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Last active February 16, 2025 18:30
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WebDAV with Lighttpd on Turris Omnia (TurrisOS/OpenWRT)


For a vanilla OpenWRT see WebDAV with Lighttpd on OpenWRT. Those instructions are slightly different.

What is this for?

You can turn your router into a small NAS and file server. Just connect an SSD into USB and install a WebDAV server which allows to get access to the disk. Then you need to connect to router via SSH which is a remote command line an execute the commands bellow.

Full instruction

Connect with SHH. See SSH access for newcomers.

Install dependencies:

opkg update
opkg install lighttpd-mod-auth lighttpd-mod-authn_file lighttpd-mod-webdav

Create a test folder to share with some file:

mkdir -p /srv/disk/dav/
echo "It works!" > /srv/disk/dav/README.txt

If you are going to share SSD or HDD connected to USB then you have to mount it first. See Using storage devices

In the /etc/lighttpd/modules.d/30-webdav.load is already configured some WebDAV folder at /dav/ path. But the config is not complete. Instead of changing the file we'll create a separate config that overrides it for the same /dav/ path. Thus, you can safely upgrade the Lighttpd package and your config won't be overwritten by a new version from repository.

Create /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/disk.conf:

# Override the /dav/ folder configured in 30-webdav.conf
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/dav($|/)" {
  # The root / is ovveriden by an alais in turris-root.conf so we must add another override
  alias.url = ( "/dav/" => "/srv/disk/dav/" )
  server.document-root := "/srv/disk/"
  auth.backend := "plain"
  auth.backend.plain.userfile := "/etc/lighttpd/webdav.shadow"
  auth.require := (""=>("method"=>"basic","realm"=>"webdav","require"=>"valid-user"))
  # (Optional) add a directory index to see files from a browser
  server.dir-listing := "enable"
  dir-listing.encoding := "utf-8"
  webdav.sqlite-db-name := "/etc/lighttpd/webdav_lock.db"
  • document-root := "/srv/disk/" is a parent folder where your website is stored but WebDAV will work only for dav/ folder inside. The := means overriding the value i.e. content root for your main site. So your files folder can be in another location than main website (if any).
  • auth.backend = "plain" means that we'll use a clear text passwords instead of crypt(3) encrypted.
  • userfile = "/etc/lighttpd/webdav.shadow" the place where the passwords will be stored.
  • dir-listing = "enable" enables a usual directory listing from browser. It's not needed for DAV so you can remove it.
  • webdav.sqlite-db-name := "/etc/lighttpd/webdav_lock.db" SQLite database for WebDAV properties and WebDAV locks

Now set a password:

echo "youruser:somesecret" > /etc/lighttpd/webdav.shadow

Note: your secret is not encoded and saved on router in clear text for a better performance. If a hacker get access to the file it can see your password. So don't put here a password that you are using anywhere else. Just generate a new one for example with the command:

< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo;

And finally restart Lighttpd:

/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart


In case of error on start run:

lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf -tt

This will load all configurations and validate them.

To check logs:

less /var/log/lighttpd/error.log

To see the whole generated config:

lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf -p

Test it

Open in a browser and you'll be prompted for credentials. After login you'll see a directory listing but this not yet a WebDAV, just an additional feature.

To connect to WebDAV see Accessing WebDAV Server.

To test WebDAV from command line use cadaver:

Authentication required for webdav on server `':
Username: youruser
dav:/dav/> ls
Listing collection `/dav/': succeeded.
dav:/dav/> cat README.txt 
Displaying `/dav/README.txt':
It works!
dav:/dav/> exit
Connection to `' closed.

If you don't want to install the cadaver you can test with a curl (replace the youruser):

curl -u youruser -X PROPFIND -H 'Depth: 1' ''

UI for the WebDAV share

To watch the share from a browser you can install the small and nice UI


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