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Created April 14, 2012 14:18
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  • Save stoermerjp/2384698 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stoermerjp/2384698 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Amazon EC2 PHP Integration (start/stop/execute remote commands on instance)
* Quick EC2 Integration Script
* 2012-04-14
* This script works from the command line and allows you to spin up an AWS EC2
* instance that you have already created via the AWS console.
* You'll need to download the AWS PHP SDK and add your AWS credentials. API/KEY
* vim: set ts=4
if (empty($argv[1])) {
print (" EC2 Integration.\n\n");
print ("Usage: $argv[0] <arg1> <arg2> ...\n");
print ("./EC2 [start/stop] [arg2] [arg3] [arg4]\n");
print ("Example: ./EC2 start foo1 foo2 foo3\n");
print ("\n");
require_once 'sdk-1.5.3/sdk.class.php';
* Required to allow the instance to spin up before executing commands.
$sleeptime = '120';
* Change this to an instance you have already created and setup via AWS console or
* AWS command line tools.
$InstanceID = 'myinstance-id';
print "Instance: ".$InstanceID."\n";
print "Command: ".$argv[1]."\n";
* Example arguments from command line, used below for ssh/etc to new instance.
$myarg2 = $argv[2];
print "My ARG2: ".$myarg2."\n";
$myarg3 = $argv[3];
print "My ARG3: ".$myarg3."\n";
$myarg4 = $argv[4];
print "My ARG4: ".$myarg4."\n";
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
$ec2 = new AmazonEC2();
* If "start" is found on command line args, fire off the instance.
if($argv[1] == "start") {
$response = $ec2->start_instances($InstanceID);
if ($response->isOK()) {
$start_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
print "Start Time: ".$start_time."\n";
print ("Success: Starting EC2 Instance: ".$InstanceID."\n");
* Get $response, find new instance hostname.
$response = $ec2->describe_instances(array(
'Filter' => array(
array('Name' => 'instance-id', 'Value' => "$InstanceID"),
if (!($response->isOK())) {
print "Error: Getting ".$InstanceID." Hostname!";
$hostname = $response->body->reservationSet->item->instancesSet->item->dnsName;
print "EC2 Instance Hostname: ".$hostname."\n";
* Do stuff.
print "----------- Example Commands -------------\n";
shell_exec("/bin/mount -t nfs ".$hostname.":/mymount /mylocalmount");
$ssh_cmd = shell_exec("/usr/bin/ssh myuser@".$hostname." -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /myuser/myuser_key.pem '/usr/bin/php /myuser/myscript.php ".$myarg2." ".$myarg3." ".$myarg4."' ");
print $ssh_cmd2;
print "------------------------------------------\n";
$testfile = "/mylocalmount/OrthoN-DroneMapper_20.tif";
if(file_exists($testfile)) {
$response = $ec2->stop_instances($InstanceID);
$print ("Success: Local file ".$testfile." is here. Stopped Instance.\n");
} else {
$print ("Error: Local file ".$testfile." isn't here. Instance still running.\n");
} else {
print ("Error: Starting EC2 Instance: ".$InstanceID."\n");
* Process 'stop' from command line.
if($argv[1] == "stop") {
$response = $ec2->stop_instances($InstanceID);
if ($response->isOK()) {
print ("Success: Stopping EC2 Instance: ".$InstanceID."\n");
} else {
print ("Error: Stopping EC2 Instance: ".$InstanceID."\n");
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