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recipe - My Recipes

Oatmeal Bread

(from Galilee Bible Camp)

I use the dough cycle on a bread machine and add the ingredients in the following order:

1.5 c water 3 T oil 1.5 T molasses 1.5 T sugar 2.25 t salt .5 c prepared oatmeal 4.5 c. flour 1.5 T yeast

When dough is complete, turn onto floured surface; divide into 2 and shape into loaves Let rise ~30 min in loaf pans until double in size. Bake at 350F for 20 min. Remove from pans onto cooling rack. Freezes well.

Notes: I like to make a large batch of oatmeal (4 cups oats to 8 cups water, boiled) and Scoop 1/2 cups into muffin tins, which I then freeze, pop out into a bag, and have ready to Use when needed.

I buy the large vacuum packed yeast from bulk barn. I find the cheaper the flour, the better The texture (I learned this from Monica, who made 2 loaves of bread a day for years). Eg. Robin Hood flour is “heavier" than noname.

If you measure out the oil first, the molasses will slide right off the spoon! That makes me happy :)


  • try 25F cooler for softer crust

Scootpan #3


  • very soft crust
  • herby, garlicly goodness
  • minimal dishes, speedrun "autopilot" recipes
  • 80/20 rule. What are the 20% things I need to get right for that 80% improvement in quality

1.5c hot water 0.25c butter (1/2 stick, 4T, roughly chop into pieces) 3.0T molasses (just under 1/4cup) 2 1 eggs Heathly sprinkes Rosemary + oregano 1 spoonful of minced garic 1.5 tsp salt

4.5c flour 1.5T yeast

  1. Mix everything but yeast&flour into mixing bowl. Let melt and gently stir to break eggs and incorporate
  2. Mix in yeast&flour, light stir
  3. Use stand mixer + dough hook for 10min
  4. Remove, form with hands, coat in oil, return and cover. Let rise for ~1hr
  5. Punch down dough, move to dutch oven, score, mist surface with water, and place by oven to warm up
  6. Heat oven to 350F
  7. Bake, using probe thermomter in center to 200F, Remove lid at 170F
  8. Remove, add a bit of water to dutch oven, and let rest covered for 20min


  • Mollasses instead of sugar? Provides a deeper richer sweetness
  • Hot water? If you use eggs + butter right from the fridge it will bring the temp down to the right level for the yeast
  • Mist the dough? To provide steam to soften the crust


  • add more garlic and spices
  • q

Breakfast Hash

  1. Start cooking 1/2 pack of bacon
  2. Roughly peel and chop 4-5 med-small potato in 1/2 inch cubes
  3. Parcook potatoes
    • put potatoes in dish, cover with water and add salt
    • Microwave for 10min
    • Check at 5min intervals that they are done
    • Should be able to pierce with knife withno effort
  4. Chop 1/2 onion and 1 red pepper
  5. Remove bacon
  6. Cook at med heat onions + peppers in bacon grease for 3ish minutes
  7. Drain potatoes and yeet into pan. Turn heat to high.
  8. Pat down, and let cook without disturbing for 2ish min to get that crisp
    • repeat 2-5 times for whatever level of crisp you want
  9. On last crisp add in crumbled bacon + sage/oregano
  10. Reduce heat to med, create 4 divets, and crack eggs into them. cover and let set for 4min

Garlic Chapati

2 cups Flour I used All purpose, for gluten free version try Bobs Red Mills Gluten Free Flour 1 cup Hot Water Place in the micorwave for 1:30 minutes 1/2 tsp Baking Powder 1 pinch Salt 3 tbsp Oil

For the Garlic Butter 1/2 cup Butter Melted 2 tbsp Garlic Paste 1/4 cup Chopped Cilantrroo You can substitute this for Scalliions, parsley, or rosemary. 1 tsp Italian Seasoning Optional

Sadiyah's Kitchen

in Bread, Recipes · May 10, 2021

Garlic Chapati

Garlic Chapati Recipe INGREDIENTS

For the Dough 2 cups Flour I used All purpose, for gluten free version try Bobs Red Mills Gluten Free Flour 1 cup Hot Water Place in the micorwave for 1:30 minutes 1/2 tsp Baking Powder 1 pinch Salt 3 tbsp Oil For the Garlic Butter 1/2 cup Butter Melted 2 tbsp Garlic Paste 1/4 cup Chopped Cilantrroo You can substitute this for Scalliions, parsley, or rosemary. 1 tsp Italian Seasoning Optional Other 1 Non stick pan 1/2 tbsp Oil to cook each chapati Rolling Pin INSTRUCTIONS

Mix flour, hot water, baking powder, and salt in a bowl and mix the dough until it starts to take shape and form a dough ball. Since this recipe is in cup measurements, depending on how you pack your cup, you may need to adjust with a few tablespoons of more flour or water to form a smooth dough. Once the dough has started to take shape, drizzle the oil on top and start kneading it. The oil will help things get less sticky and it'll keep the dough from sticking to your hands or to the stand mixer bowl. If you are kneading by hand, you will knead the dough for about 10 minutes. With the stand mixer, it'll take about 5 or 6 minutes. Once you form the dough, let it rest for 10 minutes. While the dough is resting, make your garlic butter mixture by combining the melted butter, garlic paste, cilantro, and the optional italian seasoning. Divide the dough into fist sized balls. This recipe should yield 4 balls. Let the balls rest for 5 minutes before rolling them out Roll each dough ball into a large thin rectangle. Try to roll to roll it out as thin as you can without tearing the dough. Brush the rolled out duogh evenly with the garlic butter mixture Roll each rectangle into a tight log similar to how you would roll a cinnamon roll. Stretch out each log an additional 3 to 5 inches before formiing it into a spiral. Tuck the end of the spiral underneath. Let the dough rest for another 5 minutes Roll each spiral out into a medium sized circle. About 6 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch or less in thickness. Brush some more garlic butter on each chapati Set your pan on a medium low heat. Once the pan heats up, add about a tablespoo or less of oil to the pan. Carefully lay your chapati on the pan and cook each side for about 2 or 3 minuuts or until they are a beautiful golden brown Don't let the pan get too hot or the chapati will burn befoorer it is fully cooked inside.

Cold Brew

Using the Asobu cold brew thing

  1. Measure out 2-3oz of ground coffee (20-30sec)
  2. Add 1oz and 1 cup of water to Thing, let settle through
  3. Repeat with the other 2oz.
  4. Store in fridge for 12-24hrs
  5. Drain into Carafe and add some ice!

Cripsy Tofu

Ingredients 1 (14 oz) container extra firm tofu, patted dry and pressed for at least 15 minutes 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil, or your favorite oil 1 teaspoon tamari, or soy sauce 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon pure maple syrup 1/4 teaspoon rice wine vinegar 2 teaspoons arrowroot powder, or corn starch

Instructions Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F. In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the sesame oil, tamari, garlic powder, maple syrup and vinegar. Cut the pressed tofu into bite sized pieces and place in the oil mixture. Use a spoon or spatula to stir the tofu and make sure it’s completely coated. Next, sprinkle over 1 teaspoon of the arrowroot powder and mix well until all the tofu is coated. Then, sprinkle on the remaining teaspoon of arrowroot powder and give a gentle mix just until you can’t see the dry white powder anymore. Line a large baking sheet with a non-stick mat or parchment paper. Pour the tofu and and arrange it so that none of the pieces are touching each other. Bake tofu for about 25-30 minutes, until golden and crispy, stirring 2-3 times during the baking. Let tofu sit for a few minutes to crisp up even more before enjoying.

1 block extra firm tofu Cut in half widthwise (so you have to squares that are thinner) Cut in half again (so now you have 4 rectangles) Beat 1 egg Coat each piece in egg Coat in panko breadcrumbs Heat cast iron pan to medium-high Put butter in pan Fry tofu 3 - 4 mins each side or until bro


  • Frozen Squash
  • Onion (frozen is fine)
  • Curry Paste & curry spice blend
  • Can of lentils
  • Can of crushed Tomatoes
  • Coconut cream
  1. Heat pan on med with oil. Add frozen squash to pan with salt+pep and get crispy. Then set aside.
  2. Roughly cut onion (~1/2 inch) Add to pan, cook until soft
  3. Add curry paste, Curry spice blend, and a spoon of minced garlic. Cook for 1min
  4. Add can of lentils, and 1/2 can of crushed tomatoes. Increase to High until boiling for 5min
  5. Stir in some coconut cream + the roasted squash
  6. Serve over rice and naan.

1 tsp cumin

  1. Fit a colander over a bowl and drain the lentils and beans, reserving the cooking liquid. Measure out the cooking liquid and add enough water to make 3 1/2 to 4 cups. Roughly mash the pulses with a potato masher, large wooden spoon, or fork.
  2. Med-high heat deep pan
  3. add smol oil and cinnamon stick, cloves, cardamom, cumin seeds, bay leaf. Toast until aromatic
  4. Add diced onion, until browned (5-7min)
  5. Add garlic, cook for 1min
  6. add coriander, nutmeg, Indian red chile powder), salt, pepper, and tomato paste. Cook ~2min
  7. Add diced tomatoes
  8. Pour in the bean liquid/water, mashed pulses, and bring the mixture to a boil.
  9. Once boiling, reduce to a gentle simmer and simmer for 70 to 90 minutes, stirring every 10ish minutes. If it starts to dry up, add freshly boiled water from a kettle.
  10. Once the dal is quite thick, add the 1/2 cup coconut milk or cashew cream. Simmer for another 10 minutes, stirring once or twice to prevent sticking.


If using canned kidney beans, a few changes: (1) when cooking the whole urad dal, you don’t need to boil it for 10 minutes, and the dal will get soft in a shorter period of time, about 40 to 60 minutes (instead of 80 to 90 minutes); (2) use about 3/4 to 1 cup of canned kidney beaans; (3) roughly mash the beans before adding them to the pot when you add the cooked urad dal and liquid.

Eggs Benny any% glitchless speedrun

  • butter
  • eggs
  • lemon juice
  • vinegar

Hollendaise Sauce

  1. Melt 2tblsp butter in microwave 50 sec in lightly covered container (less if not cold butter)
  2. Add an egg yolk, pinch of salt (and paprike/cayenne), and 1/2 tsp lemon juice to blender (small magic bullet)
  3. Mix in melted butter and run for 10sec
  • Use immersion blender
  • Cook final mixutre in 15sec interval, with whisking inbetween until the right consistency

Poached Egg

  1. Add enough water to submerge an egg and splash white vinegar into a jar (use same butter jar from sauce)
  2. Crack egg into jar
  3. Microwave for 70 seconds (will vary on microwave, plz test)
  4. Pour out over a slotted spoon to catch egg

Serve 2 p.eggs on toast with hollandiase and add a pinch of Paprika!


Fluffy Bread

1. Mix Sugar (1/3 cup), warm milk (1 cup), warm water (1 cup), and yeast (1.5 tblsp)

  1. 2 cups of warm water + 1 tblsp of yeast>>
  2. Sit for 20ish min until foamy
  3. Mix Salt (1.5 tsp), Oil (1/4 cup), Spices. Add flour (3.5 cups) and then keeping adding 1.5ish cups of flour (0.5 at a time) until a just not sticky dough forms.
  4. Knead and form into ball, coat bowl with oil, cover and rise (1-2 hours)
  5. Remove and punch down. Move to bread pan. Cover and proof for 30min. Heat oven to 350F
  6. Bake until internal temp is 190-200F


  1. Dissolve yeast in 1/2cup 40C water for 5min
  2. Add 2.5 cups of water , 6 cups of flour + 2tbl of salt + spices (oregano & rosemary) + yeast
  3. mix slow for 1min, 5min on med-high
  4. Cover and rest for 10min
  5. mix for 15min on med-high (should be elastic)
  6. Lift dough out, 1/4cup olive in bowl, add dough, and cover
  7. Let rise for 1.5hr
  8. fold dough. Lift and wiggle, rotate bowl 90deg, do several times
  9. Lightly oil and salt sheet, Spread out on sheet until it springs back
  10. Mix garlic and rosemary into oil (~1/3-1/2 cup) in a bowl
  11. Cover and rest until it reaches the top of the pan (~45min)
  12. Oven at 450F
  13. Dimple dough with fingers
  14. Drizzle oil + salt on top (should be mostly covered)
  15. Place on bottom rack of oven for 25min
  16. Move to top rack for 5min
  17. Let cool for 10min, cut into pieces with scissors

French Toast Bites

  • 2 Slices of Bread
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • cinnamon, vanilla, salt, butter
  1. Whisk 1 egg, 1/4 cup of milk, vanilla, pinch of salt, and cinnamon until smooth
  2. Cut 2 slices of bread into 16 pieces (32 pieces total).
  3. Dump bread into mixture and toss until coated evenly. Should use up nearly all of the mixture.
  4. Heat pan to med. Add butter.
  5. Fry bread pieces, wait until one side has crisped up before flipping. Toss occasionally until golden brown on each side

Golden Milk (haldi doodh)

  • 1 cup of milk (Coconut, if you can)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground turmeric,
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon,
  • 1/8 teaspoon of ground ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • pinch of black pepper (2 twists of grinder)
  • Optionally, add honey to taste (1 tsp)
  1. heat in smol pot on low-med heat for 5min (until ~70C)
  2. run through a tea strainer to remove the large grains (optional)
  3. Don't drink the last mouthful

4 tumeric : 2 cinnamon : 1 ginger : 1 cardamom

Korean Tacos

  1. 1 cup TVP + water + korean spice. Soak ~10min
  2. 1 cup of rice + 1.5 cups of water. Bring to boil, then simmer on low for 18min
  3. shred 2 carrots and thinly slice 1/3 cucumber into half moons
  4. Soak in white wine vinegar + tblsp of sugar + pinch of salt until coated
  5. Cook onions in pan + seasame oil + Korean spice + gochujang paste until soft
  6. Add tvp and brown
  7. Mix 1/2 cup of mayo + splash of water + spoonful of gochujang paste. Mix well, add paste until desired spiciness
  8. Drain carrots + cucumbers
  9. Serve!

Pull Apart Garlic Bread

INGREDIENTS DOUGH: 1 1/2 cups warm water 1 tablespoon instant yeast (see note for active dry yeast) 2 tablespoons sugar or honey 1 teaspoon salt 3 to 4 cups all-purpose or whole wheat flour, about 15-20 ounces (see note)

BUTTER MIXTURE: 1/2 cup (1 stick, 8 tablespoons) butter 1/2 teaspoon dried basil, lightly crushed between fingers 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, lightly crushed between fingers 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1 cup grated Parmesan (or Asiago) cheese


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Bake the bubble bread for 30-35 minutes until golden and baked through. (If your pan has a very dark nonstick coating, watch the time carefully so the bread doesn't burn.)

Pull Apart Garlic Bread

INGREDIENTS DOUGH: 1 1/2 cups warm water 1 tablespoon instant yeast (see note for active dry yeast) 2 tablespoons sugar or honey 1 teaspoon salt 3 to 4 cups all-purpose or whole wheat flour, about 15-20 ounces (see note)

BUTTER MIXTURE: 1/2 cup (1 stick, 8 tablespoons) butter 1/2 teaspoon dried basil, lightly crushed between fingers 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, lightly crushed between fingers 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1 cup grated Parmesan (or Asiago) cheese


  1. Heat 1cup of water to 40c, mix in yeast + 2tblsp of sugar

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Bake the bubble bread for 30-35 minutes until golden and baked through. (If your pan has a very dark nonstick coating, watch the time carefully so the bread doesn't burn.)



  • 2L of Whole milk (unpasturized/raw if possible)
  • 3/4 cup White vinegar
  1. Heat milk in dutch oven until 45C
  2. Mix in vinegar, and stir well
  3. Cover and let rest for 5min
  4. Scoop out curd with slotted spoon onto a cheesecloth
  5. Squeeze and drain as much whey as possible
  6. Heat cheese ball in icrowave for 30sec and then 20sec increments until 75C
  7. Knead cheese with spoon on surface, and stretch out until smooth
  8. Place in ice water batch for 10min
  9. Wrap!


  1. n + 1 eggs, where n is num of servings
  2. 1.8x grams of Flour, where x is eggs in grams
  3. Knead until dry and firm
  4. rest for 30min in plastic wrap
  5. dust with flour
  6. laminate 2-3 times to ensure consistent mositure. Should be dry and not cool when pressed, but still playdough consistency
  7. roll out and slice


serverings: 3

1.5 cups all-purpose flour 3.5 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon white sugar Cinnamon

1 ¼ cups milk 0.5 cup water 1.5 cups milk 1.25 cups milk 0.25 cup water Dash of vanilla 1 egg 3 tablespoons butter, melted (40sec microwave)

  • Mix dry, then mix wet

Skillet at 5, bahbee


Makes enough for 2 people

1.5 cups all-purpose flour 3.5 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon white sugar Cinnamon

1 ¼ cups milk 0.5 cup water 1.5 cups milk 1.25 cups milk 0.25 cup water Dash of vanilla 1 egg 3 tablespoons butter, melted (40sec microwave)

  • Mix dry, then mix wet

Skillet at 5, bahbee


  1. n + 1 eggs, where n is num of servings
  2. 1.4x grams of Flour, where x is eggs in grams
  3. Knead until dry and firm
  4. rest for 30min in plastic wrap
  5. Laminate dough 2-4 times


Called "the meal of Gods and Kings". It's a very luxurious Indian version of rice pudding. Serves 2.

  • 1/4 cup of small grain rice (sushi rice or batsami works well)
  • 250ml of Whole Milk (or coconut milk)
  • 1/4 cup of sugar (or Grated Jaggery for fancy)
  • 1/2 tsp of ground cardamom (or 5 freshly ground green Cardamom pods)
  • 12 saffron threads
  • optional shredded coconut or dried rose petals for topping
  1. Wash rice until clear, soak 30 minutes, then drain.
  2. Boil milk in saucepan on med-high heat (~6min). Reduce to med and add rice.
  3. Simmer for 15min stirring every couple minutes (so the rice doesn't burn)
  4. Add sugar, cardamom, and saffrom. Mix and simmer for 5min. It should be an oatmeal texture.
  5. Remove from heat, let cool in fridge.
  6. Top with coconut or rose petals and serve chilled.

Pizza Dough

  1. Dissolve yeast in 1/2cup 40C water for 5min
  2. In mixer: 4cups of flours, 1 tsp of salt, 1/3 cup of olive oil, yeast mixture, and 1 cup of warm water
  3. Mix for 5 min until elastic
  4. Coat dough in olive oil, cover and refridgate

X. Bake for 8-10 minutes

Pizza Dough

  1. Dissolve yeast in 1/2cup 40C water for 5min
  2. In mixer: 4cups of flours, 1 tsp of salt, 1/3 cup of olive oil, yeast mixture, and 1 cup of warm water
  3. Mix for 5 min until elastic
  4. Coat dough in olive oil, cover and refridgate

X. Bake for 8-10 minutes

Poolish, pre-fermneted dough

  • 300ml water
  • 5g yeast
  • 5g honey
  • 300g flour
  1. Mix and cover.
  2. 1hr at room temp
  3. 24hrs in fridge
  • 700ml water
  • 40g salt
  • 1250g flour
  • Poolish
  1. Mix poolish with water.

  2. Add flour and salt, mix.

  3. Pour out onto surface, and knead by hand until sticky and consistent.

  4. Cover for 15min (you can use the bowl)

  5. Oil your hands, and keep folding the bottom into itself. The top-middle sould stay where it is. Should be taught. Refer to video for technique (9min).

  6. Return to bowl, cover for 60min

  7. Put stone in oven. Set oven to max temperature

Quick Rosotto

  1. add meat to high-walled pan, high heat
  2. Once brown, add minced garlic and onions
  3. add 1 cup of Arborio rice, mix
  4. after a min, add 2 cups of (water + chicken stock)
  5. Bring to simmer and reduce heat, cook for 12min
  6. Mix in peas + other veg. Cook for 5 min
  7. Remove from heat. Mix in parm cheese + sour cream/cream cheese + 1tblsp butter
  8. Season with salt + pepper

Red Kibble

Kibble Ingredients (1 cup or 100g) Soya Chunks (3 tbsp) flour (1 tsp) curry powder (1 tsp) cumin powder

Red Sauce Ingredients (1) can crushed/diced tomato (1 tsp) garlic powder or 1 chopped clove (1 tsp) paprika (1/2 tsp) chili (1 tsp) salt

  1. Soak soy curl in chicken stock for 10min

  2. Press to remove as much water as possible

  3. Add to bowl and sprinkle on flour, curry, and cumin powder

  4. Heat pan to high heat with generous oil

  5. Add soy curls to fry, adding oil whenevr they look too dry

  6. Outside should get crispy

  7. Heat high-walled pan to high heat

  8. Drain Can of Tomatoes, and add to pot

  9. Add paprika, chili, garlic, and onion powder

  10. Cook at high heat for 20min to reduce to a paste

  11. Use a tablespoon of flour to thicken if needed


  1. Cut up onion
  2. Oil deep pan and heat med-high
  3. Add sausage/beef, and cook until pink
  4. Add onion + minced garlic, cook until soft
  5. Add rice 1 cups and 2 cups water + chicken broth/boubilon. Season with salt pepper
  6. Bring to simmer and reduce heat to med-low for 12min and stir
  7. Stir in peas, cream cheese, and roasted red peppers and cook for 4-6min
  8. Add Parm cheese and 1tbsp of butter, season.
  9. Serve

Winter Stew

  1. Chop your veggies into ~1/2 inch cubes
  • 1/2 Rutabega
  • 3 Carrots
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 yam
  • 3 beets
  1. Heat Dutch Oven and add 4 cloves of garlic, crushed (minced garlic also works) 2 tblsp butter 1 cups of onions 2 cups of stewing veggies (carrots + celery, precut frozen is good) Spices (Thyme, rosemary) Salt+pepper

  2. cook until soft

  3. Add potatoes, yam, beet, rutabega

  4. Add equal parts beef broth, water, red wine until covered + 4 bay leaves

  5. Heat until bubbling, then simmer for 1-2.5hrs, stirring every 10ish minutes

  6. Should reduce liquid until dummy thiccc

  7. Remove bay leaves and serve/store

Winter Stew

  1. Chop your veggies into ~1/2 inch cubes
  • 1/2 Rutabega
  • 3 Carrots
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 yam
  • 3 beets
  • Honestly, whatever else you got
  1. Heat pan and add 4 cloves of garlic, crushed (minced garlic also works) 2 tblsp butter 1 cups of onions 2 cups of stewing veggies (carrots + celery, precut frozen is good) Spices (Thyme, rosemary) Salt+pepper

  2. cook until soft

  3. Move to a large stewing pot. Then add potatoes, yam, beet, rutabega

  4. Add equal parts beef/veggie broth and water until covered ~1inch. Add 4 bay leaves

  5. Heat until bubbling, then simmer for at least 2hrs, and upto 8hr. Stirring every 30ish minutes

  6. Should reduce liquid, and the veggies break down until dummy thiccc

  7. Remove bay leaves and serve/store

Tofu Ribs

Freeze Tofu, then thaw completely (~5hr), press out as much liquid as possible. Cut into rib strips.

  1. Make beef broth with bouillon using 1/4 amount of water
  2. Mix BBQ sauce, broth, and a small amount of tomato paste until consistency of thin tomato soup
  3. Cover tofu pieces completely and sit for 5-10min
  4. Place pieces of baking sheet and cover with rest of marinade
  5. Bake @ 200F for 40min, flip at 20min
  6. Spray with oil Raise temp to 275F, bake until exterior is crispy (~30min)
  7. Coat with a small amount of BBQ and return to oven to produce a glaze (~??min)
  1. Shred 2 carrots and 1/4 of a cucumber
  2. add to bowl with tblspoon of sugar, couple pinches of salt, and enough white wine vinegar to cover
  3. let soak for at least 20min, then drain


  1. 1 cup of tvp
  2. Add msg, beef stock, liquid smoke, and enough water to barely cover
  3. mix and let soak for 20min


TVP Chili

1 cup texturized vegetable protein (TVP) 1 cup water 1 onion, chopped 6 cloves garlic, minced


2 teaspoons chili powder 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1/2 teaspoons ground cayenne pepper ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

2 (12 ounce) cans kidney beans with liquid 2 (12 ounce) cans diced tomatoes with juice 1 green bell pepper, chopped 2 carrots, finely chopped 1tbsp honey or maple syrup

  1. Soak TVP with liquid Smoke 20min
  2. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat, and saute TVP, onion, and garlic until onion is tender and TVP is evenly browned.
  3. Mix spices together in a small bowl
  4. Season with salt, pepper, and half the spice mix
  5. Mix in 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup, beans, tomatoes, green bell pepper, and carrots.
  6. Cook, stirring, occasionally, 45 minutes
  7. Season the chili with remaining spice mix and continue cooking 15 minutes.

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