, available for purchase by arrangement with Playmarket through Course Coordinator)
McCarter, Jeremy, and Miranda, Lin-Manuel. Hamilton: The Revolution. United Kingdom, Little, Brown Book Group, 2016. (Available through vicbooks and local/online booksellers)
Caryl Churchill, Love and Information, Nick Hern, 2012.
Rostand, Edmond Cyrano de Bergerac - Project Gutenburg (2009)
Chekhov, Anton. The Seagull. Trans. Christopher Hampton. Faber & Faber, 2007. Link to this edition will be on Blackboard through Talis Aspire.
Mitchell, Katie. The Director’s Craft: A Handbook for the Theatre. London: Routledge. 2009
"Working Together: Safety, Respect and Wellbeing" by Fiona McNamara and Borni Te Rongopai Tukiwaho (Playmarket 2019). Order through Playmarket $5
Spencer, Stuart. The Playwright's Guidebook. New York: Faber and Faber.
"Working Together: Safety, Respect and Wellbeing" by Fiona McNamara and Borni Te Rongopai Tukiwaho (Playmarket 2019).
"Working Together: Cultural Practice in the Theatrespace" by Nathan Hoturoa Gray (Playmarket 2019).
“Writing or devising Collaboratively” by Hilary Beaton
“Working Together: Theatre Producers, Writers and Makers” by Claire O’Loughlin
Caring For Your Audience- L Leigh
Working Together- Accessibility in Aotearoa Theatre- Henrietta Bollinger& Nathan Mudge
"Working Together: Safety, Respect and Wellbeing" by Fiona McNamara and Borni Te Rongopai Tukiwaho. Order through Playmarket $5
"Working Together: Cultural Practice in the Theatrespace" by Nathan Hoturoa Gray . Order through Playmarket $5
“Writing or devising collaboratively” by Hilary Beaton. Order through Playmarket $5
“Working Together: Theatre Producers, Writers and Makers” by Claire O’Loughlin. Order through Playmarket $5
“Caring for your Audience” by Lori Leigh. Order through Playmarket $5
Gibbons, P. (2015). Scaffolding language, Scaffolding Learning. Portsmouth N.H.: Heinemann.
Nation, P. (2013). What should every EFL teacher know? Compass Publishing. (ISBN: 978-1-59966-266-4)
Macalister, J., & Nation, I. S. P. (2020). Language curriculum design (2nd ed.). New York & London: Routledge.
Wallace, D. & Ruegg, R. WRIT 101 Workbook: Writing and researching at university.
WRIT 151 Coursebook (Available from Vic Books:
Iida, P., Ruegg, R., deBoer, M., Araki, N. & Agnello, M. F. (2020). The Concise APA Handbook: APA 7th Edition. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.
Marsen, S. (2020). Professional writing: The complete guide for business, industry and IT (4th edition). Red Globe Press.
Hertz, Sue. (2016). Write Choices: Elements of Nonfiction Storytelling. London: Sage Publications. AU$64.90: NZ$55.87: