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Last active February 14, 2018 10:45
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Functional Extensions
namespace System.Functional
public static class FunctionalExtensions
public static Func<TA, TA> Id<TA>() => x => x;
public static Func<TA, TB> Const<TA, TB>(this TB x) => _ => x;
public static Func<TA, TB> ToFunc<TA, TB>(Func<TA, TB> f) => f;
public static Func<TA, TB, TC> ToFunc<TA, TB, TC>(Func<TA, TB, TC> f) => f;
public static Tuple<TA, TB> TupleWith<TA, TB>(this TA x, TB y) => Tuple.Create(x, y);
public static Tuple<TA, TB, TC> TripleWith<TA, TB, TC>(this TA x, TB y, TC z) => Tuple.Create(x, y, z);
public static TB PipeTo<TA, TB>(this TA x, Func<TA, TB> f) => f(x);
public static TC PipeTo<TA, TB, TC>(this Tuple<TA, TB> xy, Func<TA, TB, TC> f) => f(xy.Item1, xy.Item2);
public static TD PipeTo<TA, TB, TC, TD>(this Tuple<TA, TB, TC> xyz, Func<TA, TB, TC, TD> f) => f(xyz.Item1, xyz.Item2, xyz.Item3);
public static Func<TA, TC> Compose<TA, TB, TC>(this Func<TA, TB> f, Func<TB, TC> g) => x => g(f(x));
public static TA Do<TA>(this TA x, Action<TA> f)
return x;
public static TB Apply<TA, TB>(this Func<TA, TB> f, TA x) => f(x);
public static TC Apply<TA, TB, TC>(this Func<TA, TB, TC> f, TA x, TB y) => f(x, y);
public static Func<TB, TA, TC> Flip<TA, TB, TC>(this Func<TA, TB, TC> f) => (b, a) => f(a, b);
public static TA IfNullThen<TA>(this TA x, TA y) => x == null ? y : x;
public static TB IfThenElse<TA, TB>(this TA x, Func<TA, bool> predicate, Func<TA, TB> f, Func<TA, TB> g) => predicate(x) ? f(x) : g(x);
public static IEnumerable<TA> ForEach<TA>(this IEnumerable<TA> xs, Action<TA> f)
foreach (TA x in xs) { f(x); }
return xs;
public static IEnumerable<TA> For<TA>(this IEnumerable<TA> xs, Action<int, TA> f)
var i = 0;
return xs.ForEach(x => f(i++, x));
public static TB Use<TA, TB>(this TA x, Func<TA, TB> f) where TA : IDisposable
using (x) { return f(x); }
public static TB Try<TA, TB, TEx>(this TA x, Func<TA, TB> f, Func<TEx, TB> g) where TEx : Exception
try { return f(x); }
catch (TEx ex) { return g(ex); }
public static TB TryFinally<TA, TB, TEx>(this TA x, Func<TA, TB> f, Func<TEx, TB> g, Action<TA> h) where TEx : Exception
try { return f(x); }
catch (TEx ex) { return g(ex); }
finally { h(x); }
public static TA WhileDo<TA>(this TA x, Func<TA, bool> predicate, Action<TA> f)
while (predicate(x)) { f(x); }
return x;
public static IEnumerable<TB> WhilePipeTo<TA, TB>(this TA x, Func<TA, bool> predicate, Func<TA, TB> f)
while (predicate(x)) { yield return f(x); }
public static TA DoWhile<TA>(this TA x, Func<TA, bool> predicate, Action<TA> f)
do { f(x); } while (predicate(x));
return x;
public static IEnumerable<TB> DoPipeTo<TA, TB>(this TA x, Func<TA, bool> predicate, Func<TA, TB> f)
do { yield return f(x); } while (predicate(x));
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