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Self-hosting become easier 🤗

Sergey Ponomarev stokito

Self-hosting become easier 🤗
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stokito /
Created February 5, 2024 22:51 — forked from sandeeprenjith/
DNSSEC Keys and Signing Process Simplified


DNSSEC Keys and Signing Process Simplified

This article describes what happens when a zone is signed with DNSSEC. This document helps to understand the concept of zone signing and does not detail the actual steps for signing a zone.

stokito / generate-dropbear-key
Last active December 14, 2023 21:34 — forked from hongkongkiwi/generate-dropbear-key
Generate SSH Key in Dropbear with some options (by default it uses default id_dropbear as the name and ed25519 as the type)
#!/bin/sh +ux
# We set the sh +ux flags so that we error on undefined variables and error on bad commands
help() {
echo >&2 "$0 [-f] [-p] [-q] [<priv_key_file>] [<key_type>] [<key_comment>]"
echo >&2
echo >&2 "-q / --quiet to silent all output (except -p if passed)"
echo >&2 "-p / --pubkey to output public key after generation"
echo >&2 "-f / --force to force replacing existing key"
echo >&2
stokito /
Last active October 10, 2024 22:01 — forked from simonswine/
Install Java openjdk8 compiled for musl from Alpine onto OpenWRT (armv7). Tested on Turris Omnia (TurrisOS 6.4.1)
# aarch64, armhf, armv7, ppc64le, s390x, x86, x86_64
ARCH="armv7" # Turris Omnia
DESTDIR="" # empty for root, you can set to /opt
# Alpine v3.13 switched to musl v1.2.0 while TurrisOS 6.4.1 uses older musl v1.1.24
# Use ldd command to see a musl version.
# If it's newer then change the URL to
# You will also need to change the REVISION for the latest
stokito /
Last active October 9, 2024 08:55 — forked from jayluxferro/
How to run OpenWrt in VirtualBox

The official doc seems too complicated OpenWrt on VirtualBox HowTo

  1. Download and install VirtualBox. On Windows add to PATH envs C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox
  2. Get an OpenWrt image openwrt-x86-64-combined-ext4.img.gz from targets/x86/64/ folder. Direct snapshot download
  3. Uncompress the image: gunzip openwrt.img.gz
  4. Convert it to native VirtualBox format:
VBoxManage convertfromraw --format VDI openwrt.img openwrt.vdi
stokito / somehost.conf
Last active July 7, 2022 09:39 — forked from tomkersten/somehost.conf
Nginx config with CORS headers added and Basic Auth
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
root /var/www/html;
access_log off;
location / {
if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
stokito / onion-gen.js
Created June 28, 2022 17:21 — forked from ttaubert/onion-gen.js
Generating custom .onion names with the WebCrypto API
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
* thirty-two
stokito /
Last active April 22, 2024 07:26 — forked from mtigas/
experiments with using v3 onions with client auth (as of tor 0.3.5.X)
# needs openssl 1.1+
# needs base64 and base32 utilities.
# On OpenWrt you may install coreutils-base64 and coreutils-base32.
# BusyBox can be compiled with them.
# On other systems try basenc or basez
##### generate a key
stokito /
Last active June 12, 2024 14:49 — forked from KevCui/
A shell (ash, dash, Bash) script to decode JWT token. Version ported to OpenWrt here
# Decode a JWT from stdin and verify it's signature with the JWT issuer public key
# Only RS256 keys are supported for signature check
# Put OAuth server public key in PEM format to /var/cache/oauth/$
# You must create the folder first
# $ sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/oauth/
# To converted key from JWK to PEM use or
# NOTE: For Google you can get the keys in PEM format via
# Decode the keys with decodeURIComponent()
stokito / firewall.user
Last active January 7, 2024 22:06 — forked from Manouchehri/
OpenWrt: Allow only CloudFlare to access HTTP 80 and HTTPS 443 ports. Use if your uhttpd is hidden behind CF. Put this file to /etc/firewall.user. NOTE: It uses HTTP to get the list of IPs because to wget via https we need to install ca-certs. This makes you vulnerable to MiTM attacks but that's ok to be protected from internet's hackers
# replace the ips-v4 with ips-v6 if needed
for ip in `wget -qO-`; do
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443,8080,8443,2052,2053,2082,2083,2086,2087,2095,2096,8880 -s $ip -j ACCEPT