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stijlist / flexbox-grid.scss
Created October 10, 2015 18:20 — forked from zeusdeux/flexbox-grid.scss
flexbox based simple grid system
/* Simple flexbox based grid system */
$columns: 12;
@mixin layout-cols($device) {
@for $i from 1 through 12 {
.l-#{$device}-col-#{$i} {
flex: 0 0 $i / $columns * 100%;
# OSX for Hackers (Mavericks/Yosemite)
# Source:
# Some things taken from here
# Ask for the administrator password upfront
# tp-dailylog.rb - Log TaskPaper tasks completed on the current day to a Day One entry
# Brett Terpstra 2012 <>
# Run it with launchd at 11pm and forget about it
# Notes:
# * Uses `mdfind` to locate all .taskpaper files changed in the last day
# * Scans for @done(xxxx-xx-xx) tags in each line matching today's date
# * Does not alter TaskPaper files in any way