#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# harvester automation |
export RED='\x1b[0;31m' |
export GREEN='\x1b[32m' |
export BLUE='\x1b[34m' |
export YELLOW='\x1b[33m' |
export NO_COLOR='\x1b[0m' |
# variables |
vip= |
longPassword=Pa22word1234# |
shortPassword=Pa22word |
# key pair |
keypair="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA26evmemRbhTtjV9szD9SwcFW9VOD38jDuJmyYYdqoqIltDkpUqDa/V1jxLSyrizhOHrlJtUOj790cxrvInaBNP7nHIO+GwC9VH8wFi4KG/TFj3K8SfNZ24QoUY12rLiHR6hRxcT4aUGnqFHGv2WTqsW2sxz03z+W1qeMqWYJOUfkqKKs2jiz42U+0Kp9BxsFBlai/WAXrQsYC8CcpQSRKdggOMQf04CqqhXzt5Q4Cmago+Fr7HcvEnPDAaNcVtfS5DYLERcX2OVgWT3RBWhDIjD8vYCMBBCy2QUrc4ZhKZfkF9aemjnKLfLcbdpMfb+r7NwJsVQSPKcjYAJOckE8RQ== [email protected]" |
# set functions for debugging/logging |
function info { echo -e "$GREEN[info]$NO_COLOR $1" ; } |
function warn { echo -e "$YELLOW[warn]$NO_COLOR $1" ; } |
function fatal { echo -e "$RED[error]$NO_COLOR $1" ; exit 1 ; } |
function info_ok { echo -e "$GREEN" "ok" "$NO_COLOR" ; } |
#better error checking |
command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { fatal "Curl was not found. Please install" ; } |
command -v jq >/dev/null 2>&1 || { fatal "Jq was not found. Please install" ; } |
command -v kubectl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { fatal "Kubectl was not found. Please install" ; } |
info " - waiting for harvester " |
until curl -skf -m 1 --output /dev/null https://$vip/v3-public ; do sleep 1; echo -n ".";done |
sleep 60 |
info_ok |
info " - setting long password" |
token=$(curl -sk -X POST https://$vip/v3-public/localProviders/local?action=login -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"username":"admin","password":"admin"}' | jq -r .token) |
curl -sk https://$vip/v3/users?action=changepassword -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -d '{"currentPassword":"admin","newPassword":"'$longPassword'"}' |
info_ok |
# reauthenticate |
api_token=$(curl -sk https://$vip/v3/token -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -d '{"type":"token","description":"automation"}' | jq -r .token) |
info " - getting kubeconfig" |
curl -sk https://$vip/v1/management.cattle.io.clusters/local?action=generateKubeconfig -H "Authorization: Bearer $api_token" -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' | jq -r .config > $vip.yaml |
export KUBECONFIG=$vip.yaml |
info_ok |
# load password length, image, network, keypair and template |
info " - configuring password length, images, network, and keypair" |
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - > /dev/null 2>&1 |
apiVersion: management.cattle.io/v3 |
kind: Setting |
metadata: |
name: password-min-length |
namespace: cattle-system |
value: "8" |
--- |
apiVersion: harvesterhci.io/v1beta1 |
kind: VirtualMachineImage |
metadata: |
name: rocky94 |
annotations: |
harvesterhci.io/storageClassName: harvester-longhorn |
labels: |
harvesterhci.io/image-type: raw_qcow2 |
harvesterhci.io/os-type: rocky |
namespace: default |
spec: |
displayName: rocky94 |
retry: 3 |
sourceType: download |
storageClassParameters: |
migratable: 'true' |
numberOfReplicas: '3' |
staleReplicaTimeout: '30' |
url: https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/9/images/x86_64/Rocky-9-GenericCloud.latest.x86_64.qcow2 |
--- |
apiVersion: harvesterhci.io/v1beta1 |
kind: VirtualMachineImage |
metadata: |
name: noble |
annotations: |
harvesterhci.io/storageClassName: harvester-longhorn |
labels: |
harvesterhci.io/image-type: raw_qcow2 |
harvesterhci.io/os-type: ubuntu |
namespace: default |
spec: |
displayName: noble |
retry: 3 |
sourceType: download |
storageClassParameters: |
migratable: 'true' |
numberOfReplicas: '3' |
staleReplicaTimeout: '30' |
url: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/releases/noble/release/ubuntu-24.04-minimal-cloudimg-amd64.img |
--- |
apiVersion: harvesterhci.io/v1beta1 |
kind: KeyPair |
metadata: |
name: keypair |
namespace: default |
spec: |
publicKey: $keypair |
--- |
apiVersion: k8s.cni.cncf.io/v1 |
kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition |
metadata: |
annotations: |
network.harvesterhci.io/route: '{"mode":"auto","serverIPAddr":"","cidr":"","gateway":""}' |
name: vlan1 |
namespace: default |
spec: |
config: '{"cniVersion":"0.3.1","name":"vlan1","type":"bridge","bridge":"mgmt-br","promiscMode":true,"ipam":{}}' |
# delete if you want the long password |
# password shortener - one last time |
token=$(curl -sk -X POST https://$vip/v3-public/localProviders/local?action=login -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"username":"admin","password":"'$longPassword'"}' | jq -r .token) |
api_token=$(curl -sk https://$vip/v3/token -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -d '{"type":"token","description":"automation"}' | jq -r .token) |
curl -sk https://$vip/v3/users?action=changepassword -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -d '{"currentPassword":"'$longPassword'","newPassword":"'$shortPassword'"}' |