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Forked from hcorion/raytracer.nim
Created October 8, 2018 18:26
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A port of a raytracer, programmed in Nim, built by someone else, to sdl2
#Originally created by AdrianV and can be found here:
#Modified by me, hcorion to add sdl2 support and bring it up to speed with version 0.14.2 of Nim (
import math
import sequtils
import sdl2
import times
width = 1280
height = 720
fov = 45.0
max_depth = 6
TVec3 = array[3,float]
TRay {.pure, final.} = object
start: TVec3
dir: TVec3
TSphere {.pure, final.} = object
center : TVec3
radius : float
color : TVec3
reflection: float
transparency: float
TLight {.pure, final.} = object
position: TVec3
color: TVec3
TScene {.pure, final.} = object
objects: seq[ref TSphere]
lights: seq[ref TLight]
proc newRay(start, dir: TVec3): TRay {.noInit, inline.} =
result.start = start
result.dir = dir
template newVec3(x: float): TVec3 = [x,x,x]
proc newLight(position, color: TVec3): ref TLight =
new result
result.position = position
result.color = color
template `-` (me: TVec3): TVec3 = [-me[0], -me[1], -me[2]]
template declOpBinary(op: expr) =
proc op(me, rhs: TVec3): TVec3 {.inline, noInit.} = [op(me[0], rhs[0]), op(me[1], rhs[1]), op(me[2], rhs[2])]
proc op(me: TVec3, rhs: float): TVec3 {.inline, noInit.} = [op(me[0], rhs), op(me[1], rhs), op(me[2], rhs)]
template declOpBinaryAssign(op: expr) =
proc op(me: var TVec3, rhs: TVec3) {.inline.} =
op(me[0], rhs[0])
op(me[1], rhs[1])
op(me[2], rhs[2])
proc op(me: var TVec3, rhs: float) {.inline.} =
op(me[0], rhs)
op(me[1], rhs)
op(me[2], rhs)
#Those commented out are unused
proc dot(v1, v2: TVec3): float {.inline.} = v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2]
proc magnitude(v: TVec3) : float {.inline.} = sqrt(dot(v,v))
proc normalize(v: TVec3): TVec3 {.inline, noInit.} =
let m = v.magnitude()
return [v[0] / m, v[1] / m, v[2] / m]
proc newSphere(center: TVec3, radius: float, color: TVec3, reflection: float = 0.0, transparency: float = 0.0): ref TSphere =
new(result) = center
result.radius = radius
result.color = color
result.reflection = reflection
result.transparency = transparency
proc normalize(me: ref TSphere, v: TVec3): TVec3 {.inline, noInit.} = normalize(v -
template intersectImpl(me: ref TSphere, ray: expr) : expr {.immediate, dirty.} =
var vl = - ray.start
var a = dot(vl, ray.dir)
if (a < 0) : # opposite direction
return false
var b2 = dot(vl, vl) - a * a
var r2 = me.radius * me.radius
if (b2 > r2) : # perpendicular > r
return false
proc intersect(me: ref TSphere, ray: TRay) : bool {.inline.} =
intersectImpl(me, ray)
return true
proc intersect(me: ref TSphere, ray: TRay, distance: var float) : bool {.inline.} =
intersectImpl(me, ray)
var c = sqrt(r2 - b2)
var near = a - c
var far = a + c
distance = if (near < 0) : far else : near
return true
proc trace(ray: TRay, scene: TScene, depth: int): TVec3 =
var nearest = INF
var obj : ref TSphere
# // search the scene for nearest intersection
for o in scene.objects :
var distance = INF
if o.intersect(ray, distance) :
if distance < nearest :
nearest = distance
obj = o
if obj.isNil : return #newVec3(0)
var point_of_hit = ray.dir * nearest
point_of_hit += ray.start
var normal = obj.normalize(point_of_hit)
var inside = false
var dot_normal_ray = dot(normal, ray.dir)
if dot_normal_ray > 0 :
inside = true
normal = -normal
dot_normal_ray = -dot_normal_ray
#result = newVec3(0.0)
var reflection_ratio = obj.reflection
let normE5 = normal * 1.0e-5
for lgt in scene.lights :
let light_direction = normalize(lgt.position - point_of_hit)
let r = newRay(point_of_hit + normE5, light_direction)
# go through the scene check whether we're blocked from the lights
var blocked = false
for it in scene.objects:
blocked = it.intersect(r)
if blocked: break
if not blocked :
when true :
var temp = lgt.color
temp *= max(0.0, dot(normal, light_direction))
temp *= obj.color
temp *= (1.0 - reflection_ratio)
result += temp
else :
result += lgt.color *
max(0.0, dot(normal, light_direction)) *
obj.color * (1.0 - reflection_ratio)
var facing = max(0.0, - dot_normal_ray)
var fresneleffect = reflection_ratio + (1.0 - reflection_ratio) * pow((1.0 - facing), 5.0)
# compute reflection
if depth < max_depth and reflection_ratio > 0 :
var reflection_direction = ray.dir - normal * 2.0 * dot_normal_ray
var reflection = trace(newRay(point_of_hit + normE5, reflection_direction), scene, depth + 1)
result += reflection * fresneleffect
# compute refraction
if depth < max_depth and (obj.transparency > 0.0) :
var ior = 1.5
let CE = * -1.0
ior = if inside : 1.0 / ior else: ior
let eta = 1.0 / ior
let GF = (ray.dir + normal * CE) * eta
let sin_t1_2 = 1.0 - CE * CE
let sin_t2_2 = sin_t1_2 * (eta * eta)
if sin_t2_2 < 1.0 :
let GC = normal * sqrt(1 - sin_t2_2)
let refraction_direction = GF - GC
let refraction = trace(newRay(point_of_hit - normal * 1.0e-4, refraction_direction),
scene, depth + 1)
result += refraction * (1.0 - fresneleffect) * obj.transparency
proc render (scene: TScene, surface: SurfacePtr, renderer: RendererPtr) =
discard lockSurface(surface)
let eye = newVec3(0.0)
var h = tan(fov / 360.0 * 2.0 * PI / 2.0) * 2.0
w = h * width.float / height.float
ww = width.float
hh = height.float
for y in 0 .. < height :
let yy = y.float
var row: ptr int32 = cast[ptr int32](cast[ByteAddress](surface.pixels) + surface.pitch.int32 * y)
for x in 0 .. < width :
let xx = x.float
var dir = normalize([(xx - ww / 2.0) / ww * w,
(hh/2.0 - yy) / hh * h,
let pixel = trace(newRay(eye, dir), scene, 0)
#macFor x -> [0,1,2], col -> [r,g,b] :
let r = min(255, round(pixel[0] * 255.0)).byte
let g = min(255, round(pixel[1] * 255.0)).byte
let b = min(255, round(pixel[2] * 255.0)).byte
#auto rgb = map!("cast(ubyte)min(255, a*255+0.5)")(pixel[]);
row[] = (int32)sdl2.mapRGB(surface.format, r, g, b)
row = cast[ptr int32](cast[ByteAddress](row) + sizeof(int32))
#sdl2.setDrawColor(renderer, 25, 02 ,0, 255)
proc test() =
discard sdl2.init(INIT_EVERYTHING)
var screen = sdl2.createWindow("Raycast",
width, height,
var renderer = sdl2.createRenderer(screen, -1, 1)
var window = sdl2.getsurface(screen)
if screen.isNil:
var scene: TScene
scene.objects = @[newSphere([0.0, -10002.0, -20.0], 10000.0, [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]),
newSphere([0.0, 2.0, -20.0], 4.0, [0.8, 0.5, 0.5], 0.5),
newSphere([5.0, 0.0, -15.0], 2.0, [0.3, 0.8, 0.8], 0.2),
newSphere([-5.0, 0.0, -15.0], 2.0, [0.3, 0.5, 0.8], 0.2),
newSphere([-2.0, -1.0, -10.0], 1.0, [0.1, 0.1, 0.1], 0.1, 0.8)]
scene.lights = @[newLight([-10.0, 20.0, 30.0], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]) ]
render(scene, window, renderer)
var initTime = cpuTime()
var time = cpuTime() - initTime
echo("It took exactly ", time, " seconds to render.")
var quit: bool = false
var event = sdl2.defaultEvent
while quit == false:
while (pollEvent(event)):
if event.kind == QuitEvent:
quit = true
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