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Last active December 25, 2019 01:35
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Convolution Layer from
class AttentiveConv(Layer):
def __init__(self, kernel_activation='tanh', filters=3, **kwargs):
super(AttentiveConv, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.kernel_activation = activations.get(kernel_activation)
if filters%2 == 0:
self.filters = filters - 1
self.filters = filters
self.filters = filters
def build(self, input_shape):
self.num_words = input_shape[0][1]
self.em_dim = input_shape[0][2]
self.W2 = self.add_weight(shape=(self.em_dim, self.filters*self.em_dim), dtype=K.floatx(), name='att_cont_weight', trainable=True, initializer='glorot_normal')
self.We = self.add_weight(shape=(self.em_dim, self.em_dim), dtype=K.floatx(), name='window_weight', trainable=True, initializer='glorot_normal')
super(AttentiveConv, self).build(input_shape)
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
#the input is a list of two tensors. As this layers computes a score for every element of the first input I just
#return the shape of this tensor.
return input_shape[0]
def get_config(self):
config = {'kernel_activation': activations.serialize(self.kernel_activation),
'filters': self.filters}
base_config = super(AttentiveConv, self).get_config()
return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))
def call(self, x, mask=None):
#x is a list of two tensors
#casting makes no sense so I deleted it
text = x[0]
context = x[1]
#applies bilinear energy funtion (text * We * context)
#and weights the computed feature map like in equation 6 (W2 * ci)
#shape of text/context is (batch_size, num_words, em_dim), num_words for text is 200 and em_dim is also 200.
#I want to do the computation for every sample of the batch. I found batch_matmul but thats not available in
#tensorflow 1.5
#shape of weighted_attentive_context should be the same shape as text.
weighted_attentive_context = self._compute_attentive_context(text, context)
return weighted_attentive_context
def _compute_attentive_context(self, text, context):
#computes the context-score for every vector like equation 2
temp =, self.We)
scores = K.batch_dot(temp, K.permute_dimensions(context, (0,2,1)))
#softmax along every vector-element
#scores = text
scores_softmax = activations.softmax(scores, axis=1)
#computes the context featur_map like equation 4
res = tf.matmul(scores_softmax, context)
#weights the output like equation 6
res = K.permute_dimensions(,K.permute_dimensions(res, (0,2,1))),(1,2,0))
#res = scores
return res
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